Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Message for Wednesday 3 June 2020

Wednesday 3 June 2020

~Delicious Acrimony and Futile Plunder Decreasing~

Moon in Scorpio
< moon leaves the Via Combusta at 9:38a PT | 12:38p ET | 4:38p UT
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week ends at 12:06p PT | 3:06p ET | 7:06p UT

Some relief from the intensity of the past several days may help us to calm while Luna trines Mars and Neptune; she was squaring them on the first two days of the protests and riots.  (I, like many, support the protests but not the riots.)  We do have "two men fencing with swords," suggesting "a very formidable kind of opponent."  It has seemed impossible, in some recent scenarios, to determine whether the protesters or the police were to blame, or if both of them were, or neither.  "A conversation by telepathy" is more like what we need, and no doubt it has happened more than we realize, people tuning in to what "the other" is likely to do and so avoiding the worst clashes;  or even "understanding" each other to some degree.  Some individuals seem to take the protester-police rivalry as a sort of game.  

The "mountain pilgrimage" of the Rev. Martin Luther King seems a long way away.  Rather we have people scorning and castigating each other, which is justified in many cases but can get out of hand so that scandal and scolding for their own sake become a vicious delight.  This is happening on both sides of the political spectrum, or I might say all sides, because I am not sure there are only two any more. It is intense as I write on Tuesday but may decrease somewhat today. 

However, the squares between Mars (which can be law enforcement) and Venus-plus-Sol (longing for peace and nobility) remain with us.  "An officer preparing to drill his men" is exactly what is going on in some local, state and national law-enforcement agencies.  This has one flavor when the protesters the police encounter are nonviolent, though angry; another very different flavor when they are looting or vandalizing.  The vandal-looters are like "A man in a mask standing beneath the shadow of a tree at night.  At his feet there is a dead cow."  This individual is "wily and acquisitive" but "deceived in his own powers."  His plunder shall not gain for him what he really desires.  

{Wednesday}   ~Delicious Acrimony and Futile Plunder Decreasing~

Cosmic Piper

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