Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Message for Wednesday 1 July 2020

Wednesday 1 July 2020

~Tensions Unwind into Vitality plus Peace~ 

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:22p PT | 9:22p ET | 1:22a(Th) UT BUT ONLY FOR A FEW SECONDS!
until it enters Sagittarius A FEW SECONDS LATER at 6:22p PT | 9:22p ET | 1:22a(Th) UT

As we work up to our national holiday, "a cameo profile of a man in the outline of his country" is tellingly significant.  Your political preferences will determine whom you want to be in that cameo.  There is possible exploitation of the group (through narcissistic leadership for example) or positive "dramatization of the self as a focus for the group actuality" (Dr. Jones).  This could also be someone "on the other side" since we have a Scorpio and 8th-field emphasis, the "founding fathers" or Hamilton in his current show hit.  On another side we have "a woman entering a convent" or serving all through a more modest, retiring, almost invisible consecration.  Which of the two does more for humanity?

We have escaped the Via Combusta and the |difficult third of the week| so we might emulate "a clown making grimaces" or be amused by someone resembling one.  What is ridiculous exaggerates foibles instructively.  Laughing at errors says "You're over it, that's a relief,  and you don't have to make that mistake again."  Mercury retrograde teaches us such things, sometimes humorously,  because we gravitate to reviewing our past.  But we do not strike off our roots; they are alive and vital, and we are like a "bulbous plant pushing its way upward from the sod to unfold and show forth its beauties."  What facilitates this is Luna trine Mars because he is in sextile with Venus.  Love-attractions are never far away from us even if subtle or indirect.  

It seems a natural time for bookkeeping, tax-form filling, or accounting procedures.  "A man is seated at a table with a pen, plus pebbles on a sheet of paper."  This would be a smartphone or laptop, these days.  He might be engaged in computation, or some more abstract and studious problems of the intellect.  Though sedentary, this individual is smiled upon by fortune, and through his window he luxuriates in "a peaceful valley, and a lake on which a swan is swimming; at the back a high mountain."  The mind is passive yet thoughtful.  Grace and elegance yield contentment.  All is peace.  

{Wednesday}  ~Tensions Unwind into Vitality plus Peace~

Cosmic Piper

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