Monday, August 3, 2020

Message for Tuesday 4 August 2020

Tuesday 4 August 2020

}Tangles Gently Untangling{

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces
/moon goes void-of-course at  2:47p PT | 5:47p ET | 9:47p UT
until it enters Pisces at 7:29p PT | 10:29p ET | 2:29a(W) UT

The confusions seem immense, though we do not have a void-of-course, Dark Epoch,  |difficult third| or Via Combusta to blame.  It's just hard aspects, including the increasing squares from Mars to the three Capricorn planets, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn; also the opposition of Mercury to Saturn, which requires a "sharpening of wits" to navigate confusing situations.  There is more, to be mentioned later . . .

A consequence is that one might be looking for "a person of particularly strong will, lofty in deportment" to handle things, for he or she "succeeds in some official capacity under government."  Not many have confidence in any of our current or immediate-future political folk, yet there they are and somebody has to handle the reins of government.  Saturn in Capricorn, a distinctly "governmental" placement, is at the degree "an indescribable scene:  chaos, confusion, and dissolving views."  The major parties each accuse the other of creating just such a scene.  Meanwhile normal people successfully fighting off insanity may be "the human soul awaiting opportunity for expression."  The "awaiting" could go on too long, so we probably should be ingenuous in "expressing" ourselves freely yet tentatively with our individual nuances.  "Life goes on" is a pretty good mantra.

The "winter of our discontent" proceeds even in summer.  This could be Venus quincunx Saturn, an aspect I have noticed as "a smothering mask thrown on love."  It lasts until Friday.  Yet "a young girl" is here "feeding birds in winter."  She is a harbinger of better times, and nourishes all through naive hospitality.  Wonderful!  You may note others fulfilling this role or fulfill it yourself.  The "hidden choir singing" may be inaudible to ears preoccupied with discordant commentaries, yet it continues its chant (angels along with birds) to make us all "at one in the universal pattern."  Jupiter sextile Neptune has this effect, as does Jupiter widely trine Uranus, and Venus barely hanging on to a fading sextile with Mars.  Teachers who tell us to stop complaining and remember our blessings are right.

Those include something good about one's home, or a home away from home, or a fortress or headquarters where there is the fruitfulness of "a large well-cultivated tract of land."  Even high-rise dwellers can have plants or a mini-garden, and visit parks or rural vistas.  People ask me "when will all this end?" (pandemic, unsure finances, etc.) and I have to delay my answer because so much is going on with the planets and I have not yet had time to sort it out in charting for the next few months.  I hope to be doing that soon and started today.  Yet the daily forecasts may be most important of all because we hang our hats and shoes on racks which rotate daily, and within the micro the macro finds itself (as well as the converse of that).  Our awareness of a happier future is as "a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis."  It is faith in the promise of existence and "the wonders of a continuing creation" as figured and re-figured in the travels of the planets of our System.  Their motion and interaction is always toward the Good.  

{Tuesday}  {Tangles Gently Untangling}

Cosmic Piper

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