Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Forecast-Meditation for Wednesday 20 May 2015

Wednesday 20 May 2015

~Choosing the Reliable~

Moon in Gemini-->Cancer
/moon void-of-course   ** /
until it enters Cancer at 6:57a PT | 9:57a ET | 1:57p UT   ***

I feel it is possible to work with the current situation quite effectively and happily, despite the Mercury Retrograde period in which we are enmeshed. However, I noted the following on Tuesday: Noise in my apartment in the early morning, from workers outside, very unusual and disturbing. Then, for the first time since it was installed two months ago, the fire alarm system went off--erroneously, because of paint fumes. This was a sharp illustration of a typical Mercury Retrograde situation. The firemen had to come out, and the residents had to go downstairs out into the cool weather, waiting for the alarm to be turned off. All for nothing. Then, more conversations and connections with people on the Internet than usual. I think you will see that in your own life. M-R tends to get us chatting and talking and connecting more than usual, whether directly or through so-called social media. Also, I was interrupted by a seemingly pointless download by a determined application which I rarely use, which delayed my real work. And then a phone call from a fraudster. I ended it promptly but it was disturbing. 

In the evening, a group of people were pleasant and we enjoyed chatting. I noted that people were talking a lot about things they had done and TV shows and songs they had enjoyed quite a few years ago. That is M-R, interest in the past. But it was a friendly group. This sort of pleasant chatting is a good feature of M-R.

Wednesday looks better than Tuesday because the moon will no longer be void-of-course. Luna's trine with Neptune should give a background of calm and peace, no matter how much peculiarity or delay there may be from Mercury's backward trend. 

The well of water provides for the community's needs, recompensing
All who want to rely on something stable while homesteading or 
Adventuring. The land is mapped and partially enclosed for future
Homes. A man passing by says "Beware of the tectonic plates."

The dog lies asleep on the cushion on the throne. 
Game birds feather their nests. A ram who eats little paws
The ground. His impulses and the birds lead him to oust
The pretentious dog from the throne. It could be destiny.

A dark-haired man reclines on a couch, waited on by smiling and
Bowing courtiers. He plays with jewels and offers a few to
Favorites. When he tires of this he studies a rectangle
With triangles atop, pondering Hegel's phenomenology. 

{Wednesday} ~Choosing the Reliable~

Cosmic Piper

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