Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Message for Wednesday 10 June 2020

Wednesday 10 June 2020

}Toward Readjusted Gratification{

Moon in Aquarius
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:36a PT | 10:36a ET | 2:36p UT
until it enters Pisces after midnight (times in tomorrow's report)

We (or at least I) am feeling the effects of the Dark Hermetic Epoch which began on June 2 about a week ago.  Intensely.  What does it mean?  If you have been reading these reports for a year, or even four months, you have heard a lot about that.  Or if you have heard about Mercury retrograde, the DHE has the same meaning, though perhaps (technically) not as intensely as during the MR period which is always in the center (three weeks) of the longer two-month DHE.  To summarize:

1. Things are more complicated than usual.
2.  Everybody seems crazy.
3.  Things are slower than usual, with more delays and dilly-dallying and side interests.
4.  You feel you are going crazy.
5.  You drop some schedules or change them, go "out of pattern" in your habits. 
6.  You wonder if you are going senile or "have lost it."
7.  You daydream of the past, people and events in your history, rather than focus on work.
8.  You want to try new things, anything, if it will give you a new lease on life, but choosing is not easy.
9.  Realizing all this, you may decide to reduce your interests and activities drastically. paring down to bare essentials.
10.  You feel like quitting your job, or ending a stuck relationship, or (which I just did) canceling a subscription.  
11.  In other words, you glorify some elements of the past, but other elements of it feel like a ball and chain.
12.  So here we are.  

In the social complexus, all this takes interesting but sometimes dire form.  World War I began during a DHE.  The attack on the World Trade Center happened on the first day of one.  This time, the murder of George Floyd was just 8 days before the beginning of this DHE, and the protests resulting from it are still going strong and people are saying "Abolish police departments."  

13.  Everyone is going crazy.
14.  Repent, for the time is at hand. 

Wednesday Forecast:  "A labor demonstration" is just what no doctor ordered, but it suggests the degree to which we might feel dissatisfied with our jobs, or restrictions, or policing.  We feel we are representing others than ourselves, our union brothers and sisters, as well as ourselves.  This is what many of the demonstrators are feeling, but also many of the police.  It suggests much that we feel during DHE and MR periods, "something has to change."  But life goes on, and "a man delving" is facing the fact that he has to keep up with ordinary tasks.  You might actually enjoy manual labor, or boring chores such as clean-up and laundry.  Often those go well during a void-of-course time like today, when more ambitious schemes might flounder.  

Our higher instincts are intact, inspiring us to "climb the mountain" on that "pilgrimage" toward a better world.  We might feel charitable, like "a man in rustic garb pumping an old-fashioned wooden pump for a crowd reaching forward with vessels to be filled."  That is well and good, a higher side of Aquarius where the moon is today, the "water-bearer" of the zodiac.  I post with this the classic song "Age of Aquarius" by the Fifth Dimension, a black or mostly black group who hit the top of the charts for months with this paean to what we might make of "the Aquarian age" if we are smart and graced by the Supreme. 

"A woman of pleasing appearance offering a glass of fluid to a child" continues the theme of flowing with blessings, in this case a healing remedy.  "A table set for an evening meal" celebrates friendliness, familiarity and sharing.  Nature is prodigal and we enlist the universe to fulfill our desires.  There is self-gratification at home or in a homelike place.

{Wednesday}  {Toward Readjusted Gratification}

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  The Fifth Dimension song may seem dated, but it brings back beautiful memories for anyone who lived in that era and may bring ancestral memories to younger people.  A DHE is a time to rejoice in the past, often.  As to those lyrics, I have no idea what "when the moon is in the 7th house" means.  It goes through the seventh house every day, before sunset during a New Moon and before sunrise during a Full Moon.  But "and Jupiter is aligned with Mars" is significant now because Mars started a sextile to Jupiter on June 6 and it will be exact June 19-21, and the 21st is the first day of the month of Cancer which I predict shall be much sweeter than the current Gemini month.  Disclaimer:  There were no planets in Aquarius at my birthtime.  Further, I do not necessarily agree with the idea that we are entering an "Aquarian age," but let's not go into that.  Just enjoy the song.

P. P. S.  A perhaps overactive conscience impels me to add:  Please be careful about "ending" things during the DHE.  Sometimes people quit a job or a relationship or a project during these times only to find out later that they should have "weathered the storm."  At the worst, people can even become suicidal at these times.  Please be careful, and in general, stay with what has been working for you rather than dropping or changing it drastically.  Rather, for variety and perspective, make small changes in the WAY you do it, or the scheduling of it.  

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