Friday, April 30, 2021

Message for Saturday 1 May 2021

 Saturday 1 May 2021


Moon in Capricorn

Challenge:  It's Saturday and Lunar aspects are smooth.  Nevertheless we have symbols indicating attempts at getting things settled at an ordinary rather than thrilling level.  'A fork resembling a farmyard implement, with four prongs' could these days be a technological implement or app.  Charubel says it indicates someone 'laborious, unambitious, useful to society, content with his present lot.'  Likewise we have 'game birds feathering their nests,' preparing for the future, establishing security in a meticulous way.  We remain in the Bright Hermetic Epoch of March 13 through May 14 a couple more weeks, an opportunity to firm up one's plans, routines, business approaches, and scheduling.  That could be facilitated today by Luna in Capricorn trine four planets in Taurus, both earth signs.

Process:  Good Venus aspects with the moon, Venus and Neptune could bring a lighter, more pleasurable trend into free moments.  'A woman clothed in gaudy apparel plays with some jewels in her lap.'  She or he could have savoir faire and be sophisticated about human nature, while inclined to excess and ornamentation.  "Good-hearted but foolish and extravagant' does not sound bad, though there might be unfairness through addiction to 'semblances' or mere outer appearances.  The sun's square with Saturn could be an undercurrent of worry, as if we needed to be reacquainted with our 'reason for being.'  A 'white dove over troubled waters' is something or Someone offering  'absolute orientation' or sure guidance.  This 'comes to man from his birth as a consequence of his indwelling spirit' says Dr. Jones.  'Here willy-nilly is freedom of understanding,' together with 'a wholly practical protection, to the precise extent it is accepted.'  

Blessing:  Again we have 'a flower of a bright orange tint, upon which two butterflies rest and fan their wings.'  This is 'a sympathetic and graceful nature desiring peace and concord.'  It wants recognition and affection, and gives it in return, so the keyword is Reciprocity.  At a more solid level, in accord with paragraph 1, some may possess, or prospect, 'a large tract of land mapped out and enclosed with posts and rails, intended for a farm and homestead in the near future.'  Charubel says that this shows 'an adventurer possessed of boundless resources, who generally accomplishes what he purposes.  His speculations are successful.'  So may it be.  We might be pondering such a possibility at a distance, with the Part of Fortune in the 9th house of travel or far-off places, or we could bring the far near through thought or action.  

{Saturday}  /Homestead\

Cosmic Piper

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