Sunday, August 30, 2020

Message for Monday 31 August 2020

 Monday 31 August 2020

}Beyond Machination to Super-Vision{

Moon in Aquarius
[/moon goes void-of-course in the Pacific zone only, at 9:57p PT]

Heads-up for Labor Day weekend:  Sunday and Monday should be better for most events, pleasures and get-togethers than Friday and Saturday.

Difficulties:  Venus opposite Pluto can lead to memorable issues regarding sex and money.  Often it shows sex for money, or money for sex, or else some obsessive attraction or compulsion which has dark or devious motivations.  Here is how Signor Borelli symbolizes it:  "A bag of money upon a table, near to which stands a dark woman masked."  One might not know how to use one's good fortune, or might subject oneself to others' machinations and so be victimized.  (This is specially possible because Saturn also is involved.  It might affect one's viewing habits, for oddly enough I have been watching a Netflix thing called The Impostors which precisely pinpoints the issues just mentioned.  Warning:  I do not recommend the series although I enjoyed parts of it.  It tends to deflate one's view of human nature.)  Rather than get involved in all that, it might be better to be self-reliant, taciturn, and self-contained, like "a horseman armed, moving across the desert toward some woody hills."  

Opportunities:  You might be involved with "Nature's mysteries" or study them, or be happily influenced by "a revealer of the strange or the curious."  There is nobility and high aspiration, so one might emanate positive energies which uplift others. This might happen in a country-like scene or park, near trees.

Blessings:  "Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows" are able to see both sides, and how we need that!  It seems that political discourse is not valued, only political bickering.  Let's aim for "stereoscopic reasoning."  Both heads and viewpoints are required.  A generous, beneficent attitude brings favor.  Then someone, perhaps you, will have "a dark shadow or mantle thrown suddenly over the right shoulder."  One's destiny might involve some advanced leadership or supervision if one feels worthy of that.

{Monday}  {Beyond Machination to Super-Vision}

Cosmic Piper

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