Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Message for Wednesday 5 August 2020

Wednesday 5 August 2020

~Through Pretty Bubbles and Scudding Clouds to Self-Certainty~

Moon in Pisces

The slew of difficult aspects which has been with us for weeks continues, with variations from day to day.  Today I looked ahead with a streamlined computer model to see when the aspect-pattern would become more "normal" or smoother and more acceptable to our harried consciousness.  I used a weekly method which enables me to progress from week to week with one click.  I kept thinking, "Maybe by November and the election we will see a big change."  That did not seem in evidence--not to predict that Trump will win, of course, but that no matter who wins we may still be struggling with multiple factors.  I kept clicking and it was not until March and April that it seemed we might be "free" of  "harassment" if one wants to term it that.  In other words, we might expect some relief by then, no matter what our individual circumstances.  I am sorry it can't be sooner but I am trying to be honest with you and myself.

At a deeper philosophic level, however,  the planets' motions are what they are and if it is true that March-April will feel smoother to us, then it is also true that the process working out until then is necessary!  The planets can't get to where they will be in March-April without being where they will be in August, September, December, and February!   This is a clue to contentment.  "It is what it is."  

And so I shall continue with the daily forecasts and try to suggest ways of dealing with multiply intertwining factors.  I am learning a lot as we go and hope that what I couldn't do a year ago I am doing better now, and better yet a year from now . . .

Wednesday:  The moon in Pisces with Neptune suggests the transcendental, "a large bubble in which all the colors are blending."  This could be idealism or occultism, the sublime and the beautiful.  If some say this is not practical, one could ask, Is euphoric fulfillment practical?  What is more practical?  There is however a hint that one might be unaware of some of one's abilities, and shrink from employing them when actually one could "make a splash" by being braver.  "An empty rostrum" means "Take your stand there and say something."  

Or, if that is not enough, you could be like "a pugilist entering the ring."  Some might secretly hope you will be battered, but others will be on your side.  For those not drawn to fisticuffs the "prize fight" could be more intellectual.  It is yourself exerting yourself toward self-establishment in your field of endeavor.  The sun's trine with Mars, building daily, should help in this regard.  One is always busy, as if ascending a spiral staircase, and one wonders if there is going to be any reward, but "sunshine at the top" answers that question.  Finally, some good luck.

The high-pressure aspects of Mars square Jupiter and Pluto, plus the morbid-melancholy Venus quincunx Saturn, might add up to "a gloomy sky, scudding clouds, and blackbirds struggling against the wind."  This is pessimism, doubt, and misgivings.  One feels there is no point in delivering that speech at the rostrum.  One could be too easily thrown off track.  Rather, one could put one's consciousness on "a living tradition of spiritual achievement" as if one were one of "men seeking illumination."  Through dedication, the self can find "the potentialities to which it must devote itself to be itself."  

{Wednesday}  ~Through Pretty Bubbles and Scudding Clouds to Self-Certainty~

Cosmic Piper

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