Thursday, July 11, 2013

Forecast: Friday and Saturday, 12-13 July, 2013

Friday 12 July 2013

Sun in Cancer, Expansion; Moon in Virgo, Purity; Fortuna in 2, Possession

\Calming Down for Balance/

Just after I mentioned the grand trine in water signs and said that this might show that maritime and other water activities seemed safer than air travel (considering recent problems with that) there is the huge flooding in India and China displacing hundreds of thousands of people. Too much water from this grand trine in water signs! Earlier when this trine was also in effect there was unwanted rain in the U. S. Midwest and a farming friend told me of troubles with flooding in her fields. So yes, a grand trine in water can show too much of a good thing. I note, however, that the real problems in India and China are surfacing Wednesday and Thursday when the sun is sesqui-square Neptune by a 2-degree orb (which is all I allow for minor aspects). I have been forced through much observation over the years, and repeated re-observation of past significant days, to allow a 2-degree orb for all minor aspects including the septiles, bi-septiles, tri-septiles, nonagens, bi-nonagens, tri-nonagens, octiles (also called semi-squares), tri-octiles (also called sesqui-squares), quintiles and bi-quintiles, quincunxes and semi-sextiles. That is a lot of aspects, but by the two-degree orb there are not so many on a given day that one cannot think about them or make sense of the chart--I hope! I felt the tri-octile between the sun and Neptune on Wednesday as deep lassitude. I wanted to sleep rather than think, study or write. It was disquieting. I then turned to a meditation-prayer by Meher Baba which seemed to help. Then I looked at the daily chart and saw that the sun and Neptune had begun the tri-octile relationship on that day. Meher Baba was Pisces, ruled by Neptune. Then I read about the flooding in India and China. Neptune makes us go deep--I felt that I was drowning psychically, wanting to go into another dimension to escape this one. That aspect continues through the two days covered by this forecast. Coming as it does in the midst of a Mercury-Retrograde period, it makes people seek comfort far-off, within, in another dimension. So they can be absent-minded about material things and duties, or take their time with them, which is one reason for the too-many accidents we have had recently. Meher Baba taught that G*d is the only answer, that our relation to Him ought to be our major preoccupation, a relation of love as well as total dedication and surrender. Friday:

1 Stage: Pride makes people colorful and daring. It could also make them foolish if they set themselves against the flow of the wind or the currents of public opinion and thereby come to grief. Depending on one's family background and its loyalties is not foolish but wise, especially if it makes one noble and kind-hearted.

2 Focus: Giving up one thing to try another can be a besetting sin. It denies one the chance to make good with anything. Your powers go out of the groove; you want to do something most people don't get at all. Fine, if you can make it work. You will note that others also are "out of the groove" and pursuing things which make no sense to your observation at first. Instability in such pursuits could be disabling.

3 Concern: Freedom could be rashness, even violence, but is more likely now to be a giving up to fate, deciding to stick with what one can do and has been doing. Life is constantly thrilling only in TV episodes or movies. Laborious, unimaginative, honest living is what sustains all our dreams.

4  Ado: Questions of guilt and punishment keep coming up, as in the Zimmerman trial, even in old finished cases such as that of the Boston Strangler. There is no need to get oneself over-involved in others' trials and troubles unless one can do it to make a real difference. Otherwise it can be a waste of time, psychically unhealthy or dangerous.

5  Issue: Extravagance takes forms of over-eating or drinking too much or some other indulgence which "creeps up on one." No doubt one has charming company, or imagines it, or finds oneself charming! Fine. But sloppily overdoing self-indulgence is not charming.

6  Resolution: There is a spiritual ideal you believe in. Sanctity is beyond us and we bow to it. It beckons you to live up to it. That pulls you naturally, by higher gravitation, away from what would debase you before you realize what is happening. Then whatever social times you also enjoy will be more rather than less congenial, satisfying, and entertaining. 

7 Essence: A lot of arguing is going on, some in law courts but most in our minds. You may be arguing with two facets of yourself, which could take the guise of an internal parent and internal child or some other division. Who wins? Now one, now the other. We hurt ourselves when we are too obstinate, because we are not seeing the counter-balancing position which could save us from making fools of ourselves. You could argue out an issue in your mind, resolve it, take your stand, and justify it to yourself and to the world.

{Friday} /Calming Down for Balance\

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 13 July 2013

Sun in Cancer, Expansion; Moon in Virgo, Purity; Fortuna in 3, Environment

/moon goes void-of-course at 8:27a PT | 11:27a ET | 3:27p UT
until it enters Libra Sunday at 12:42a PT | 3:42a ET | 7:42a UT

\Choosing Worthy Alignment/

Old things, memories, old experiences, people gone from this world, return to consciousness while Mercury is retrograde (until July 20-21) and beyond that until the next Bright Hermetic Epoch (August 3). I believe with the Theosophists that memory is real and permanent in something like "the akashic records" beyond our brain cells, so that it can be recovered between lives or ultimately in lives far down the line thousands of years from now. While Mercury is retrograde we have access, through dreams, visions or day-dreams, to some of this living and fruitful memory-record. It can erupt surprisingly and be a source of blessing if we for our part bless all we have experienced. Saturday:

1  Stage: Light from the past, present or future awakens questioning awareness within consciousness. Then we try to link ourselves with answers through ritualistic gestures toward the unknown which can evoke a rapture of blessing.

2  Focus: Rest and dreaming, even indolence, go with this period naturally. While engaged in that non-pursuit, you may think of things which need justice, which require divine adjustment so that all are rewarded fairly for what they have done and been. You will sense what you ought to do or say when you recover from your temporary retreat.

3  Concern: It is tragic to see how some have deviated so far from what is right that to recover they would have to begin building in a new place or situation or frame of mind, such as one who has committed a crime. An interspace when nothing at all seems possible, such as some of this moon-void-of-course day, is a necessity sometimes for getting to a new mental space. Yet there can be cordiality, and friends are not absent, whether in person or just in awareness. Confidential sharing lifts moods.

4  Ado: When all seems blank, mysterious, beyond the grasp of thought, there is still time, and we must measure it in our minds or with our bodies somehow, if only by breathing and drinking water. Then there may be a song in one's head, or a rhythm; and one senses how one activity leads to another through cause and effect. Descartes and the phenomenologists were right: We are the scientists of our own internal worlds.

5  Issue: Practical allegiances have to be held to if there is to be any stability. You can be adaptable, for with each ally you need a particular set of mind which might not suit another one. To be aware of the weaknesses of an ally or a potential one is to protect oneself from leaning too much on him or her, which could result in betrayal and loss. Being a step ahead is not impossible.

6  Resolution: You are who you are and your dignity should be your stance. You adjust to people but do not shift your principles or convictions for any of them. Some greater alliance with a group tradition has linked you with someThing beyond the group, to which it aspires, and so whether in or out of the group you affirm this fidelity to Deity and its reflection in your principled inflexibility.

7  Essence: Some things and some people and some institutions move according to their own momentum and one needs to be alert and agile enough to get out of their way rather than let them wreck one's course recklessly (to speak in language's riddles). Your hope could be in aligning yourself with someone prominent, famous, or brilliant. (As I write I think of Edward Snowden and wonder if he is getting some answer to his particular plight. If so, we may not hear about it, so secretive have to be some of his maneuvers.) In your personal world you can align yourself with someone who is a true rather than unworthy ally and find this a protection for your course, which might have been injured by a false loyalty.

{Saturday} /Choosing Worthy Alignment\

Cosmic Piper

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