Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Message for Wednesday 28 April 2021

 Wednesday 28 April 2021

^Justification through the Unusual and the Kindly^

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:33a PT | 8:33a ET | 12:33p UT
until it enters Sagittarius at 8:44a PT | 11:44a ET | 3:44p UT

Challenge:  It seems that today should be somewhat milder and less worrisome than the last several days, yet we have 'a man beating an ass with a stick.'  This is probably just impatience, arrogance, and possible cruelty in someone else or yourself.  Venus square Saturn is still with us and can, as bitterness and resentment, manifest as anger or unkindness  Of course we can prevent that, if we summon up the patience of a saint.  However, if we need to defend ourselves in some way we might be in 'a cat arguing with a mouse' situation, that is, whether cat or mouse, having to justify our position or our desires, persuading others to cooperate.

Process:  The unusual is our lot while the sun conjoins Uranus, so you might be aware of 'that side of the moon which is never seen by the inhabitants of this planet.'  Charubel says this indicates 'a strange character whom no one will ever understand.'  He or she 'possess powers unknown to the present race' and 'will pursue studies with which the age is not conversant.'  I knew an individual with a planet at this degree who resembled that description.  'He will be a magician, but not of any known type.  His powers are Moon-set! but he is not insane.'  What that may mean for you today is for you to discover.  Hopefully the way these powers manifest will be beneficent, like 'a Christmas tree decorated.'  We can share possessions of beauty as well as more immediately useful things.

Blessing:  Perhaps there will be an appetite for 'the good things of life' defined materially: 'A well-appointed table with the remnant of a feast lying upon it.'  One might be too 'extravagant and reckless' but there is 'richness of heart and camaraderie.'  At a more mellow level we have 'a portly person, walking among pigeons which flock upon the ground at his or her feet.'  One has 'a pacific and benevolent mind' and is 'attractive to young persons.'  One's 'footsteps will be followed in security' and one is happy to minister to others.  

{Wednesday}  ^Justification through the Unusual and the Kindly^

Cosmic Piper

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