Friday, April 23, 2021

Message for Saturday 24 April 2021

 Saturday 24 April 2021

}Reorientation Difficult or Adventurous{

Moon in Virgo-->Libra
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:51a PT | 6:51a ET | 10:51a UT
until it enters Libra at 9:07a PT | 12:07p ET | 4:07p UT

Challenge:  The Venus square Saturn aspect is exact today, often mournful because of love gone awry or missing, or deprivation of one's desires; or else wise renunciation of them.  A strong septile pattern involving Mars, Pluto and Uranus seems fateful, requiring patient reorientation in the light of the Eternal's demands on us.  'An anchor unattached to any vessel's chain, the cable broken' suggests the danger of losing connection with one's spiritual Source, which would result in 'terrible trials' and mysterious disappearance.  One might mourn someone else, as 'a widow at an open grave.'  We need to place our value and identity in the Spirit, not in matter, though maintaining our bodies as well and as long as possible.  When some outer links are gone, there remain invisible links to which we can be affixed through reorientation.  

Process:  The same unusual septile pattern could reveal in us our dissatisfactions and cravings.  'Two dogs are running,one carrying a bone, the other in pursuit of it.'  We might 'pursue unprofitable things' rather than attain those near at hand.  Some selfishness is normal but when it gets twisted into envy things go awry.  It would be better to feel that 'our labor is its own reward,,' as 'a man of benevolent countenance near a cottage chopping wood. Orchards are filled with fruit and a sheep is grazing.'  Rather than grabbing someone else's stuff we cultivate and maintain our own.  

Blessing:  Not all is effort.  'A man handling baggage' could be planning a trip, or be employed at an airport, or he could just be ourselves industrious in doing necessary things, 'this goes here, that goes there.'  It is exhilarating to be in control of small things for they represent or even embody larger ones.  If all that is squared away, then one might be in 'a boat on a large lake or big river; two men rowing in it.'  Charubel says this is a fondness for adventure, with a speculative bent of mind.  One desires company and changefulness.  

{Friday}  {Reorientation Difficult or Adventurous}

Cosmic Piper

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