Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Message for Wednesday 24 May 2023 }Frenzy or Sanity?{

Message for Wednesday 24 May 2023

}Frenzy or Sanity?{

1 The debt ceiling issue, and possible default of the U. S. government, is to come to a head by June 1. The Dank Hermetic Epoch ends May 31 and a Bright Epoch begins June 1.

2 In the past week there was a major loss by Ukraine of Bakhmut, and Joe Biden says he is escalating the futile and dangerous war by sending F-16s to the Ukrainians, and much more, and training Ukrainians to fly them in the U. S.! This is escalating into a war between the U S and Russia, which is SUICIDAL. Listen to what Col. Douglas MacGregor says. He knows. Listen to what Larry Johnson says. He knows. Listen to what Tony Shaffer says. He knows. Listen to what RFK Jr. says. He knows.

MacGregor says that the muddy conditions preventing Ukraine from its "spring offensive" should clear up by early June. That is when the next Bright Hermetic Epoch begins, as I have pointed out here at least 30 times in the past couple months. Also the debt celling issue is scheduled to be settled (?) by early June. As for the war, neither MacGregor nor any serious expert believes that Ukraine can win but that this s a war of ATTRITION which means that Ukrainian boys and men are being SLAUGHTERED because of Joe Biden's insistence on provoking the Russian bear in a futile and stupid manner.

3 The U. S. pre-primary season is under way and it has been gummy and draggy or peculiar and weird, or any other adjective you want to apply. Ron DeSantis has held back entering the race until today, which may or may not have been smart, and the DHE ends June 1 in about a week, and some people think Donald Trump will re-enter Twitter soon which would be a big move. My definitely preferred candidate is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who entered the race shortly after the DHE began, on April 19. I believe that his campaign will pick up speed in June and I look forward to his big speech in San Diego on Memorial Day.

4 What do you think about how things have been going in your own life? My presumption is that most of us have felt things to be draggy and difficult since April 6 but that by Wednesday June 1, a week from now, it will be easier. Do you agree? Meanwhile one might say that things are "slowly" getting smoother, as Mercury picks up speed, but I actually believe that there is a sharp division between the Dark and Bright Epochs (May 31 or June 1 this time).

That's all I want to say because I am feeling this as a heavy "transition time" as indicated by the news headlines. For example, it's just been revealed that Elon Musk may be interviewing Ron DeSantis on Twitter when DeSantis enters the ace Wednesday. A volcano is erupting near Mexico City, consistent with the near-exact opposition of Mars with Pluto (interior of the earth) while both square Jupiter, and Mars in a fire sign. That major T square also correlates to the pivotal taking by Russia of Bakhmut, and Biden's horrible decision to escalate the war rather than seek peace negotiations. The sane man in all this is Bobby Kennedy.

{Wednesday} {Frenzy or Sanity?}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Cancer-->Leo
/moon goes void-of-course at 2:13a PT | 5:13a ET } 9:13a UT
until it enters Leo at 7:36a PT | 10:36a ET | 2:36p UT

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