Monday, July 15, 2013

Forecast: Tuesday and Wednesday, 16-17 July, 2013

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Sun in Cancer, Expansion; Moon in Scorpio, Justice; Fortuna in 4, Home

|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues
Moon remains in the Via Combusta
/moon void-of-course until it enters Scorpio
at 7:25a PT | 10:25a ET | 2:25p UT

~Inner Intensity Saddled to Work~

1 Stage: Whatever your problems with someone who has slandered you, or someone who thinks you have slandered him, there is an avenue of escape and reconciliation no matter how peculiar the misunderstandings. Many, and perhaps this person, are consumed with a desire for easy money and this might be in the back of his or her mind making him uneasy about everything including yourself.

2 Focus: Whatever is wrong can be detected with firm intuitive intelligence. So you know how to be fair. You feel independent and self-willed, somewhat estranged from the world, able to fend for yourself and (symbolically) take your own path through the desert to a fertile wooded area without anyone's help or interference.

3 Concern: Aimless pursuits can be wasteful, indulged only for the joy of feeling someone's pain vicariously, or your own. Rather, you can put your heart in hard tasks and gather strength slowly by getting a little bit done each day or hour. Continuity of effort is a test of manhood.

4 Ado: Your peculiar intelligence is clever, witty, colorful, able to get attention like the class clown or show-off. You could make people think you know more than you do, reaching high and low for good guesses.

5 Issue: You are indomitable. Maybe you tie yourself up, like Houdini, to show how good you are at escaping your own knots. Or you face the challenge of the unknown with courageous self-reliance. Complicating this is something from your childhood which you still feel. It put your libido or young habitual impulses in a certain pattern  which is coming back full force during the Mercury Retrograde cycle. 

6 Resolution: Releasing yourself toward something natural to you, a hobby, interest or recreation, makes you avid for life and liberates you from needless restrictions. Receptivity to life kindles enthusiasm. You can be imperturbable in this, letting yourself be unkempt or not caring how you look if that means experiencing, rather than brooding on limits. 

7  Essence: There is work, and you will feel happier if you do not avoid it. You are like a woodman pioneer cutting his own timber and building his own shanty. That makes for openness, honesty and generosity. Then you are not hiding from anyone but able to fend off hurts in a nonchalant manner. It is true there are dangers but you will escape them naturally if you focus on what is most important, reorganizing things within your power of control at home or headquarters.

{Tuesday} ~Inner Intensity Saddled to Work~

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Sun in Cancer, Expansion; Moon in Scorpio, Justice; Fortuna in 4, Home

Moon leaves the Via Combusta at 9:34a PT | 12:34p ET | 4:34p UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 9:18p PT | 12:18a(Th) ET | 4:18a(Th) UT

 ~Thrills Fielded Consciously and Safely~

1 Stage: I can hardly begin to outline how thrilling this day could be, from multiple perspectives. It is filled with passion, daring, a desire for complete consummation. What form this takes depends on the individual. You gamble, you try, you exhibit yourself and get responses. At worst the intensity of feeling could lead to quarreling, as members of a love-triangle sparring, but I believe we will be above that (the amazing grand trine in water signs is complete and exact, aided by Mars conjoined to Jupiter).

2 Focus: You sense whatever is wrong in time to correct it. People want fairness and justice and you can detect what that is in each situation. Therefore you will not have to be upset by uncertainties, which are evident but make life interesting. Some have meteoric careers which are thrilling for a moment and then dissipate or take a completely different form.

3 Concern: We continue to estimate things from the past which raise their ugly or sweet heads, and dismiss them when they no longer serve us. That is good because amazing voyages of discovery and illumination are now possible for anyone attuned to destiny.

4 Ado: The variety of the time is akin to a juggling act. Your mind puts 2 and 2 together and comes up with 108. Magicians' acts convince spectators that magic is real. Some research, going far beyond entertainment, is startlingly accurate. You could see into things as a seer. Some of that knowledge evokes passion and love in surprising ways.

5 Issue: Crises of your childhood and youth are still with you, some of them inhibiting you or making you suspicious because of past hurts. But you could be determined to press on into the unknown, dragging your past self and its sufferings and worries as if an animal in leash, so that it can experience something better with you, the conscious Indomitable.

6 Resolution: Fellow participants in life create a kaleidoscope for you, which illumines everything as with light through a stained-glass window, and all is thrilling. You are avid to taste of it. You are adequate to follow an intelligent course, waiting when you cannot be immediately sated, for you know satisfaction is inevitable and that makes it real in consciousness beforehand.

7 Essence: The thrills which flood you could become too passionate and emotional, which could bring suffering. However, it appears that most will be beyond that stage, able to appreciate multiple potentials without skidding. It is necessary to keep calm strong control so that you do not hurt yourself slipping into something dangerous, but this should be possible based on common sense and deep understanding flowering within you.

{Wednesday}  ~Thrills Fielded Consciously and Safely~

Cosmic Piper

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