Sunday, August 23, 2020

Message for Monday 24 August 2020

 Monday 24 August 2020

~Turmoil off and On; Security~

Moon in Scorpio

Dangers:  I have spoken frequently of the square between Mars and Saturn, exact today.  Not only are these two the "malefic" planets according to the ancients, each is in its own sign (Aries for Mars, Capricorn for Saturn) which makes them very powerful. Further, each is at a critical degree (a little-used ancient measurement which I have verified in personal observation for years).  Further, Mars is direct while Saturn is retrograde, and an astrologer friend insists that this "squeeze" makes any harsh aspect much more intense.  It is not the end of the world but there is no wonder that many are feeling challenged.  Here are some wise words about this aspect from the superb astrologer CEO Carter:  "Hardness or sternness," "severity turned inward," "inner austerity and self-discipline."  There is  an "off and on" when it comes to endeavors, sometimes spells of laziness, or dropping things when they no longer amuse.  "A certain amount of selfishness or egoism."  "Often even when there is real kindness of heart, the native likes to go his own way, and will not readily turn aside from what interests him personally in order to minister to others.  There is an inclination to impatience with those who do not readily agree."  

Whoa!  Astrology is incredible and those who do not think it is real are perfect asses.  Or worse, intolerant stupid bigots!  More evidence:  Just as I copied the above from Dr. Carter, I thought of Lucifer, the Devil portrayed by Tom Ellis, and I thought, "That sounds exactly like him!"  So I checked his horoscope again, and lo and behold, Tom Ellis was born with Mars at 11 Sagittarius exactly square Saturn at 12 Virgo!  Eureka!  Astrology wins again, bigtime.  Those who deny its validity are wearing facemasks over not their nose and mouth but their eyes and ears.  Also, the much-awaited fifth season of Lucifer debuted just yesterday, during the peak of this Mars-square-Saturn aspect!  Ellis as Lucifer routinely is "impatient with those who do not readily agree," calling them insulting names. Actors always have horoscopes perfectly representing the characters they portray, especially when they are in a long-term series like this.  And I believe you will see similar "impatience" in the current political atmosphere and in discussions with friends.   

More from Dr. Carter on this aspect:  "A life of hardship and suffering, as well as the undergoing of physical violence."  "Strain and excess, followed by a need for prolonged rest, rigid attention to dietetic and other restrictions, and otherwise 'paying the price.'"  "It does not by any means forbid success, though this will come later and after severe struggles."  Those clues are for us now, and until February 2021, for Mars shall go retrograde and slowly continue this seemingly endless "rub against Saturn."

Dangers, continued, for Monday:  "A man, richly attired, having lost his foothold, is falling to the ground."  This shows "want of judgment and persistence," or "decadence."  However, "a lightning flash" shows a great fund of energy.  One can clear away doubts and be, or find, a source of illumination.  Then one might engage in some patient and deliberate research, as if "busy at work with some scientific instruments" (Mercury trine Uranus).  

Opportunities:  Working with or being around green growing things could be comforting and strengthening.  "An artificial globe" suggests travel, or the study of distant places, making discoveries (Mercury trine Uranus).   "An elephant with his castle on his back" has cool courage plus sagacity.  He is "a defender and helper of the weak."  You may give or receive such assistance.

Blessings:  "Lost opportunity regained in the imagination" means we can reformulate plans.  "Two angels bringing protection" suggests security through sure convictions.  "The germ grows into knowledge and life" because living substance presses forward and unfolds.  The moon has left the Via Combusta, though still in Scorpio while sextile Jupier, Pluto and Saturn.  This is quiet security or restful stability.  

{Monday}  ~Turmoil Off and On; Security~

Cosmic Piper

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