Saturday, August 22, 2020

Message for Sunday 23 August 2020

 Sunday 23 August 2020

~Investigating a Path to Recovery~

Moon in Scorpio
< moon in the Via Combusta
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues until 10:08p PT | 1:08a(M) ET | 5:08a(M) UT

If at first . . .  Some are feeling struck by poverty.  This can make one inclined to be agnostic or atheist (though the theist would say that believing would help eliminate the poverty).  "A man, richly attired, having lost his foothold, is falling to the ground."  This could be "the breaking up of families and the loss of their traditions."  We might enjoy seeing a rich person lose his privileges, or we might marvel at how he or she recovers, as in the comic series Schitt's Creek.  From the blankness of a clean piece of paper, something better can emerge.  Or at least one calculates toward such an end, as if life were a problematical theory (sun and Mercury in Virgo).

you don't succeed, . . .   One might attend to gardening, for the sight and pleasure of growing things is therapeutic.  Or one might peek around at the neighbors, "a man peeping around a corner at a company of men in the act or reconnoitering."  Life is interesting.  And more intellectual puzzles or interests might also satisfy, or lead somewhere.  "A man before a square with a manuscript scroll before him" is preparing his prospects in a rigorously reasoned manner.  He is suffering the travail of the current Mars square with Saturn, yet attempting to get a handle on it.

try, try again.    Monday is something to look forward to.  "Lost opportunity" is being "regained in the imagination."  One is reformulating potentials in a fluid way.  "A large white cross upraised" could help, for it holds before your vision a hope of resurrection from whatever you have felt mournful about.  "A Hercules or Samson standing over a slain lion" has overcome dangers, yet is soft and gentle to those dependent.  Such spiritual conquest is invulnerable, preparing a path to tomorrow, which looks better (Monday). .

{Sunday}   ~Investigating a Path to Recovery~

Cosmic Piper

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