Monday, July 1, 2013

Forecast: Tuesday and Wednesday, 2-3 July, 2013

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Sun in Cancer, Expansion; Moon in Taurus, Peace; Fortuna in 11, Friends

|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week continues all day

There are several ways to look at, and experience, the square of Venus and Saturn (June 23 through July 8 by a ten-degree orb). We have already discussed some of them. It seems a failure of love, in many ways; or a failure of kindness, of consideration or friendliness. As for why this should be, that is the difficult part to put in words. The planets are not doing anything to us. This is all cosmic synchronicity, which cannot be understood without G*d because only the Supreme Lord could arrange things in this way--the motions of the planets of our solar system pointing out facets of our spiritual lives we need to face better with the help of this orientation. And so, since He is supreme, there is no failure of love! It only looks that way. Why? That is a question for each of us to answer according to personal insight and growth. One is likely to feel that people aren't worth loving. One feels extremely disappointed with them. If you can grasp that this is a universal condition (on planet Earth anyway) and not just your own problem, it could help you deal with it. Others are going through it as you are. I am. We did not all suddenly become unlovable but the cosmic format is showing us the worse in each of us so we can face it and deal with it somehow or other. And that will be the end of the sermon for today because I as a limited human being do not have a full answer to the question. "Love one another" said the Master. Yes. That is the answer, but implementing the answer is an individual matter for each of us. Tuesday:

\Healthy Attempt Toward Superiority/

1 Stage: We grope toward knowledge and understanding. Some approaches are mystical, others practical, some playful. The way children play is a groping of the mind to "get" something not accessible through textbooks. The mystic "gets" something through free meditation. It emerges.

2 Focus: There can be malice and evil. The idealists and mystics (such as myself) believe that evil is not real, but a failure of understanding or a failure to live by grace. So I believe; yet there is terrorism and organized crime and government tyranny and injustice. A possible answer today: Turn toward something which grows, like a plant, and help it. Think of a disturbed human being as a plant needing care.

3 Concern: Justice is kindness when in a particular situation it frees someone from self-hurting. Other-hurting is self-hurting. 

4 Ado: Someone fretful, peevish and superficial is going through some or all of the above. So that is his or her "excuse." We can say "No excuses!" but are we able to live with that ourselves? This person feels lacking in energy and moral courage. For that he might unfairly blame you.

5 Issue: You might want to become a child again, elevated above all worries. But to do that you could abscond from responsibility and become something you really despise: a mere hanger-on, selfishly grasping and indolent. Well, just seeing such a trend in yourself could be a cure for it because none of us really want to be that. 

6 Resolution: If you can feel sure within yourself of something major, and risk trusting it, you can enter into fresh experiences with confidence. You can regrasp old sureties in a new context which makes you do it in a way you had not mapped out beforehand. The attempt is healthy no matter what the outcome.

7 Essence: Your comprehension can spread out so that you incorporate a wider range of actualities and possibilities within your awareness. This gives strength, power, and eminence. If you want to be foremost in some arena, you can be. It's not an easy time, but hopes and friends sustain you even if that seems unlikely on the surface.

{Tuesday} /Healthy Attempt Toward Superiority\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Sun in Cancer, Expansion; Moon in Taurus, Peace; Fortuna in 11, Friends
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:52a PT | 11:52a ET | 3:52p UT
(until it enters Gemini early Thursday)
|Karmically intense or sobering third| of this week 
ends at 9:55a PT | 12:55p ET | 4:55p UT

\A Mysterious Ardor/

1 Stage: Some things are kept secret. They may be some of the most sagacious things about you; wisdom beyond telling. Yet you would like to assure some of your constancy, your unfailing devotion, and could do this in subtle ways, or serenade them in your mind.

2 Focus: What is beautiful is beautiful and you fall to it and foster it. This you could do mentally, through music or poetry, as well as through surging and colorfully varying emotions. Knowledge for you, scholarly or otherwise, must be shared in exotic ways to be worth having.

3 Concern: Your mind is free as the wind. It might become surprisingly violent if feeling intensely opposed to something wrong or stupidly obstructive. More happily you could please childlike individuals in a way to make them feel the world is filled with peace and concord.

4 Ado: A childish person is fretful, with artificial tastes and peevishness. Another is sensitive and intelligent, interested in what is truly interesting to you as well. Perhaps one individual manifests both trends at various times. 

5 Issue: Those who craftily look out only for themselves are to be pitied unless a gleam of soul-satisfying self-expression visits them, when they bring experiment, self-expression and fun to those around them. The drones of society can justify themselves through pleasure they evoke.

6 Resolution: People want to impact history. This could be through changes in marriage customs, through revealing government lying, as has been happening, or in other ways. What they rant about may be worth listening to. Other aspects of them are evident to those patient enough to appreciate: good will, creativity, and omens of good fortune. The one who brings bad news or remonstrance may also bring joy.

7 Essence: There is room for contemplation, which begets an over-all view of things, which begets poise. Venus in tri-septile with both Neptune and Pluto while square Saturn speaks of love beyond words, that is, love which though not ecstatic or plain on the material level is solid on the spiritual level. This means perception beyond ordinary perception fostering willingness to love those who appear unlovable at first through the ardor of divine illumination. 

{Wednesday} /A Mysterious Ardor\

Cosmic Piper

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