Friday, August 14, 2020

Message for Sunday 16 August 2020

 Sunday 16 August 2020

~Dropping Anxious Haste for Peace in the Valley~

Moon in Cancer-->Leo
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week remains until very early Tuesday
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:00p PT | 8:00p ET | 12:00a(M) UT
until it enters Leo at 10:40p PT | 1:40a(M) ET | 5:40a(M) UT

Worst:  The intense squares between Mars and three Capricorn planets are strong and the increasing square with Saturn was considered by ancient astrologers as very threatening or at least requiring much patience and endurance.  We might consider the plight of the homeless, or those unable to pay rent or otherwise worried about where they live.  "An outhouse with a dark loft, to which a ladder conducts the homeless ones" does not indicate a preference of very many!  And then those who are in such hard situations might become emotional or passional and upset things through instability, failure to stick to any plan,  or a sexual indiscretion.  Then they become like "giddy flies in a silly dance" as the "spider" of law and order, a detective, lawyer or policeman, puts a collar on them.  

Better:  Hidden strength and independence can step forward and, even if sometimes unfair, attain dominion over others as if riding a curbed horse.  This would be the Aries-Capricorn squares (Mars to Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn).  Then there could be a burst of good fortune, even great luxuries symbolized by "an orange tree loaded with fruit."  Charubel warns that this may not last.  However, there might be a certain innocence of soul plus curiosity and self-expression, like "a tiny nude miss reaching in the water for a fish."  Such lack of inhibition could release inclinations toward whatever pleases temporarily.

Best:  The |difficult third| can make us feel like "a large camel crossing the desert," because we have to rely on what is within ourselves more than on what circumstances bestow.  But we can realize our adequacy, and become self-mobilized.  There is "a double promise" to be relied upon, partly in the domain of career and partly in relationships.  Neither seems easy yet the promises remain as long as we don't just 'play one against the other" but harmonize them.  We have more strength than we realize (Mars and Mercury closely trine Mars) and there are concord and beauty in unexpected situations (Venus sextile Uranus).   No matter what our household situation (first paragraph) we might feel we are in "a little village lying in a fertile valley" where we are fruitful in good things because we are lowly rather than boastfully high like the barren mountains around us.  Our native goodness and modest ambitions tend toward success.

{Sunday}  ~Dropping Anxious Haste for Peace in the Valley~

Cosmic Piper

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