Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Message for Thursday 1 August 2024 ~Prepared for Discreet Enjoyment~

Message for Thursday 1 August 2024

~Prepared for Discreet Enjoyment~

"A quiver filled with arrows" is extreme alertness to "the needs of selfhood," "bringing to one's service whatever may help him hold his place in the scheme of things." The keyword is Preparation.

If this goes awry it becomes "a dagger," an ominous sign of danger to oneself or others. This is quarrelsomeness, argumentativeness and impulsiveness. "Very executive, but by no means constructive in disposition, and hence liable to go through life like a tornado, remarked but not esteemed."

"A square patch of ground, maybe for lawn tennis, covered with red cloth." Lounging around and watching the Olympics? "Born for enjoyment of the luxuries of life; plenty follows him; but also willful waste and useless expenditures on the superficial and artificial."

"A man and woman are seated at a table whereon viands and wine are lavishly abundant." One might be "addicted to extravagant habits, and easily led into dissolute ways by ill-chosen companions." However, "The disposition is genial, kind and sociable." Can a little self-indulgence really hurt that much on a nice summer day?

{Thursday} ~Prepared for Discreet Enjoyment~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Cancer

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 2:52a PT | 5:52a ET


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Message for Wednesday 31 July 2024 }Moderation{

Message for Wednesday 31 July 2024


There are uncertainties galore. Although Mercury does not technically turn retrograde until late on August 4 or early on the 5th, we are feeling the Dark (Slow) Hermetic Epoch since July 17 (and even before that if we include the assassination attempt of the 13th). There has been no resolution of the contested Venezuela election. Kamala Harris has not announced her VP choice. Hezbollah attacks summon Israeli attacks. The presidential campaigns seem lost in insults thrown at each other (Vance is "weird," Kamala "cackles") and the polls waver inconsistently. 

In your own life, it is wise to take things easy, keeping up with essentials but allowing yourself needed breaks. Mercury will not turn direct until August 28, while the Dark Epoch lasts until September 12. Not everyone is crazy, but it may seem so at times.

We have a peculiar set of symbols for Wednesday:

"A shovel suspended in mid-air" suggests "devoting time and energy to what is impracticable and pointless, as if digging in the air and sowing to the wind."

Or there could be intentional protest against exploitation, as "An industrial strike." One could assert "a refusal to accept any lesser in lieu of a greater." 

"A reversed triangle on a red ground" suggests passion or emotion that is excessive; suffering through "sexual allurements" even to the point of danger in the water. Olympic swimmers, beware. More generally we are warned against being "as soft and unstable as water." 

"A square patch of ground, maybe set aside for lawn tennis, covered with a red cloth" suggests "plenty and the enjoyment of luxuries" but "wilful waste, expenditure on the superficial and artificial." The Olympics? 

We might do well to enjoy ourselves only in moderation.

{Wednesday} {Moderation}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Gemini-->Cancer

/moon goes void-of-course at 7:48p PT | 10:48p ET

until it enters Cancer at 8:20p PT | 11:20p ET

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until Thursday at 2:52a PT | 5:52a ET

Monday, July 29, 2024

Message for Tuesday 30 July 2024 }Assimilating Other-Reality{

Message for Tuesday 30 July 2024

}Assimilating Other-Reality{

Everyone seems to agree that the election in Venezuela was fixed (Madura vs. Gonzalez), voters are very angry and the OAS may take action to amend things. Fires in California are devastating. In Ukraine, losses are enormous and negotiations are desperately needed while our President seems incapacitated and locked into the delusion that he can defeat Putin without precipitating nuclear war, while also using the last months of his term in office to attack the Supreme Court like a Don Quixote. We are in the Dark Hermetic Epoch of July 17-Septmber 11. Your personal life does not have to be utterly chaotic if you take time to meet reversals and delays with equanimity while maintaining prayerful equipoise. 

Symbols for Tuesday:

"A bomb exploding in mid-air" denotes something pernicious, a pest or something pestilent. Charubel says it "resembles a bad mix of Saturn and Mars," the two malefic (or difficult) planets. This is reflected in the square today of the moon with Saturn plus the square between Mercury and Mars from July 22 through 30 (today). Annoyances need to be worked out without explosive anger. 

"A man felling a tree" does not dislike the tree but is using it to provide current necessaries. This rustic worker appreciates the wild habits of the woodland life and is unambitious, of large sympathies and warm feelings. His manners are harsh but his heart soft.

We met the "elephant with his castle on his back" yesterday. He has cool courage while defending the weak, and is endowed with sagacity. (Each of the politicians wants you to believe that he or she is that "elephant." Who is it really?)

"An old-fashioned well" is where all meet to share community life, get necessities, and be themselves while entering into relationship with others,  assimilating other-reality into their own. All expend themselves in the process of continuing to be. The keyword is Recompense.

{Tuesday} {Assimilating Other-Reality}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Gemini

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week continues, at its peak tonight, ending early Thursday

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Message for Monday 29 July 2024 }Followers{

Message for Monday 29 July 2024


"A hedgehog" is harmless, knowing how to defend himself, always on the defensive, secretive, shunning the public gaze. This is one phase of yourself and of those around you.

More actively, you and they have "a quiver filled with arrows," alert to interests and needs, trained in skills, competent. The keyword for this is Preparation. One rises to the issue of the moment. 

"An elephant with his castle on his back" has strength and cool courage. He is a defender and helper of the weak, endowed with great sagacity.

"A bright, pale blue star shining over a clear lake" is a favorable omen. There is refined and trained intelligence plus peace, harmony and beneficence. An intuitive mind can fly loftily.  There is knowledge of character and accompanying diplomatic skill. One may "shine like a star in one's sphere of life, and have many followers."

{Monday} {Followers}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Taurus-->Gemini

/moon is void-of-course for 28 minutes before it enters Gemini at 2:29p PT | 5:29p ET | 

|Karmic sobering, challenging third of this week begins at 8:58p PT | 11:58p ET (until early Thursday morning)

Friday, July 26, 2024

Message for Week of July 27-August 3, 2024 ^Transitions^

Message for Week of July 27-August 3, 2024


The current Dark Hermetic Epoch began July 17 and ends September 12. The attempted assassination of July 13 ushered it in, followed by the uncertainty about Biden's status and the quick semi-extraordinary rise to power and popularity of Kamala Harris. Uncertainty and chaos are the earmarks of this period. You must be noting that in your personal life. 

Looking at major aspects of Venus we find that June 22 through July 26 was a period of love or friendship in a big way. This week that changes, with Venus's square to Uranus, bringing about discord in relationships because human differences which before were easily tolerated now seem annoying or painful. My advice: Take the long view. You have had good times with this person or these persons before, and that is likely to return. If you need a vacation from one another, that is temporary. It could be even harder August 17-31 when Venus and Mars are in a square. 

As foregular progress with career and personal projects, September 12 through November 6 will be a positive and hopeful period. That includes the election on November 5. I make no prediction about that but it seems likely that it will be contested in many places.

The coming week displays the strong and helpful sextile between Mars and the sun. This is an "I can do it" aspect. Communication plus competence make you feel you are on top of things even when there are delays opersonal pleasures are less than thrilling. 

Mercury is slowing down, turning retrograde late Sunday August 4. It is in Virgo the sign of its exaltation and so this doubles down on competence. All the /re/words are accented, such as reviewing and reorganizing. One wants to fix one's ordinary procedures to make them more effective, and in the process there is trial and error. This does not have to be depressing. "Unclutch and let go" is good advice when things seem unmanageably complicated. Utterly new projects may be premature, so it is wise to complete old ones first. For centuries astrologers have noted that the slow or backward Mercury periods often require us to take care of "old business."

A sublimated side of Venus squaring Uranus is appreciating the uniqueness of oneself and others rather than fretting over it. 

{Week of July 27-August 3} ^Transitions^

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 27: Moon in Aries-->Taurus

/moon is void-of-course

until it enters Taurus at 10:24a PT | 1:24p ET

Sunday 28: Moon in Taurus

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Message for Friday 26 July 2024 ^Tangency^

Message for Friday 26 July 2024


Luna trine Venus all day is nice for a Friday, Venus's day. From Aries to Leo, it makes personality alive and flourishing. 

The symbols are not so sweet. "A wolf carrying away a lamb" is self-explanatory. There could be cunning, deception and cruelty.

"A man running in the face of a strong wind, making little headway. His garments fly in tatters behind him." Is that Donald running against wind from Kamala, an air sign (Libra)? Or vice versa, since D has Jupiter in Libra? Or poor Bobby Kennedy, the obviously best candidate, being canceled by the media, who refuse even to mention him?

You or someone you know may be self-afflicted by pride or obstinacy amounting almost to foolishness.

Is "a radical magazine" rightist, leftist, or neither? Something stirs deeply within ourselves, coming out with dramatic force, albeit at a tangent.

"A snake is coiled around a tree, its head raised ready to strike." Some are capable of elaborate researches, with patience and high intelligence. There could be jealousy, envy, or subtlety, yet moderate success.

The Venus aspect of the first paragraph should make everything better.

{Friday} ^Tangency^

Moon in Aries

/moon goes void-of-course at 3:16p PT | 6:16p ET | 10:16p UT (that is the exact moon trine Venus aspect, which should keep up its shower of sweetness through the evening, perhaps in unplanned ways) (v-of-c continues till Saturday at 10:24a PT | 1:24p ET when Luna enters Taurus)

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Message for Thursday 25 July 2024 ^Somewhat Smoother^

Message for Thursday 25 July 2024

^Somewhat Smoother^

In accord with the weekly moon-Saturn hard aspect, Wednesday has been very hard for me.

The |karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week ends Thursday at 5:38p PT | 8:38p ET | 12:38a(F) UT. Earlier hours of the day may at least be easier to navigate than Wednesday.

Let us be calm and pray for guidance for ourselves, friends and family, and world leaders.

{Thursday} ^Somewhat Smoother^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Pisces-->Aries

/moon goes void-of-course at 7:33a PT | 10:33a ET, and enters Aries 20 minutes later at 7:53a PT | 10:53a ET

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Message for Wednesday 24 July 2024 ~Midnight Study Opening the Sublime~

Message for Wednesday 24 July 2024

~Midnight Study Opening the Sublime~

It is tempting to try to predict things, if one is an astrologer, but as I've often pointed out it seems to be a mistake to predict elections. Still there is the temptation. Using only the sun-signs of the two contenders, I have developed a system which would have predicted the winners in 2016, 2020, 2008, and 1948; but in 1960 and 2000, it refused to give a clear answer. Then I looked at Mercury's status during those two elections, and it was retrograde on both occasions. Some say that the 1960 election was "fixed" by the mayor of Chicago; and the 2000 winner was actually chosen by the Supreme Court rather than the voters. Fortunately, this year we will not have that particular Mercury problem; still, all bets are off. I gave my preliminary estimate of the winner in yesterday's report. (Available from the Highlights on my X page.) Study continues.

Wednesday: Today is technically the hardest day of the week, with the moon close to Saturn especially in the afternoon, yet the zodiacal symbols are good ones, reflecting perhaps the continuing pleasant aspect between Venus and Jupiter.

"An old sage sitting with his midnight lamp" is a true magician. He is "studying some grand problem." 

"A man riding on a camel, with attendants" does much journeying and has a strong temper, though fair to everyone. There is success in, or connected with, foreign nations. (I think Trump is scheduled to meet with Netanyahu at Mar-a-Lago.)

"The garden of the Tuileries" is any luxurious retreat.

"A veiled statue" "denotes the gradual unfoldment of the sublime and the glorious."

{Wednesday} ~Midnight Study Opening the Sublime~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Pisces

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is at its peak, ending Thursday afternoon

Monday, July 22, 2024

Message for Tuesday 23 July 2024 ~Good Impulses Lead to Luxury~

Message for Tuesday 23 July 2024

~Good Impulses Lead to Luxury~

Monday seems to have been Kamala Harris's day. A whirlwind of approval within her party felt like a coronation. She is sun-sign Libra, and from my decades of studying and researching sun-sign predictions, I see that Monday, and Tuesday to a lesser extent, were excellent "career" days for her (Libra)

I have also studied her birth-chart. It has a lot of charming features but also some forbidding ones. More about that later when there is time. 

But the daily chart for 11/5/24 is not as favorable for her. I do not predict election results, but it seems to me that Trump (Gemini) could be first in favorability that day, Kennedy (Capricorn) second, and Harris (Libra) third. 

I intend to vote for Kennedy, according to my conscience rather than any astrological factors.

Tuesday: We may not be using our abilities to the full. Mathematical instruments next to a blank paper suggest that someone is not using his mathematical talent as he could. Likewise, an empty rostrum shows that someone could be taking an active role in politics, religion or public affairs, but declines to "take the heat" or put forth effort, that is, to take a stand.

Yet "a ram standing on a barren rock, pawing the ground" is "a formidable opponent and a warm-hearted, generous friend." Following good impulses, one could be effusive, enthusiastic and even eminent.

At an opportune time one could visit "the garden of the Tuileries" as a reward for social position and wealth. There can be graceful, exquisite self-expression among multiple luxuries.

{Tuesday} ~Good Impulses Lead to Luxury~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces

/moon goes void-of-course at 2:59a PT | 5:59a ET

until it enters Pisces at 6:24a PT | 9:24a ET

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week begins at 12:52p PT | 3:52p ET (until Thursday evening)

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Message for Monday 22 July 2024 }Prodigality{

Message for Monday 22 July 2024


Keep on high ground, the young man was told,

But he worked in a cellar and a falling stone

Narrowly missed his head. Then the fortune-

Teller said he should move south. There he


Works on a farm. A horse grazes near a broken

Wheel lying on the ground. There is laissez-faire

Drift, want of direction, aimlessness; yet sufficient 

Wealth. Eventually his desires mobilize him to 


Risk his own existence rather than thwart his

Passions. He develops apoplexy, which makes his

Creativity irresistible. And now he has all he needs,

So he shares his joy in worldly goods by becoming


A Santa Claus, furtively filling stockings of girls and

Boys, maintaining prodigal values in human hearts.


{Monday} {Prodigality}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Aquarius

(The forecast for Friday-Sunday continues to be relevant for long-terms trends)

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Message for Friday through Sunday, July 19-21, 2024 \Hiatus, Again/

Message for Friday through Sunday, July 19-21, 2024

\Hiatus, Again/

I believe I am not the only one who feels depressed and "at a loss." 

As reported earlier, the favorable Venus sextile Mars aspect ended on July 17, Wednesday, and as I write on Thursday I feel its absence. It lasted June 9 through July 17 and gave us a sense of security in friendships and relationships.

August 5 through September 7, those same two planets will be in a square. A dogfight, or domestic squabbling, or all "the issues" in friendships and relationships being brought to light. This includes, of course, the Democratic National Convention of August 19-23.

Another peculiarity is the Dark Hermetic Epoch of July 17 through September 11. We have discussed it. Many things are "put on hold" or else are "out of pattern." 

Another issue is the square between Jupiter and Saturn, which is karmic or dharmic. What is it my duty to do? How do I live up to my soul's standards? This goes on until August 2025. A year of reckoning with G*d and conscience.

To make things easier, we have the sweet sextile between Venus and Jupiter, July 12 through 30. This could be summer-vacation luxuries or escapes into varied pleasures, in and around the more serious matters just outlined.

Here are the lunar data for Friday-Sunday:

Friday 19: Moon in Capricorn

Saturday 20: Moon in Capricorn

Sunday 21: Moon in Capricorn-Aquarius

Full Moon of Cancer-Capricorn is exact at 3:18a PT | 6:18a ET | 10:18a UT

Moon enters Aquarius at 4:44a PT | 7:44a ET | 11:44a UT, and is /void-of-course for just 16 minutes before that

I feel I need this mini-vacation, as does apparently Joe Biden. The Dark Hermetic Epochs are often the times when people "throw in the towel,' perhaps resigning, or quitting a job, or deciding on a divorce. Whether that is good or not depends on the individual case. Often a temporary hiatus or vacation is enough to facilitate a regrasp of the situation. 

One might ask oneself "How could I do this better or with less stress?" 

I hope to be back with a report for Monday, posted Sunday.

/Hiatus, Again\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Message for Thursday 18 July 2024 ^Co-operative Wisdom^

Message for Thursday 18 July 2024

^Co-operative Wisdom^

Wednesday (as I write) is the first full day of a Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch, as already discussed. It's okay, but I forgot to do one important thing I always do on Tuesdays, and then forgot to turn on my WiFi in the morning. "Out of pattern" things like that will be happening in your life.

On Wednesday J D Vance will give his speech at the Republican convention. He's Leo, with moon in Libra, a personable combination. Let's hope he is a peacemaker, as is hinted in his correct perception that the Ukraine war is a very bad and suicidal drain on America's resources. But he has Mars in Scorpio square to Venus which shows he can be very assertive when need be. (A nuclear war or any approach to it is not assertive but suicidal.) Sun in Leo, Mercury in Virgo and Mars in Scorpio are three planets enthroned in their own signs, giving him basic competence. Nobody fools him.

Symbols for Thursday, the day of Trump's acceptance speech:

As the opposite, or complement, of Trump's Tower we have "a farmhouse between high mountains, with a yard entered by a white gate." Trump has many rural supporters hanging on his every word.

"Two cobblers working at a table," if Vance and Trump, suggest that they might solve down-to-earth problems, like the cobblers. Co-operative wisdom is enhanced capability. Who co-operates with you that way in your life?

"A very lofty pine tree" "denotes a noble person whose mind is swayed by grand aspirations and whose good influence will be felt beyond the limits of his neighborhood. His deeds speak louder than words." We all may emulate such a "tree" in our better moments.

If it's not the Republican Convention in Milwaukee it could be where you spend some time: "A fine chateau, with gardens and terraces. In the foreground a peacock in full feather struts leisurely." Perchance a major color of the peacock is orange? "One who will spend much upon mere show, and depend much upon appearances. There is pride, ostentation and snobbishness, yet good fortune in any sphere of life." 

{Thursday} ^Co-operative Wisdom^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Sagittarius (where it was in DJT's birth-chart)

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Message for Wednesday 17 July 2024 ^Hiatus^

Message for Wednesday 17 July 2024


The new Dark (Slow) Hermetic Epoch of two months (until September 12) begins Tuesday July 16 at about 8:55p PT | 11:55p ET | 3:55a(W) UT. I am feeling it already a few hours before it begins. There are conspiracy hypotheses galore about what really happened on 7/13 with the attempted assassination and the peculiar failure of the SS and the local police to do something to prevent what many spectators saw unfolding for several minutes. "There's a man with a gun over there." "Okay, we'll do nothing." And so on. 

JD Vance, the VP pick Trump announced Monday, seems to have more good than bad qualities, at first glance. In the birthday-playing card system many use (I find it remarkably suggestive) Vance's birthday, August 2, is the Jack of Diamonds. JD, get it? Remarkable, unless JD's parents knew this system and named him in accord with it. There are only 8 Jack of Diamond days in the year; another is July 4, so that the U. S. is a Jack of Diamonds nation. Well, our dollar is the favored international currency. Trump is a 3 of Diamonds. The authors of books about the system say that one with a small-card birthday has the option, by aspiration and effort, to rise to the level of the Jack, Queen or King of the same suit. It's obvious that Trump has been working on becoming the King of Diamonds his whole life. Now he is installing a Jack of Diamonds named JD to be his successor. Is this not surreal? Are we in a playing-card matrix or simulation? 

Barack Obama is a 9 of Diamonds; Bobby Kennedy a 10 of that suit. This week, Vance will give his vice-presidential candidate speech on Wednesday July 17, a Jack of Clubs day. 

Strange things seem to be happening, and NO ONE I know of is claiming credibly to know where we shall be by November or January after this incredibly complex election campaign. My advice to myself and to you is, go easy with new or unexpected projects or adventures between now and September 13. Not only yourself but all involved in your activities or deliberations are likely to be uncertain or confused at some level. 

Further, as I have pointed out twice so far, the square of Jupiter with Saturn over the next year is testing our ethics, perhaps our very souls. We need to "square" ourselves with G*d. Many are feeling this regardless of theireligious or spiritual orientation or absence thereof.

And so for the next 8 weeks it is not entirely an "escape" to spend extra time resting or doing spiritual study plus prayer. It could be very healthy indeed. 

{Wednesday} ^Hiatus^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Sagittarius

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us until Friday morning (Not everything is as bad as it seems, and facing it honestly makes it better.)

Monday, July 15, 2024

Message for Tuesday 16 July 2024 ~Magnificence~

Message for Tuesday 16 July 2024


He has a long wand with a glass globe at the top.

Charged with aromatics, it fills the air with sweet

Odors wherever he goes. He feels honored when

Serving. He does not have to bother persuading


A woman drawn to him, for mature romance pursues

Her on its own. The fullness of life is ageless.

A dark shadow is thrown over heright shoulder,

A dark mantle over his. Individual gratification


Unites with expanding responsibility to release

Potentials of personal and group destiny. 

With the mantles there are  scepters, on whose crests

Diamonds shine like magnificent stars. Power,


Eminence and fame are rewards for superior

Character, courage, nobility and endurance. 


{Tuesday} ~Magnificence~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius

/moon enters Sagittarius at 6:26p PT | 9:26p ET, and is void-of-course for just 8 minutes before that

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Message for Monday 15 July 2024 ~Trump Tornado~

Message for Monday 15 July 2024

~Trump Tornado~

On Saturday afternoon I knew that the moon was going to be void-of-course at 3:50 pm my time, thanks to my own forecast posted here, and I knew that the moon was in the Via Combusta (Burning Way) all day (also pointed out in the forecast). I felt very weary and lay down; I also felt a deep need to pray for the world and for peace. I fell into a deep slumber. I woke up at 3:51p PT and realized that the moon had just gone void-of-course. I turned on my phone and saw immediately the news of the Trump assassination attempt. It happened at 3:11p PT | 6:11p ET. 

Were I and other psychically sensitive individuals subconsciously preventing something worse from happening, through prayer and invisible influence? Maybe. Then I looked at the daily chart for Gemini, Trump's sun-sign, and saw Saturn in the 1st sector of basic health and bodily well-being. This time, that was a definite threat, probably because Jupiter in Gemini is beginning to square Saturn in Pisces for the next year and more. I mentioned this a few days ago as a "karmic" aspect which asks us to shape up. After Trump was shot he was in a kneeling posture for a few seconds; there is an amazing photo of his face as if he were praying. He also asked the Secret Service people around him for his shoes. I do not know what that means unless he had them off while speaking. Pisces rules the feet and footwear.

In Trump's birth chart, Mars at 26 Leo is three degrees or less from the ascendant, making it very strong, and in Leo it heightens drama. For the last week and most of the next, the two very harsh (when joined) planets Mars and Uranus are at the end of Taurus squared to Trump's Mars. Of course this would be violence, or at least the threat of it. To be explicit, on Saturday at the time of the attack Mars was 1 degree and 26 minutes of arc from exactly squire T's Mars; Uranus was a mere 31 minutes of arc from an exact square with the T Mars. A powerful and once-in-a-lifetime configuration. Moreover, in anatomical astrology Taurus is the sign of not only the neck but the ears. The red planet Mars can be bloodshed. 

I seem to be the only astrologer anywhere who works with the remarkably revealing degree-symbols discovered by old clairvoyants. Let's look at the one for Mars's location in Trump's birth-chart (26 Leo, given as Leo 27 in the books). Here it is in the Borelli-Sepharial version:

"A dagger. This is an ominous sign! It may mean danger to the native at the hands of an enemy, or yet more unhappily, the reverse of this. The native will certainly be of a quarrelsome, argumentative nature; given over to impulsive actions. A restless and destructive mind, always on the alert to attack, to oppose, to argue. Very executive, but by no means constructive in disposition, and hence liable to go through life like a tornado, remarked but not esteemed." (Written before 1898)

This is of course the way "never Trump" people see him. But one position of one planet does not determine everything about a man. And further, the same degree has a far happier interpretation in the later Sabian Symbols: "Daybreak. No matter what may be the course of events in their over-all unpredictability, there is always dawn or springtime as the promise of resurgence or a new potential. Reality is ever a beginning in the sense of the immediacy it offers the individual. The keyword is Genesis. When negative, it is wishful thinking and satisfaction in a vague tomorrow. When positive, an untiring capture and recapture of life throughout the constant and confusing shifts of being." 

That sounds like Trump's indefatigable optimism throughout all the lawfare attacks directed at him over the years. And Daybreak is the vision he offers to his adherents. 

It is all very interesting.

Now he has the stage again for this week's Republican convention. 

We can look at other symbols in his chart, and in Biden's or Harris's or Kennedy's, in coming weeks.

{Monday} ~Trump Tornado~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Scorpio

< moon leaves the Via Combusta at 1:34p PT | 4:34p ET