Sunday, May 24, 2015

Forecast-Meditation for Monday 25 May 2015

Monday 25 May 2015

\Comfort From Reduced Expectations/

Moon in Leo-->Virgo
/void-of-course   * / |
until it enters Virgo at 1:53a PT | 4:53a ET | 8:53a UT   * |

Things look rather dismal. There is a slew of difficult aspects and not many smooth ones to balance them. 

As for Memorial Day, yes, it is a mournful day so if one remembers those who have passed away, whether in war or not, that could be a very good use of the time, if it makes us deeper souls. 

It is good to be careful and gentle with oneself and one's body, obeying all the rules of health one has seen to be essential for oneself, avoiding unhealthy eating, drinking, and activity. Exercise of course is good if not extreme and in a protected environment. 

The oppositions of Mars, Mercury and the sun with Saturn during May have not been easy. For example, Ramadi fell to the ISIS terrorist warriors on May 17 when Mars was two degrees from the exact opposition with Saturn (regarded as one of the worst aspects, between the two malefics as the ancients called them) and while Mercury was motionless before turning retrograde the next day. As for this "holiday weekend" it came at a bad time. The destructive weather in part of the U. S. is an example. I expect June to be a happier month, even before Mercury turns direct on the 11th.  

So if you are feeling down, and not optimistic, and worried, you are not alone. We'll get through this but today is one of the hardest days of it, I believe, for many. Travel could be confused or upsetting. However, it is a good time for deeper thought and spiritual aspiration. It could be good for whatever work you feel you need to do in your personal scheme of things, at home if you're there during the holiday. Reducing expectations at such a time is a key to contentment. Looks like a good stay-at-home-and-read day. Or, if more adventurous, take it easy and maintain a beneficent spiritual consciousness through all eventualities.

So neat and clean, fine dark eyes and sharply defined
Eyebrows. She is efficient in all she does, with a bent for the
Mechanical. On weekends she retreats to her tower on a woodland
Hill, efficiently developing well-reasoned-out inventions. 

The groom riding a spirited horse has a mission: to teach,
Guide, direct. But he stops at a hall where there's dancing
And flirts with the belles of the ball. His life needs some color
Before he can carry out tasks. Is this silly? Some laugh.

The pilot maneuvers frantically while the airplane falls.
A passenger gazes into her crystal to discern what is
Going to happen. She is impelled to announce to the
Other passengers that all will be well. So it is.
{Monday} /Comfort From Reduced Expectations\

Cosmic Piper

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