Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Message for Wednesday 7 April 2021

 Wednesday 7 April 2021

~Trying Boldness~

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:06a PT |  6:06a ET | 10:06a UT
until it enters Pisces at 1:32p PT | 4:32p ET | 8:32p UT
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 11:22a PT | 2:22p ET | 6:22p UT

Challenge:  Estrangement and grief are possible while going through changes of situation.  'A country site at the foot of a mountain, with small dwellings and coal-pits nearby.  A poor woman nursing a baby, just made a widow, is weeping.'  Things are not this bad for most, but there is a sense of fatefulness.  One could be distracted to the point that one is like 'a man of tottering, uncertain gait, carrying water which he spills on the ground.'  This could show disorderliness, indecision, and faulty judgment.  There is too much wavering and lack of direction. 'How shall he act who does not know what he desires?'

Process:  Charubel warns against stinginess, reclusiveness, and misanthropy, as if one were 'an old man in a worn gown clasping two bags of gold with nervous hands.'  One needs to have a high sense of the purpose of one's acquisitions rather than just being fearful that one might lose them.  Or, one could at least have some fun at 'a place of amusement with music, dancing, and singing on the program; a large ballroom.'  Charubel remarks wryly that these are not great actors or musician, or great anythings, but still, what's wrong with seeking some entertainment?  

Blessing:  'The magic carpet' offers a panorama of 'the broad endowment every man may make his own.'  Freedom of spirit and soul is expanded.  One is fulfilled vicariously without a need for intense self-involvement.  Often the Venus sextile Mars aspect, very good for love, attraction, and the blending of desires, passes us by and we don't take much advantage of it except by dreaming of lost loves, imagining new ones, or watching others' love-affairs in movies or TV series.  It's exact now and so 'be bold' could be good advice.  One might enter 'the gate to the garden of desire.'   'This is a symbol of man's uncompromising faith in the fact of his being, and of his naïve optimism as life opens up one or another of its opportunities before him.  There are unlimited days ahead and immeasurable frontiers yet to be crossed.'  Hopes can be enhanced and expectations deepened, some dreams fulfilled in at least small ways which loom large in experience.  

{Wednesday}  ~Trying Boldness^

Cosmic Piper

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