Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Message for Wednesday 12 August 2020

 Wednesday 12 August 2020

}Recovering Mojo{

Moon in Taurus-->Gemini
/moon goes void-of-course at 0:56a PT | 3:56a ET | 7:56a UT
until it enters Gemini at 6:47a PT | 9:47a ET | 1:47p UT

It seems we have been using a periscope, or "sextant and compass," to find our way out of chaotic conditions.  Something in the outdoors, or a country scene, is fruitful both literally and figuratively.  We are reminded we are in the month of Leo, the sun-month, by the symbol "in the center of a high mountain plateau one of the ancient magi performs his matutinal (daily) devotions.  The lord of day is on the ascendant."  Everyone needs some daily rhythm, whether scriptural study, prayer, meditation, or all three.  We have to step along with the sun.  

Fated or destiny-laden changes seem disconcerting, for Sol is at point focus in a yod configuration with Neptune, Jupiter and Pluto.  Some aspect of your environment may seem like "a coal pit, the machinery at a standstill, the whole plant in a dilapidated condition."  One can pull back, be remote or reticent, carrying one's burden without complaint or comment, treasuring what one knows cannot be lost though it be obscured.  

Likewise, a "sapling" has been bent by the wind of human passions and weaknesses, betrayed by what it leaned on.  We see others affected in this way, partly disabled by false expectation or misplaced trust.  Yet recovery is possible.  Those who get their mojo back are tapping into the sextile of Venus with Uranus (self-appreciation) and the trine of the sun with Mars (self-confidence).  "A face is surmounted by a coiled serpent.  There is a raised hand."  One can be commanding through a keen understanding of life's laws.  Powers of concentration develop intuition and foresight.  One penetrates into the secrets of others' inclinations sufficiently to take charge of the situation and its trajectory.  

{Wednesday}   {Recovering Mojo}

Cosmic Piper

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