Monday, August 31, 2020

Message for Tuesday 1 September 2020

 Tuesday 1 September 2020

~Self-Centered yet Balanced by Otherness~

Moon in Pisces beginning at 2:35a PT | 5:35a ET | 9:35a UT; void-of-course in Aquarius before that beginning at 9:57p(M) PT | 0:57a ET | 4:57a UT
Full Moon of Virgo-Pisces at 9:23p PT | 12:23a(W) ET | 4:23a(W) UT

Not only is there a Full Moon but many aspects are near exactness, as if the cosmos were speeding up at this point of the "real" beginning of the fall election campaign in the U. S. A.  I see that Biden is "coming out" to make more forceful speeches.  But I am not going to make this a political blog, or even comment very much on the election.  I am actually in the center, seeing good things about both candidates and both parties.  But to discuss all that here would take us away from being an astrological forum where I present forecast-meditations designed to help individuals through each day.  No matter which side you are on, I don't think you want to be perplexed and sidetracked by my political commentaries, even if I try to make them as impartial as possible.  Still, it may be appropriate to mention some features of the campaign, with as little bias as possible, as we go along.

Challenges:  One might be disjoined from friends over misunderstandings and differing values.  You are disappointed in them as they in you.  "Get over it" is easy to say, but there may be lurking cupidity and passion, as if "a dark woman masked" were "standing near a bag of money upon a table."  You may not be being swindled, but it may seem that way.  You might also feel there is too much uncertainty, as if your hopes were "a meteor or falling star," self-consumed before they fall to earth.  Venus opposite Saturn sometimes brings on the feeling "I just have to go it alone."  

Opportunities:  The Full Moon makes us feel we can do anything, as if "gamblers at a racetrack."  In certain moods you might trust people in a gracious, chatty way, bubbling over with benevolence.  Then you may turn to more soulful thoughts, with love for the sublime, or mystical.  Trees are your friends.  The Full Moon puts contrary or seemingly irreconcilable thoughts and gropings all together in a sort of minestrone.  

Blessings:  "Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows" hint that true intelligence has to have two bases for its thinking and tentative conclusions.  Intellectual genius and mechanical ability both require balanced perceptions.  Someone who says gruffly the opposite of what you believe might help you get a fresh, more complete angle.  When some things are blocked, repose might be restorative, "contentment and happiness in luxury, people reading on davenports."  

{Tuesday}  ~Self-Centered yet Balanced by Otherness~

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  Psalm 37 has good advice during this time of a close T square among Venus, Saturn, and Mars:  "Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil."

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