Friday, August 28, 2020

Message for Saturday 29 August 2020

 Saturday 29 August 2020

\Dancing in Solitude/

Moon in Capricorn-->Aquarius
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues until late Sunday night
/moon goes void-of-course at 12:32p PT | 3:32p ET | 7:32p UT
until it enters Aquarius at 5:38p PT | 8:38p ET | 12:38a(Su) UT

Challenges:  You may feel you are doing more for others than they for you.  There is mutual criticism, or criticism of others, as in "a meeting of a literary society."  Some chitchat is friendly, but if it goes awry or gets destructive there is "a large disappointed audience" or a feeling of disjunction between yourself and those who could appreciate you.  

Opportunities:  Connections with the manager of a restaurant, or a food-server, could be mixed, partly good and partly upsetting because of misunderstanding or resentment.  People don't feel properly appreciated.  Dairy products, says Charubel, could be helpful.  People such as old roommates could be in your mind, perhaps sadly because you miss them or wish things had turned out better with them.  When you were together it was like "first dancing instruction;" you were assisting each other to participate in the rhythms of life.  They may be with you in spirit, or thinking of you.

Blessings:  Quiet success in life is unheralded, enjoyed contemplatively.  You are like "a fair woman, richly attired, standing alone," enjoying the favor of many or all, appreciating luxuries.  You get attention but are not greedy for it. Aloneness, when necessary, does not disturb you.  Or you may be like "a man standing upon a mountain with a staff in his hand.  The setting sun shows his figure in relief."  You have aspired toward the heights and been fond of adventure.  Some see you as a striking personality.  You may enjoy walking, though today that should be held within limits.  You are hardy and feel you have triumphed over obstacles to attain an elevated position.

{Saturday}  /Dancing in Solitude\

Cosmic Piper

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