Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Message for Thursday 18 June 2020

Thursday 18 June 2020

}Beyond Contention to Profitable Discovery{

Moon in Taurus-->Gemini
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:03a PT || 8:03a ET | 12:03p UT
until it enters Gemini at 2:01p PT | 5:01p ET | 9:01p UT

Those who are unambitious and love home, easygoing, have their place in this world, and yet there are those who would punish them for lack of assertiveness and endeavor, or for failing to follow the "work ethic."  This could result in a clash, and even in cruelty, for the ones who claim to be in power could try to force their will on the less assertive ones.  They think, of course, that they are on a crusade to improve things.  

The spirit of "fighting for righteousness" could come out in other ways.  Proclivities which seem repugnant, such as taking drugs, gambling, or drinking, are fought by those wanting to reform everyone who doesn't live up to their standards.  They may have a point, especially when those who set a bad example are in positions of authority.  "The purging of the priesthood" is required, or reformation of those who fail to live the ideals they claim to uphold.  (One way this is coming out now is "the purging of the police.")  

Not everything is strife or contention.  There can be discovery of a profitable sort.  Charubel says there is a power of concentration leading to finding some force in nature connected with "optics, electricity or chemistry," or even "the metaphysical or transcendental."  As for practicality, this could be as good as "drilling for oil" or speculating to uncover tangible resources through specialization of effort.  (Likely to be more definite when the moon is not void-of-course.)  

{Thursday}  {Beyond Contention to Profitable Discovery}

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  All of this should be modified by awareness that Mercury has just turned retrograde and we are likely to be stymied, disturbed or delayed by many factors which take time to resolve.  Even, some seemingly exciting prospects might be delusions, but it is good to explore some of them before either giving them up or modifying them.

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