Thursday, June 4, 2020

Message for Friday 5 June 2020

Friday 5 June 2020

^Self-Reformation Furthering Bold Action^

Moon in Sagittarius
Full Moon of Gemini-Sagittarius at 12:14p PT | 3:14p ET | 7:14p UT (it is also an eclipse)
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:12p PT | 0:12a(Sa) ET | 4:12a(Sa) UT

The emblem of "two men running a race" is significant because today is the day the long-lasting square between Mars and the sun is exact.  This can be "hurry and worry" or it can be competition which is either too intense for comfort or else well-planned and energetic.  One might run risks, and one might overwork or be combative.  C.E.O. Carter says that one might "espouse causes and have a conviction that he ought to lead crusades and seek the reformation of everyone and everything (except perhaps himself)."  Have you noticed this in the past couple of weeks?  Today (as I write) it is James Mattis, whom I admire, versus the President, and which side you are on might be irrelevant in terms of actually changing anything, but there are indeed "crusades."  If this were to get too personal, rather than ideological, it could be like "two wolves devouring a carcass in the moonlight."  Mr. Carter says this square might "lead to evil courses by its imprudent, hasty tendency and its lack of restraining imagination."  We have seen that happening in the horrid incident which started the protests, and in the actions of both some police and some rioters.  Let's hope all this doesn't end up today as personal animosities based on misunderstandings. Work is probably better than arguing or trying to persuade anyone.

A desire to travel or be elsewhere is obviously frustrated by the pandemic, so "pelicans moving their habitat" are likely to have a hard time of it.  One's frontier, rather than a new location, might be one's effort at originality, facilitated by Mercury's sextile with Uranus.  This could lead to a strong use of soul-force, a potent will forcing rapid growth as if the roots of a quickly-growing plant. 

The result of all this could be "good works for the community," such as "two men putting slates on the roof of a building."  Living community ideals is harder than fulminating about others not living them.  With good intent, one could be attuned to "the flow of inspiration" in whatever ingenious direction this points, "welcoming each new challenge to one's competency."

{Friday}   ^Self-Reformation Furthering Bold Action^

Cosmic Piper

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