Friday, April 30, 2021

Message for Sunday 2 May 2021

Sunday 2 May 2021


Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:39a PT | 10:39a ET | 2:39p UT
until it enters Aquarius at 12:32p PT | 3:32p ET | 7:32p UT
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us until Tuesday evening

Challenge:  We have a five-hour void-of-course time in morning or mid-day.  This is of course a frequent occurrence.  It can work out in interesting ways.  On Friday (when I'm writing this) it was void-of-course in the morning when I tried to print out charts, and my computer was not working.  I had to restart it, twice because the first time a program running prevented it from shutting down.  Then I hit the Print Chart button and no dice.  The printer was out of paper.  Not a tragedy but annoying, so it took me a while to reload with paper I had to select.  Then I finally had the charts, all during the v-of-c.  Now, would it have been wise, if I had thought about the v-of-c, to say, "Well, I'd better wait a couple of hours before printing the charts"?  No, because the printer would still have been out of paper two hours later!  So common sense can trump one's attention to the v-of-c times, often, yet as a matter of fact I had unusual troubles during it.  It's life, but knowing about the v-of-c can save one from some fuming and fussing, because one takes delays or odd events with a sense of humor.

Challenge, continued:   In accord with the v-of-c, we have 'an anchor unattached to any vessel's chain, lying with its hook fast to a rock, the cable broken.'  This is 'terrible trials over which one seems to have little control; a very mysterious ending.'  Since this is just a daily reading, it could be frustration that several things seem impossible to work out at the moment.  With gumption, one might emulate the 'game birds feathering their nests' and be meticulous in accomplishing necessities, 'preserving initiative by utilizing the natural course of things' (Dr. Jones).  'Individuality flourishes whenever able to establish its personal rights over some desirable segment of reality.'  This could include home, friendship, and finances, or 'nest' in a broad sense.

Process:  'Two dogs running, one with a bone, the other in pursuit of it' fits the stellium of planets in Taurus, often a sign of possessions or finances.  Sepharial warns against selfishness, or pursuing unprofitable things, perhaps even lawlessly (or one might observe this or hear or read about it).  Satisfaction with necessities is better than craving for the currently unattainable.  Supplementary or contrary to the 'running dogs' symbol, one is likely to be sensitive to imposition or fraud, not fooled.  One might have great soul force (represented by 'a smelting furnace') and be large-hearted. Or one might be lucky to have such an individual as a friend or relative.

Blessing:    'A homestead,' as in yesterday's reading, might seem far off in time or space, or pure imagination, yet 'one generally accomplishes what one purposes; one's speculations are successful.'  You care about your home and have hopes of improving it, and this is feasible.  As for moving at some point, some might be thinking in that direction, but we are advancing toward the Dark Hermetic Epoch of May 15 through July 6 in which such plans are less likely to work out smoothly, or when revisions are required.  Perhaps preserving what one has is the key right now, as in 'a jewelry shop.'  There can be enjoyment of immediate luxuries of some sort, which are a reflection of  one's 'character and skill.'  

{Sunday}   {Sufficiency}

Cosmic Piper

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