Monday, July 22, 2013

The Newborn Prince

Here is what I just posted on Shawn Collins's Astro-Alchemy page on Facebook, where Shawn posted the horoscope of the just-born Prince:

It's good to see this. The first thing I surmise is, No big surprises, a Royal who knows where his bread is buttered and will be conservative in preserving his prerogatives, with the fortunate (but sometimes lazy) grand trine, and with Pluto ruling the ascendant in the 2nd of money, and the planets in the 8th indicating his inherited endowment. There is also the fortunate increasing sextile of Venus with both Jupiter and Mars, very sweet. What would make for more fire? The T square focused on Uranus in Aries in the 4th. Some desire to shake up or challenge his foundations, perhaps, but in a small way--some originality within the royal established framework. But the Cancer-Capricorn opposition and the stellium in Cancer suggest that the framework is very solid for him. Cushy, comfortable. A very fortunate chart. With the focus on Uranus in the 4th (homes) and the Cancer stellium, he may be interested in architecture, as is his grandfather Charles.

Well, we occultists might want to believe that he could be interested in psychic phenomena and spiritualism or something along that line, with the big emphasis in the 8th house (death) as part of a wonderful grand trine including Neptune in Pisces. The generation born with Neptune in Pisces 150 years ago and more was very interested in spiritualism. It included Sri Arthur Conan Doyle.

Let me add that I almost forecast the birth of the Prince! Here is the first paragraph of the forecast for Monday: "1 Stage: Spiritual seekers are babes in the woods, it seems, like St. John the Baptist, or an Indian yogi wandering in a loin-cloth. Yet they can move the world as did John, as do yogis appealed to by the populace for healing, solace and guidance. The fact that they are not understood does not hinder them from helping."  It is hardly insignificant that on the "stage" for the day I put "a babe in the woods"! I am deeply convinced that the daily forecasts say much more than people generally recognize when they read them hastily. To "get" what they can communicate one has to read them also at the end of the day.

Paragraph 7 of the forecast mentions people celebrating festively: "Then there is the fairy or angelic kingdom within humanity, which comes out in festivals, parties, and get-togethers where all feel happy to display themselves in a colorful way, costumed or not. Some of all this is in the air despite the |difficult third of the week|, so we may be heartened and lifted on invisible wings."

Indeed, the denizens of the land of Albion must be celebrating even now the birth of a fairy or angel child, as if lifted on invisible wings. 

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  And now I have to eat just a little crow . . . I stand by what I said above except for the T square part. There is no T square with Uranus. I was reading Shawn's chart erroneously . . . I saw the moon as at 17Capricorn28 instead of at 28Capricorn17. My apologies. The grand trine, the sextile among Mars, Jupiter and Venus, and all the rest is accurate, except for the T square part. Uranus is indeed in the 4th but lacking the T square I would not say that the new Prince has much of a "shake-up" potential in him.  LATER: No I do not need to eat any crow! There is indeed a T square with Uranus at focus, but involving Pluto rather than the moon. So my "eating a little crow" was premature. I am not going to digest it.

P. P. S. He has such a fortunate chart that his life is pretty much his to handle however he wishes. It might be interesting to see if the "occult potentials" I mentioned come out. I could visualize him as very interested in his ancestry (Cancer planets in the 8th house) and wanting to establish some kind of spiritual communication with them. That could take a large variety of forms. We shall see.

P. P. P. S.  To consolidate further the validity of my forecast for Monday, written and posted Sunday before anybody knew the new Prince would be born, and which I titled "Consorting with Fairies or Angels?" on the Facebook links, I find that the exact rising degree of the Prince is 27 Scorpio, symbolized by the Sabian symbol "The king of the fairies approaching his domain." Is the still unnamed prince going to turn the Land of Albion into the Land of Faerie?

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