Friday, April 27, 2018

Saturday 28 April 2018

}Out of Shadows into Hopeful Awareness{

Moon in Libra
|Karmically difficult third| of this week ends at 1:21p PT | 4:21p ET | 8:21p UT

We have seen an enormous amount of not only political but legal maneuvering and cases moving through the courts with tortuous slowness but sometimes reaching resolution, during this almost-ended Dark Hermetic Epoch (March 9 - May 2 inclusive). The California serial killer, two days ago, and Bill Cosby yesterday, and all kinds of other strange cases, and Michael Cohen Trump's lawyer, and on and on. The DHE is a time to go backward, revisit the past, clear things up, or clean them up, or "repent" and purify oneself from errors. 

Not that that sort of thing is impossible during the Bright Hermetic Epoch (May 3, Thursday, through July 6) but the whole period tends to be more forward-looking. I think we will be happy with that. It's as if rubber bands around one's ankles tying one to the past will finally be released or broken. 

Meanwhile, it is good to use the advantages of the DHE, such as psychologically and spiritually helpful reminiscences which, even if sad, help one to know oneself through one's past and one's relations with others. Memories can be precious during these times, lighting up everything in our lives, showing a better way.


A new Moon on a very dark sky.   A very gloomy life.   c 

The sun shining brightly in a cloudless sky.    Carried away with brilliant anticipations, too sanguine and so liable to disappointment.   c

Drilling for oil.   Speculation.   s 

A Sun that is rising upon the ocean waters.   Restlessness and travel for the sake of discovery. Elevation and coming honors. Changes and voyages in the direction of the Orient. Fortune and distinction. Illumination.   b 

Two awards for bravery in war.   Recognition.   s

A woman stands holding a book in one hand and a pair of scales in the other.   Learning, sound reason, dispassionate judgment, and elegant manners; but cold and impassive. Success in duties and profession; famous, but not popular.  Rich and long-lived.  Judgment.   b

A portly man, walking among pigeons, which flock upon the ground at his feet.   Chief interests in home and care of children. Attractive to young persons. Mind pacific and benevolent. Inspires confidence and faith in others.   Ministration.   b 

The gloominess and disappointment go along with the |difficult third|, via combusta, and the fading DHE, but there appears to be improvement. One needs to keep up one's faith, and "speculate" a little, that is, believe in something impossible to make it more possible. Bravery is rewarded, ultimately.  The final two symbols speak of a cold but wisely effective woman and a kindly domestic beloved man, a reversal of the stereotypes of the two sexes. Interesting.  Regardless of sex we could bring forward either or both of these personae.

{Saturday}    {Out of Shadows into Hopeful Awareness}

Cosmic Piper

b: Signor Borelli, 19th century clairvoyant; interpreted by Sepharial who was Walter Gorn Old
c: Charubel, 19th century clairvoyant who was John Thomas
s: Sabian symbols which came through psychic Elsie Wheeler, interpreted by Marc Edmund Jones

The symbols and their interpretation are intended to apply basically during the hours from dawn to midnight. Often a planet will move from one degree to another during the day, so I use a time near mid-afternoon for all of them, so that they shall be exactly right during most, often all, of the daylight hours. The period from midnight to dawn could partake of the nature of either day or both. 

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