Thursday, August 27, 2020

Message for Friday 28 August 2020

 Friday 28 August 2020

\Bashful, Reserved or Patient/

Moon in Capricorn
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us until late Sunday evening

Challenges:  "A man asleep in the heat of the day, some implements beside him" sounds to me like a needed siesta, but Sepharial says it shows indolence, or lack of interest and energy.  One might "dream when he should be working."  Therefore when it comes time to use one's talents, there is "a large disappointed audience."  However, this disjunction between what one does and what the "audience" wants could show that one ought not to "make the momentary mood of the masses a guide for the values one should pursue." Indeed, some around you could be "fretful and peevish," interested only in "toys or common ornaments of glass or tinsel," that is, lacking the refined taste which would appreciate your talent or skill.

Opportunities:  Charubel says we might be thinking about cows, milk, cheese or butter.  Venus in Cancer the sign of cows is trine Neptune in Pisces so some dairy product might be good for you.  "A harem" is not interpreted in the Sabian system  as the opportunity of a male for unlimited sex, but as the restraint and subordination of women, something to be accepted, sometimes, as "an enforced conservation of energies" but at other times to be "rejected at any cost."  Self can be manifested more dynamically (or womanifested shall we say).  The human and divine laws which govern the relations between the sexes may grant insight or resolution. 

Promises:  "A fair woman, richly attired, stands alone."  Through goodness of heart she attracts friends and gains attention.  "Standing alone" could mean that, though favored, she does not make demands.  "A man and woman standing with their backs to one another" shows reserve, maybe bashfulness or awkwardness, yet the affections are sincere and the disposition kind, though modest.  "A woman is awaiting a sailboat" so perhaps we ought not to be overeager.  Venus opposite Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn suggests a need for utter patience where affections and love-relations are concerned, even detachment, with trust in Time's tardy yet sure boons. Equanimity gives peaceful perspective on ramifying potentialities. 

{Friday}  /Bashful, Reserved, or Patient\

Cosmic Piper

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