Saturday, July 27, 2013

Forecast: Sunday and Monday, 28-29, 2013

Sunday 28 July 2013

Sun in Leo, Assurance; Moon in Aries, Hope; Fortuna in 9, Understanding

/moon void-of-course until it enters Taurus at 9:44p PT | 12:44a(M) ET | 4:44a(M) UT

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week 
begins (Saturday evening at 11:23p PT) Sunday at 2:23a ET | 6:23a UT

*Hanging Loose with Hope*

The slew of current aspects is perplexing. Though I take them to be basically beneficent, the square of the sun with Saturn is always tough, calling forth either "true grit" or failure. So the old adage that you have to do things you don't want to do is true again with force. Then after you've begun to do them, of course, you are glad you did.

Mars opposing Pluto is a peculiar one--in many it will be a realization of sexual problems or an ability to deal with them. Obsessions are seen to be obstructions or just pointless and silly or even destructive if persisted in once one has realized their futility. At worst this is an aspect of sadism or rape, but with the opposition this can be more theoretical, on the inner planes, rather than physical (as it might be with the square). 

Meanwhile Venus in good aspect with Jupiter and Mars on one side and Saturn on the other is a sustaining goodness which can be fortunate in a big way even though we don't realize how fortunate we are. Love of a restrained sort is in the air. It wants to be safe and so holds back from garish expression.

1 Stage: You feel you don't want to cater to people if this takes you too far out of your natural orbit. So you disjoin yourself from groups or individuals who don't feel right at present. Maybe they are disappointed. But you tend to the simple things which are necessary. Dairy products may be significant.

2 Focus: There is courage and splendor within you, wanting to come out, and you can broadcast it in one way or another. You do not have to be terribly worried about how people will respond, though you sensibly try to avoid gossip. If you are fair in your mind people will sense that you mean no harm when doing or saying things which reflect on them.

3 Concern: Not caring about "the fruits" or results of one's serious well-intended endeavors is a famous injunction of the Bhagavad Gita. You may be realizing what this means for you. Of course, everyone really does care, at some level, but realizing that one really wants to carry on regardless of the response from the world, because it is one's dharma or duty or reason for being, is a satisfaction in itself. Then, believe it or not, although I should not promise it! you get favor from the Supreme and the world and people because they appreciate you for who you are and what you do. They would not appreciate you as much if you were focused only on the results or gains.

4 Ado: There can be youth, artistry and music. This is coupled with curiosity about the world, as if pondering a map on which you might travel in the future. A place of entertainment as well as learning fascinates you and you map a way of visiting it.

5 Issue: Intense attractions are not always for the best. Yet cutting them off artificially can be cutting off some part of oneself. Making fun of them might be best! Then when one laughs one is not rejecting one's obsession or infatuation totally but putting it in a relaxing perspective. People can be ridiculously and hurtfully obsessed with each other, as in the 1987 movie Fatal Attraction, but when they laugh at themselves they recover from the lurking poison in the relationship.

6 Resolution: Hanging loose with others is a key. They and you are children learning how to live, to dance the dance of life, and do not have to be perfect or even competent. It's a process of seeing how others do it, doing it yourself, and not caring much about how you do, even though you try to be better in your own way.

7 Essence: A contemplative approach is good. The moon being void-of-course makes contemplation as good as action in many cases. There is beauty around you to be enjoyed, in nature and humanity. Reaching ahead in mind to something you can't do yet is relaxing because it shows you what is possible. That hope is enough to sustain you through lassitude or worriment.

{Sunday} *Hanging Loose with Hope*

Cosmic Piper

Monday 29 July 2013

Sun Leo, Assurance; Moon in Taurus, Peace; Fortuna in 10, Honor

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues

\Opportunity Not To Be Missed/

It has been pointed out by some astrologers that today, because the moon in Taurus for this day only forms a grand trine with Pluto and Venus in earth signs, collectively sextile the grand trine in water signs we have discussed over the past weeks, we have the very rare Grand Sextile--two grand trines collectively in a sextile relation with each other. It forms what has been called the Star of David, although the Jewish Encyclopedia written by rabbis affirms that this was not known to David but was adopted as a symbol by the Jewish community around 700 A. D.  In fact, it was the Star or Symbol of Vishnu many centuries earlier among the Hindus. Therefore it was adopted as a symbol by Sri Aurobindo for his Integral Yoga. It is basically beneficent, although not without problems since it involves also at least three (and this time actually five) oppositions. This day might hold something special for you if you can mold things as the following paragraphs suggest.

1 Stage: You know how to keep ingenious schemes turning in your life. They proceed from one level to another with predictability and so you can accomplish much with mathematical certitude. You are enlisting for service which can truly save people from dangers.

2 Focus: You have power, talent, and superiority along some line. You can push yourself in a truly successful direction, not caring how much or how little publicity you get--probably the more the better. You want to spread news or information and will be successful brilliantly.

3 Concern: You can build up a name for yourself, but there are lazy, decadent trends which could defeat you. A part of you would rather be relaxing, eating and sleeping. This would be possible to a delightful degree with the moon trine Venus and sextile Jupiter, among other excellent aspects, but look at what you would lose! Rather, you could enjoy some of those pleasures within your work schedule and still accomplish what you really want to accomplish to feel good about yourself.

4 Ado: A depressing side of the day would get you worrying more about the past, and mourning things or people seemingly lost, than attending to business. This could go along with a selfish mood, "I need this so I will go after it regardless of anyone else's supposed rights." It is well to be very careful about (a) too much worry and (b) too much grasping and bellicosity. The two tend to reinforce each other.

5 Issue: A secret attachment or obsession could ruin things. You see nothing wrong with it though something be wrong. So you could demand what is impossible from the world or someone looming large in your feelings. Some could turn drastically from attractive to repellent and dangerous. Then you need to buck up and find the real significance and value in the situation.

6 Resolution: Looking at some as if looking at a natural phenomenon, as a detached psychologist, could help. When you explain their behavior to yourself, you relax rather than tense up. Life is an experiment. You can predict what people are likely to do, and find security in that, and then help them release their creative powers, as if an instructor, through dramatizing the trends in them. 

7 Essence: It is important to avoid stagnation. You could coast too much. Things look easy, but letting them be too easy would make them much harder on other days. Indolence is wasteful. Being involved with the wrong individual is detrimental to both of you. Higher implications help you project yourself beyond the boring or blase` toward what will invest your life and other lives with meaning. Paragraphs 2 and 6 may point the way.

{Monday} /Opportunity Not To Be Missed\

Cosmic Piper

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