Friday, July 19, 2013

Forecast: Saturday and Sunday, 20-21 July, 2013

Saturday 20 July 2013

Sun in Cancer, Expansion; Moon in Sagittarius, Sagacity-->Capricorn, Reverence; Fortuna in 6, Adjustment

/moon goes vod-of-course at 8:01a PT | 11:01a ET | 3:01p UT
until it enters Capricorn at 11:40a PT | 2:40p ET | 6:40p UT

\Feathered Nest/

1 Stage: It could be a lovely day. People are friendly, desiring beauty and concord. Getting them together in one place could be a good project, bringing out the harmony and social fulfillment lurking under the surface and needing some occasion to surge forward.

2 Focus: There is speculation concerning land, housing, a place in which to expand. There is some danger that one would be unhappily restrained in some such situation so one ought to be sure before committing, for although Mercury turns direct today we are still in the encompassing Dark Hermetic Epoch until August 3. 

3 Concern: Freedom can be excessive if it is wanton, destroying what is valuable rather than taking the trouble to preserve it. If you are a spiritual seeker you can turn your thoughts to prayerful study in order to arrive at deeper insight which rescues you from the world's confusion.

4 Ado: There is optimism, and perhaps over-optimism. It's as if you own or reserve to yourself a plot of land, or a porch or tent or table, where you can interact with friends and the public in an exciting way. There is felicity and easy-going competence in displaying a talent or capacity.

5 Issue: Who brings out for you the melody of your heart, and what superficial activity facilitates sharing? That is the right place to go, to make real a relationship which becomes more real the more it is experienced, whether gaudily and foolishly or with meticulous care about where it is going. 

6 Resolution: There can be union in service and cooperation. To find that you can be thorough in pursuing all kinds of possibilities until something good turns up. One can be bold, plumbing the depths of experience. Someone will meet you half way or more to bring out surprising potentials. Inner instincts compel people to present themselves compellingly. 

7 Essence: You have rights over some segment of reality. This is your domain and you can do what you wish with it. You may or may not have someone to share it with you, but if not a mate than still friends or friendly associates will blend happily with your purposes and desires and link with you to appreciate and enjoy the segment of the world which is yours to hold or share. 

{Saturday} /Feathered Nest\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 21 July 2013

Sun in Cancer, Expansion; Moon in Capricorn, Reverence; Fortuna in 6, Adjustment

/moon goes void-of-course at 8:54a PT | 11:54p ET | 3:54p UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins
at 7:16p PT | 10:16p ET | 2:16a(M) UT

\Exploration Toward Community Focus/

1 Stage: Many will feel there is nothing to do, no reason to exert themselves. Things slow down. Machinery, buildings or settings seem dilapidated. So some will find a release from boredom in shopping, expecting through this to find something money probably cannot buy.

2 Focus: Nevertheless you can accomplish what you decide if it is modest enough. You have a strong sense of freedom and could run about sniffing the wind to catch a clue as to where to go and what to do next. You are not likely to go far wrong. You see possible tracts of land for future development or places you might want to visit or settle in for a while. 

3 Concern: Extravagant desires have overwhelmed you in the past few weeks and you may marvel at what they have done in your life, that is, what they have not done, promising much and delivering little. What are your convictions? What lends stability and solidity to your life? On that you can rest for safety.

4 Ado: Adventure for its own sake appeals to you. You like to try your hand at this and that and you can be successful in fooling others and yourself, or just playing a bit with the talents G*d has given you to play with. The places where you do this have potentials for your future.

5 Issue: One man's useless trinket is another's temporary treasure. We endow things with their value; so do others; and their mutual endowment becomes something desired by some, not by others. You have the right to grab for yourself and use what would help complete your world and make it something a mate, children or the community would appreciate. 

6 Resolution: You can get to the bottom of things. This involves extending yourself beyond the usual to enumerate or classify experiences. What is your business, and what is somebody else's? It is possible to be carelessly indiscreet. One can share secrets indirectly rather than directly, which is more discreet. Then there is confidence in oneself and others and secrets open out into adventures.

7 Essence: Being roused from timidity, one can make a place for oneself in any environment. As in paragraph 1, there could be a loss of focus and perhaps complaining and indigence. Why bother with anything? All is disappointing. But a morose attitude does not help one enjoy life. Acting as if one had a purpose to set up something like a home or family can lift one toward action which brings satisfaction. 

{Sunday} /Exploration Toward Community Focus\

Cosmic Piper

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