Sunday, May 7, 2023

Message for Monday 8 May 2023 ^Darkly Illumined Inception^

Message for Monday 8 May 2023

^Darkly Illumined Inception^

A dog stands over a bare bone, while two
Others look on half-starved.
Men, subtle and indolent, buy comfort
At a cheap price. A woman and two men

On a bit of sunlit land are facing south.
What are they doing? Where should they go?
An inception of opportunity seems imminent.
Over in the west a large brilliant star

Shoots rays through a dark sky over the home
Of a great genius. Is this their goal? They happen on
Two swords forming a cross on the ground. A man
Standing on them points his scepter heavenward.

He confides in the higher power, while the trio
Find through him peace and solid guidance.

{Monday} ^Darkly Illumined Inception^

Cosmic Piper

P. S. Back to the sonnets. I dropped them for a week to moan and groan about Mercury Retrograde. Some of you appreciated that. Friday was a peculiar day so I retroactively checked on the symbols for the day and found them exactly correct (according to my formula which gives four degree-symbols for each day; write me if you want the formula). So I'm back to them today, realizing that they are "darkly illuminating" or perhaps parables without a key other than your own intuition. Re-reading them at the end of the day can make everything clearer.

As for the weekend, Charles's coronation met with scorn from some including those in a soccer stadium who chanted a lewd and perverse disapproval of the event and the King. Others of course, loyalists, loved the ritualistic grandeur even though the moon was square Saturn all day, which accounted partly for the rain curtailing the outdoor activities and parades. Luna was in Scorpio Charles's sun-sign at the time of the coronation. Later when it went into Sagittarius, sign of horses, there was the Kentucky Derby, with sadness and scandal concerning the deaths of some horses (I abhor all cruelty to animals including race-horses). This was suggested by Luna in the sign of horses square Saturn in early Pisces.

Monday: Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:39a PT | 10:39a ET | 2:39p UT
until it enters Capricorn at 1:05p PT | 4:05p ET | 8:05p UT

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