Thursday, April 12, 2018

Message for Friday 13 April 2018

Message for Friday 13 April 2018

~In the Children's Ward~

Moon in Pisces-->Aries
/moon goes void-of-course at 4:28a PT | 7:28a ET | 11:28a UT
until it enters Aries at 8:27p PT | 11:27p ET | 3:27a(Sa) UT
|Karmically difficult third| of this week begins at 9:35a PT | 12:35p ET | 4:35p UT (until Sunday afternoon)

[NOTE: Apologies! Although I correctly noted in Saturday's report that I was writing it on Friday while Luna was void-of-course, in the above listing I got it wrong. It has just been corrected.  I had it listed as going void in the evening.  It is ironic that then I gave a lecture about noticing the void-of-course times, in Saturday's report, when I had made it impossible for you to notice Friday's by this mistake.  I have been convalescing from illness, but probably that does not give me much of an excuse. I shall attempt to be more vigilant in the future, although already I double-check such times. Mea culpa.]

A man swimming in the river against the current and making no progress.  Misdirection of effort through ignorance of natural laws. Straining after that which Nature has not designed, and consequent failure. Unpopular, moving against the stream.  Futility.   b

A man holding a fowl by the neck in the act of strangling it.   Cruel and cowardly; would take advantage of the weak and defenseless.   c

A lonely traveler in a solitary way, with a heavy burden on his back; he is assaulted by ruffians.   Life seems one continued struggle for a mere existence. Imposed on and wronged out of a hard-earned pittance.  c

Many toys in the children's ward of a hospital.   Abundance.   s

A man playing with colored balls, an immodest woman standing behind him.  Playful but careless. Given over to pleasures and unprofitable pursuits. Crossed by the opposite sex.  Little force of character or worthy ambition.  Foolishness.  c 

I seem to be above the earth; I see the sun ascending above the horizon, while it is yet dark on that hemisphere toward which it is approaching.   A man, yet one greater than a man! His mission is a world mission, but present conditions will scarcely permit of such a development.   c 

Two prim spinsters.   Divorcement.   s 

I do not finagle the symbols to get "nice" ones but take them as they come according to an exact formula I worked out after decades of involvement with them on a daily basis. I can't say I am pleased with what turned up today. But that just means it has some tough teaching. 

Prepare for preaching:  I have said before that the "man strangling a chicken" could be all or most of us, or all of those who eat chickens or their eggs, because the conditions those animals have to live under on even the better poultry farms can be horrible and cruel. So maybe you dare not grumble about this symbol, but rather look to yourself.

I don't know of anyone whose efforts are totally against the current and totally futile. Do you? But we might at times realize we are "barking up the wrong tree" and need to change course for our sanity and well-being.

The mugged traveler:  Are the ruffians the IRS? Some might think so. No comment.  They have treated me well for the most part.

I have been convalescing from illness, so the children's ward has personal significance for me, and the toys in it.  I have also found that being childlike in one's thinking and one's thoughts toward others is therapeutic.

I wouldn't deny a teenage boy his privilege to play with the colored balls and the immodest woman. Maybe his foolishness is the cocoon of later maturity. When he is still pursuing such sports at an advanced age we might suspect trouble.

The "two prim spinsters" can be some married couples after they pass the "colored balls" stage. They can be friends of either sex whose relationship is asexual. The "divorcement" keyword is fascinating. What does it suggest to you?  Cool friendship with no passion? 

The man with a world mission? The only ones I know are certain spiritual teachers. When it comes to politics, well, I will not deny it is possible but seems very rare.

{Friday}  ~In the Children's Ward~

Cosmic Piper

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