Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Message for Wednesday 18 May 2022

Wednesday 18 May 2022

\Massive Folly?/

/moon is void-of-course

until it enters Capricorn at 5:03a PT | 8:03a ET | 12:03p UT

Coinbase has lost 74% of its value; cryptocurrencies are in trouble; Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter twitters and flutters, and we are in the Mercury Retrograde center of a Dark Hermetic Epoch. A possibly disastrous and certainly unwise “gift” of 40 billion dollars to Ukraine warriors, not for peace but for weapons, makes the U.S. again the biggest arms merchant on the planet, and for what? To bring nuclear war? People make disastrous decisions while Mercury is retrograde.

Also, things get more interesting, whether for good or bad or neither, and a House panel is (Tuesday) holding hearings on the Unidentified Flying Objects phenomenon. “There are a small handful [of events] in which there are flight characteristics or signature management that we can't explain with the data we have available," said Scott Bray, the deputy director of naval intelligence. "Those are obviously the ones that are of most interest to us." —BBC But of course, “Following the public hearing, the committee closed its doors for a private classified session with lawmakers.” This naturally strengthens everyone’s suspicion that the Deep State is hiding a lot of what it knows about UFOs. One Twitterer writes: “My takeaways: 1. UFOs are an unbelievably bipartisan issue. 2. Congress knows what they’re looking for. 3. They will use their authority to find it. 4. DoD leadership needs to get their shit together. 5. There are more videos that can be declassified.” And so on. Leslie Kean’s book on UFOs, 

https://www.amazon.com/s?k=ufo+leslie+kean&i=stripbooks&dc&gclid=CjwKCAjwj42UBhAAEiwACIhADqUM1QlvVAx3dQiPS0IdNR1GDh3RJHrqauiPpQ5AlB5YmLSqw1fUgRoCQ2gQAvD_BwE&hvadid=174256931221&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9033322&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=6913506798427038241&hvtargid=kwd-20498799687&hydadcr=24659_9648993&tag=googhydr-20&ref=a9_sc_1 remains the best and most carefully researched introduction.

Wednesday: We could be “sowing in the wind” whether we are “sowing” or seeking cryptocurrencies, UFOs, Twitter conspiracies, or endless weapons for endless wars, “sowing where one has no advantage and constantly going counter to the opinions and advice of others.” If this is in terms of gambling or investment, one is like “an old man dressed in a simple worn gown carrying two bags of gold clasped at his breast with nervous hands” for he is reclusive, stingy and misanthropic.

Or one might be like the man “climbing a pole set on an elevation” who is “exerting himself to no purpose, for his vague ambitions are in the clouds and he knows not how to reach them.” “A new moon is dividing its influences;” there is “an instinctive and often blind outreach to the reality in which one participates.” One “refuses to commit oneself except as one encounters a full response to one’s deeper realization and ultimate motives.” Such finesse makes of uncertainty a virtue.

If, despite all the above, one keeps trying to build “a massive superstructure” of which one is the main support, being “strong both physically and psychically,” one could attain an important position. “A man is standing, armed with sword and spear, richly dressed in scarlet and purple, with jeweled clasps, and a helmet of fine brass or gold—-apparently prepared for battle and confident of victory.” I think we have had enough of the warrior creed, for the most part, but there it is for those who have self-reliance, confidence, and a desire to be independent, with few friends, while making a display of themselves.

{Wednesday} /Massive Folly?\

Cosmic Piper

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