Friday, August 7, 2020

Message for Saturday 8 August 2020

Saturday 8 August 2020

^Glory Days^

Moon in Aries
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us until Monday evening

We have indications of a certain human character.  It may be someone you know or someone you haven't met who  has a great influence on you, or it may be yourself.  He or she is honest, and despises trickiness wherever it turns up. He is like "a wild boar," being sometimes coarse or impolite (in appearance) just because so honest.  She has pleasures and a life of her own and doesn't care what people think.  Also he is like "a tortoise," being patient and steady, enduring hardships in pursuit of a well-defined goal or position.  

The squares from three Capricorn planets to Mars in Aries make us impatient and demanding.  We need other examples to follow so we might be like "an ape seated before a mirror" comparing our image with others' images in mind.  We imitate them, sometimes in fun but mostly in earnest.  This pays off, because "the gate to the garden of desire" is before us, opening into a prospect of unending individual discovery and fulfilling experience.

Could this be selfish?  Possibly.  "A dog stands over a bone while two others seem half starved."  Some could be indolent hangers-on, "singing (or barking) for their supper" in a suave manner but not contributing much in return.  Yet the |hard third| segment of this week pushes us to try for what requires at least some sacrifice.  "A man riding a camel with attendants following" is something like the wild boar, stubborn and persevering. He or she is fond of self-advertisement and journeying.  He faces dangers and becomes prominent internationally. This could be someone who inspires you to live up to the high ambition, and ultimate glory, of the sun-in-Leo trine Mars-in-Aries aspect going on for at least ten more days.

{Saturday}   ^Glory Days^

Cosmic Piper


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