Friday, April 16, 2021

The Miracle of the Hidden (not Hidden) Truth

 The Miracle of the Hidden (not Hidden) Truth

Politics is driving me crazy, and so is human confusion and ignorance and misinformation.
I am beginning to think that it is better to just go with Christian Science and Sai Baba. Those two approaches to Truth, Western and Eastern, are extremely effective. I used to post the current Christian Science lesson, with copious quotations from the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, on my Sunday Cosmic Piper forecast. I am now posting something from Sai Baba there. These two approaches say: "God is real, and nothing else. Get right with God and you are right in your health, your prosperity, your righteousness, your karma, and the world of confusion and lies cannot hurt you."
What about politics? Has it been helping you to worry about it? What people in the military and in Congress need is Christian Science practitioners! If everyone in the world would read the CS lesson every week, everything would change.
My remedy for all problems: Read the right books. There are not very many 'right books'!
One of them has three titles (to make things harder), "Miracles are my Calling Card," "Miracles are my Visiting Card," and "Modern Miracles." You can find this book in one of its versions by typing in Erlendur Haraldsson in your search engine.
Haraldsson was a professor of parapsychology at the University of Iceland, in the days when it was possible to be a professor of parapsychology! Now I'm sure the whole field has been "canceled" because of the Marxist or Chinese Communist atheist takeover of the academic world. It is forbidden for a professor to be a Christian. It is also forbidden that he or she take psychic phenomena seriously. It is also forbidden that he or she believe in Sai Baba as anything other than a fraudster who founded a cult.
How the truth dies in the academic world! How it is crucified!
But even from Wikipedia, which is atheist and anti-spiritual, we have "In the late 1980s the philosopher of religion David C. Lane wrote that Erlendur's book Modern Miracles "approaches the alleged miracles of Sai Baba with a critical, but open outlook" and recommended it as "the most balanced book ever written" on the subject." Not only is it the 'most balanced' it is the only one that I know of. Haraldsson visited India ten times over a period of eight years to be with Sai Baba and to interview scores of people who knew him and had spent years of their lives with him. He is scrupulously honest as one can tell by reading the book. He found, as he repeated many times throughout the book, "No evidence of fraud." Did any journalists from the New York Times ever do what Haraldsson did? No. Did they ever even try to do honest, careful, unbiased investigative reporting on the man who, in all the world, was performing more 'miracles' than anyone else, not because he claimed to do so but because hundreds and thousands of people saw him doing it and believed it because it was real? No, they did not. Wilful ignorance is a strange phenomenon to me. And if anyone ever tells you that the New York Times is 'the newspaper of record,' please reply, 'there is no newspaper of record!' because there is not!
Haraldsson is the 'man of record' in regard to Sai Baba. His investigation was exhaustive, patient, careful, and reported in great detail with the names and positions of all the people he interviewed given. It is convincing. No, Sai Baba did not commit fraud, and his character is such that even the thought of that seems ridiculous. He did not make much of his so-called 'miracles' but considered them 'trivia,' because what he considered important was his spiritual teaching, which was moral, ethical, and perfect in accord with Hindu tradition, adhering to the Vedas, the Mahabharata, and the scriptural stories of Rama and Krishna. He was a sadhu, a holy man, by anyone's standard. Before you say anything about him, if what you are about to say is negative or skeptical, you need to read this textbook by Haraldsson, as well as one other more spiritually focused book about Sai Baba, such as one by Howard Murphet.
What you will find out is: The spiritual world is real. God is real. 'Miracles" are possible to those who are not chasing or trying to perform them but who are linked with G*d and His perfection, as Sai Baba appeared to be. Baba did not have to 'try' to perform these feats, they just flowed from him spontaneously. Quite accurately, they were, as he sometimes said, his 'calling cards' showing to people that he was someone to be taken seriously when he spoke out on spiritual themes, which is what he really cared about.
And that is what we can still learn from him, and need to learn.
H H H / C P

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