Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Message for Wednesday 17 June 2020

Wednesday 17 June 2020

\Evasiveness or Elegance/

Moon in Taurus
Mercury, already stationary, turns retrograde at 10:00p ET | 1:00a(Th) ET | 4:00a(Th) UT, until July 12
We feel it already as deep change, or outward confusion and turmoil, or "too much to handle," so calm and patience are needed.

"A man declared bankrupt" is of course what many are fearing these days, with the economic shifts caused by the pandemic.  Likewise some think the government could go bankrupt in various sectors.  But Dr. Jones gives the keyword Deliverance for this degree, and says it can be "an effective and over-all resourcefulness in even the worst of situations."  In that case, we may escape turning into "a raven or crow standing on a water-pot" designing crafty mischief because of envy of the rich or relatively successful.   

With a Dark Hermetic Epoch nearing its hard core, when Mercury turns retrograde late tonight-tomorrow, it is natural we might feel like "a pool of water," that is, "easy-going, with poor abilities, unstable and fond of home."  Yet within us is "a water sprite" who wants to stir up that pool and get us moving in interesting fresh directions.  Such vectors are highly imaginative, and rich without money. 

"An inhabited island" suggests snobbish exclusiveness, or else the cultivation of a certain prestige along individual lines (with Uranus well-aspected and at a critical degree).  One's "island" is graced by a swan floating nearby, a passive elegance which is content and courteous.  Yes, things are seeming to slow down, and could be mired in evasion (or evasiveness) and confusion, but the swan reminds us to let this be a peaceful hiatus as much as we can rather than a dithering nuisance.  Let's call it the Patient Hermetic Epoch (till July 26 and especially till July 12 when Mercury turns direct).  

{Wednesday}  /Evasiveness or Elegance\

Cosmic Piper

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