Friday, June 12, 2020

Message for Weekend of June 13-14, and this Month of the Twins

Weekend of June 13-14, and this Month of The Twins (June 20 through July 20)

}Concluding the Month of the Twins{

My research has compelled me to get back to studying the monthly charts based on the sun's presence in each sign of the zodiac, which is after all the basis of our tropical zodiac.  It is not a sidereal (constellation-based zodiac) but it divides the orbit of the earth into twelve equal sections by astro-geometry.  And it works in experience.  That is the crucial point. (These twelve signs coincided with the twelve constellations so named a couple millennia ago but not longer do; however the meanings of the signs adhere to the earth-orbit-based Tropical zodiac, not to the constellations, as anyone can see through observation, and Western astrologers are at one in that conviction.)

The sign Gemini lasts, this year, from June 20 through July 20 (in the Western Hemisphere; I shall not bother to give the exact minute it begins and ends.)  I have found, through seemingly endless research, that the exact midpoint of each sign (when the sun is at 15 degrees 0 minutes of each sign) is the correct basis for a chart "ruling" the entire month.  The positions and aspects of the planets at that moment seem to be relevant for the first day as well as the last day of that month.  That is the basis of what follows.

Since I am not writing in a vacuum, I will be mentioning current events, basing some of the interpretation of the chart on them.  Astrology does not provide a prediction as to exactly what will happen but provides a framework within which to comprehend what has happened and is happening and might happen.  It's a science--a thoughtful, experimental and phenomenological one.  

First, we are in a Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch until July 26, including the whole Gemini month.  1. Everyone is going crazy.  2.  I feel I might be "losing it."  3.  I feel like giving up, everything seems meaningless.  4.  I could pare down, choose more carefully what is essential.  5.  When possible I can give myself freedom to experiment, but not rashly.  5.  I must restrain myself from "quitting" a job, project, or person.  On the positive side:  1.  I am getting amazing intuitions, insights, visions.  2.  I feel the past, present and future merging in an eternal Now.  3.  I see not only the errors of the past but its good features and I remember the people I have loved.  

Secondly, a sort of "rating" system for the months, balancing the easy or soft, pleasant aspects against the hard or challenging ones, gives (by preliminary calculation) a 1.20 rating for Gemini, 1.80 for Cancer (June-July), .86 for Leo (July-Aug), 2.33 for Virgo (Aug-Sept), 1.13 for Libra (Sept-Oct) and .89 for Scorpio (Oct-Nov).  An exact balance between the hard and soft aspects would be 1.00.  It seems that what is very difficult now might be easier in the Crab month (June 21 through July 21), though the Dark or Slow Epoch (hereafter referred to as the DHE) will continue.  Difficulties, however, are to be met rather than evaded, in most cases, even if the way of "meeting" them be transcendental sometimes.  (Google does not know the "if it be . . ." locution, excellent English, so it puts a wavy line under "be transcendental."  Yes Google, be transcendental!)

What are the major features of the Gemini chart, effective since just before the George Floyd tragedy and continuing another week?  Doubtless the square between a sun-Venus conjunction in Gemini and a Mars-Neptune conjunction in Pisces.  It is very close, in fact the sun-Mars square is less than one degree.  This is anger, upset, and possibly violence.  In common signs, it has to do with people and their differences.  Even, we can say, the two Gemini planets, in the Twin sign, suggest the "twins" of black and white, since Gemini is a "dual" sign.  Those intended to be brothers, the police and young black men, are instead seen as enemies because of this square (or rather what the square represents).  Pisces is a good sign, in fact maybe the best by some spiritual standards, but it has come to represent martyrs, the suffering, the persecuted and the imprisoned.  That is to say, in "mundane" astrology or the astrology of current events.  So we have Mars, representing the police, in Pisces representing the oppressed, and the police feel hemmed in and "persecuted" by the oppressed or the protesters.  Mars however can also represent young males, such as the protesters clashing with the police, and Mars with Neptune suggests often an idealistic anarchy which is just what we have been seeing (especially just four blocks from where I write this in Seattle).  Mars---testosterone, a sense of seeking justice or (sadly) revenge---is seeking a reconciliation with Neptune, kindness and self-sacrifice.  This is happening, I believe, on both sides of the divide.  They are not the enemies they might imagine themselves to be.  

In your own life, this strong double-square could manifest as a search for something complex and hard to grasp.  You read, study, search, converse, reaching for something which seems to evade your grasp.  Yet this very quest may be what is good to do during this month.

I can't help mentioning the presence of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn, sign of the knees.  Protesters "take a knee" and some cops have joined them.  Further, those two planets are in a bi-septile aspect with Uranus in Taurus (by less than two degrees, the maximum orb allowed for this aspect).  The septile, bi-septile and tri-septile are peculiar fatal or karmic aspects, and what they signify is hard to fathom in most cases yet it is profound.  Taurus rules the neck and throat, Capridorn the knees.  How sad that this aspect came out, in one of its forms, as the torture-murder of George Floyd.  It has obviously hit a nerve in the mass consciousness, and appropriately so.

The statement "I can't breathe" has been taken up to condemn police oppression, and think about this:  Gemini rules the lungs and breathing.  Mars in Pisces is square the sign of breathing.  "I cant breathe" means "the police are stopping me from breathing," Mars square the lungs.  

That, at a superficial level, covers more profound implications which you could figure out yourself. The planets' positions and motions conceal meanings I feel unable to pull out from them, unless inspired from above.  At the moment that does not seem to be the case.

Charubel's system of clairvoyantly derived symbols appears to fit this monthly chart perfectly.  "A new moon on a very dark sky" denotes "a very gloomy life, and one likely to die before he passes his prime."  That's the symbol for Uranus in Taurus, sign of the neck and throat, and we can see that it applies to one now-famous individual whom the world mourns.  The result of this crime?  "Two swords crossing each other," "litigations and quarrels."  Indeed.  And what are some of the less-wise, more-arrogant protesters accomplishing?  Climbing "stairs with a landing and handrail at the top, which leads to nowhere."  Says Charubel: "One having lofty aspirations and superior abilities, but he seldom performs anything of real benefit to himself or others, save affording himself a certain amount of self-amusement."  And who is watching all this spectacle?  "A spider in the corner of a room intently watching the giddy dance of silly flies as they heedlessly approach the confines of his dominions."  This is said to be a detective or lawyer.  Donald J. Trump has a birth-planet in that degree.  

But we also have "A field of ripe corn" denoting "A very fortunate person, more especially about middle life, when fortune smiles on him and an abundance is his lot."  Actually the stock market has done quite well.  And the employment figures have gone up somewhat.  Most are getting by at least, and sometimes with unexpected benefits from here or there.  "A man walking in darkness with an old-fashioned lantern" sounds like everyone in a Dark Epoch.  But Charubel says this individual "finds his way out of every difficulty, guided by a divine instinct, having implicit faith in those religious truths as taught by his forefathers."  Old-fashioned indeed; I plead guilty.  Finally, "The trunk of a large tree covered with moss, and hollow."  "A romantic; he will probably be the last of his race."  Could that be I?  A lone astrologer toiling to write a forecast almost no one reads, those who do unknown to him?  Probably, yet I remain

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 13 June 2020
Moon in Pisces-->Aries
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:46a PT | 8:46a ET | 12:46p UT
until it enters Aries at 2:04p PT | 5:04p ET | 9:04p UT

Sunday 14 June 2020
Moon in Aries
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week begins at 8:21p PT | 11:21p ET | 3:21a(M) UT (until Wednesday morning)

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