Monday, June 22, 2020

Message for Tuesday 23 June 2020

Tuesday 23 June 2020

^Judgment Shifting Toward Indomitability?^

|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues until mid-morning Wednesday
Moon in Cancer-->Leo
/moon goes void-of-course at 0:21a PT | 3:21a ET | 7:21a UT
until it enters Leo at 5:34a PT | 8:34a ET | 12:34p UT

We have Judge Judy again.  I cannot begin to say how much that woman irritates me.  I never watch her show but had a friend who watched it when I was visiting.  I had to restrain myself from asking "Why do you watch that horrid creature?"  But we have a "Judge Judy" symbol today, "a woman holding a book in one hand and a pair of scales in the other."  If you want to be that, I pity you.  Let people be, and trust the laws of karma!  They transcend human laws.  And they can be trusted, whereas human laws repeatedly condemn the guiltless---if you don't believe that, please get in touch with The Innocence Project and learn what they have learned, that dozens of U. S. citizens are sent to prison while innocent.  "A shaft descending into the earth, and above it a balloon" is very mysterious.  Strata.  Higher and lower but in the same vertical plane.  What is that to you?  To me it could be astrology.  The "balloon" is my thoughts reaching to the planets and what they indicate, while the strata in the earth are our human lives with their complexities, which we can understand by looking up rather than down.  Also, if we look up rather than down we will not condemn the guiltless.

Mercury is retrograde, so I am quite aware that anything I say could be misunderstood.

"An oriental rug dealer" is what many feel like during this pandemic when ordinary jobs and economic relations are turned topsy-turvy.  The dealer has to go with the flow of commerce, human desire, and whatever persuasion he or she can exert.  I don't like the image because I've never been good at selling.  If I were, you would be paying to read these forecasts!  "Tuesday, $6; Friday, $11; and Saturday, very special month-long report, $89!  Hurry before it's too late."  "A man bundled up in fur leading a shaggy deer" is trying to lead his customer or client into debt that will favor himself.  The deer doesn't know where it is going.  Yet the man is "indomitable," blazing a trail to somewhere (we hope).  

Frankly, I don't believe the final two symbols.  They are too optimistic.  People seem to be going nuts all around me.  But we have "A scepter.  On its crest shines a diamond like a magnificent star."  This is "power, eminence and fame."  Not even Donald Trump or Joe Biden seem to be enjoying that.  Make what you will of it; wave your magical scepter.  Let us know how it works.  Is it really "courage, nobility, energy, and endurance"?  Are you a "superior central figure" in your domain?  Mars toward the end of Pisces, final sign of the zodiac, before he enters his own sign Aries on Sunday, is in "a fertile garden under the full moon."  He has struggled and is an exceptional individual.  The garden signifies "purely conventional accomplishment."  Yet he "salvages all the failures of the far more lonely genius."  There is the ultimacy of "high reward in worldly goods."  

No more cynical comments; but Mercury remains retrograde.  What seems, is not; what is not, seems.  

{Tuesday}  ^Judgment Shifting Toward Indomitability?^

Cosmic Piper

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