Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Forecast: Thursday 1 and Friday 2 August 2013

Thursday 1 August 2013

Sun in Leo, Assurance; Moon in Gemini, Joy; Fortuna in 11, Friends

/moon goes void-of-course at 9:50a PT | 12:50p ET | 4:50p UT
until very late Friday evening

}Into the Void Again?{

We have a day-and-a-half of the moon void-of-course, which is quite rare. To those of you who doubt that this means much I must convey the following. First, we have had a lot of it lately because the outer slow-moving planets are all in early degrees of signs. Now the inner quicker-moving planets are gradually getting toward later positions within their respective signs and so there will be fewer void-of-course hours as we go along over the coming weeks. But not today and tomorrow.

Next, as to its importance: It is very important! The trouble with explaining it and using it is that the explanation has to be complex. It means different things at different times to different people but there is a consistency in it which I try over and over to put into words. If you watch it carefully every day you will slowly find out how to use it. Obviously we can't all go on vacation every time it happens. So I emphasize, for those times, (a) routine work which is necessary and which you know how to do and (b) recreation or meditation or whatever gives you release from worry. I do not recommend fresh, positive, ambitious activities at those times when a particular result is essential, or conferences or communications which are controversial or complex, or signing contracts or reaching final agreements. Negotiation could be fine, but sealing the deal should be later after the moon has entered a new sign and is no longer void-of-course. Ordinary shopping as for groceries can be fine (although you might wonder later why you purchased a few items) but buying a diamond ring or house or computer is not recommended! 

An example of what it can mean: As I write on Wednesday, the moon was void-of-course Tuesday evening and I really felt at loose ends. Nothing seemed to make sense or be working as it ought to and I wondered where I was, what I was doing in this body and world. I did not "freak out" but I pondered, studied, prayed, and arrived at a few tentative conclusions about certain matters which did not feel certain. Meanwhile I was treated to the loudest and longest half-hour shouting match between a male and female neighbor I have ever heard in this location. This was doubtless connected with the Mars square Uranus and opposite Pluto configuration. I slept fitfully and in the morning did not feel like getting up at the usual time. I lounged in bed pondering and I must admit worrying. Finally I began to feel a little better and roused myself. I looked at the clock and then the daily chart. It was 8:58 a.m. in my zone and the moon had entered Gemini, no longer void-of-course, 15 minutes earlier at 8:43. I did not know this consciously or even what time it was but something in me knew it was time to get going again and felt much better about everything. I think millions of people go through something like this every time the moon is void-of-course but of course do not know anything about the astronomical phenomenon.

With the help of the previous paragraphs I will let you give yourself your own advice about today and Friday.

The intensity and complexity of current aspects is thinning out, and that feels to me somewhat of a relief. But please remember I said "somewhat." Mars is still closely opposite Pluto and square Uranus. This is a desire for freedom, since it is focused on Uranus, but the way to freedom is complex, and somewhat backward because Uranus is retrograde. Today, Thursday, it involves work as well as attention to finances. Remember the v-of-c advice, routine rather than unusual, new or high-falutin' work.

As for Mars opposite Pluto, it can be violent and turbulent--we have seen that in Egypt and elsewhere. Yet we see also attempts to control violence such as the Obama-Kerry initiative in bringing Palestinians and Israelis together, which began at a meeting Monday in Washington and will continue for weeks ahead. The situation of Bradley Manning is relevant here--he is to be sentenced soon, perhaps while I am writing . Here is how astrologer Robert Pelletier interprets the aspect: "The problem is to determine whether you are motivated by a lust for power and control or whether you should use your energy as a force for social responsibility." This of course is partly what Manning saw as a problem in his government. His government sees it as a problem in Manning. "You could be spiritually dedicated to make necessary changes in your environment." I believe that Manning was, regardless of whether the specific steps he took were justified or not.  "However, you may encounter powerful forces with the economic advantage to frustrate you in your objectives." No comment necessary. Now, if you apply this also to Snowden, to the Palestinians and the Israelis, and the Egyptians, one sees what this aspect is all about. The military is involved in all these cases (Mars) and also powerful financial interests (Pluto). They clash and interact in multiple ways, either violently or seditiously or sub rosa (secrets as ruled by Pluto) and often with a "lust for power or control." How this aspect is working out in your own life is for you to decide; perhaps what has just been said will help. Whom do you want to control or who is trying to control you? "Influence" is a more subtle form of control which is what most of us would be dealing with. The aspect lasts, by ten-degree orb, through August 10.  

You might watch with curiosity the hours just before and after the void-of-course time in late morning (given above). This final aspect of the moon while in Gemini is a square with Venus as well as a sextile with Uranus. Something is brewing in your love-nature at that time. An obsession,  flirtation or infatuation? It could be quite compelling, even thrilling. Of course it is going on in others also; and so strange attractions could be intense. Where they go after that may be into the void! Or not, if they are important enough to you to be rescued in due course.

{Thursday} {Into the Void Again?}

Cosmic Piper

Friday 2 August 2013

Sun in Leo, Assurance; Moon in Gemini, Joy; Fortuna in 11, Friends

/moon void-of-course all day until it
enters Cancer at 9:31p PT | 12:31a(Sa) ET | 4:31a(Sa) UT

}Love Within Service and Deep Perspective{

I shall not repeat the exposition of void-of-course given yesterday.

1 Stage: There is service, a need to do what is basic; we all serve the world in some capacity. That which is old and established gets your attention as something you can rely upon intellectually and spiritually. You are resourceful no matter what happens financially. 

2 Focus: There is self-indulgence and fun, friendship and genial interaction. It could be sensuous. A side of you watches your "prey" as if a spider waiting to move in--let's not say for the kill but for the denouement, whatever that may be. You see into people and their scheming and can scheme yourself. This is mostly centered around sheer pleasure.

3 Concern: A part of you feels it essential to care for and continue your work. "Work before play" is a generally useful motto. Your temperament is attuned to beauty, wealth, munificence, fruitfulness, and therefore open to receiving more of them.

4 Ado: You could become proud of things which are artificial and seem childish to someone else. You could appear superficial and peevish, making someone miserable. And someone could do this to you. However,  you could juggle things and possibilities in an interesting way and recover your poise. 

5 Issue: Although there are good and hopeful aspects, such as Venus sextile Mars exactly, there is also a "troubled strain" connected with the septiles of Venus and Mercury to Saturn. You want a sanction for underlying inexpressible purposes of your life, beyond surface pleasure. You are not afraid to look ahead into darkness, for you know you must pass through it as part of your destiny. 

6 Resolution: You know your foundations and need to remember them. This is partly your family background. Grandparents and other ancestors may be with you in consciousness. Convictions need to be absolute. Something in them was absolute and you have it too. Then you can  bring about desired results in the present, pleasingly genteel and fulfilling.

7 Essence: You reach up to become something you want to be. Yet you also need to reach down to perform humble work. Gold must be mined with a pickax, spiritual gold with service to others as well as yourself. When you get the feel of this you are free from concern about supremacy.

{Friday} {Love Within Service and Deep Perspective}

Cosmic Piper

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