Monday, May 23, 2022

Message for Tuesday 14 May 2022

Tuesday 14 May 2022


Moon in Pisces—>Aries

/moon goes void-of-course at 2:35p PT | 5:35p ET | 8:35p UT

until it enters Aries at 2:41p PT | 5:41p ET | 9:41p UT (just six minutes later!)

Some behind-the-scenes happenings in politics in the U.S. and elsewhere are suggested by “a king behind whom stands a figure veiled in black.” There are questions about the continuation of some regimes or administrations. Those in power have extended themselves beyond what was safe and could fall at a weak moment. Yet there is the matter of succession, and it appears that they have provided for this by “presenting a scepter to one kneeling” or offering their throne to someone who has merit and is ambitious.

Out of weakness arises strength. “A crucifix” became the symbol of a religion which conquered the world, though not without the martyrdom of many thousands of its adherents, and some are still being persecuted in Nigeria, Mozambique, Islamic nations, China and India. Yet coexisting with suffering is calm gentle poise, embodied in “a woman sitting as if conversing with someone, her hands folded lightly upon her lap, her face smiling pleasantly. She is loosely habited in a Grecian robe, her neck and arms bare.” She is a lover of peace and harmony and so has friends who are useful to her. Her cheerful companionship is accessible to all.

Some of us have grown to distrust those in positions of authority, so it is good to know that there are still officials or professionals who are kind and noble and display true dignity, like “a Minister of State, of venerable and kindly aspect.” If few and far between, all the more essential is each of them. Perhaps, like the boy who admired the Great Stone Face over his home town, they became admirable through the influence of someone whose ideal had in turn molded him or her into a perfect model. Character constitutes itself through irresistible, initially borrowed, self-integrity.

{Tuesday} ^Character^

Cosmic Piper

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