Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Message for Wednesday 1 July 2020

Wednesday 1 July 2020

~Tensions Unwind into Vitality plus Peace~ 

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:22p PT | 9:22p ET | 1:22a(Th) UT BUT ONLY FOR A FEW SECONDS!
until it enters Sagittarius A FEW SECONDS LATER at 6:22p PT | 9:22p ET | 1:22a(Th) UT

As we work up to our national holiday, "a cameo profile of a man in the outline of his country" is tellingly significant.  Your political preferences will determine whom you want to be in that cameo.  There is possible exploitation of the group (through narcissistic leadership for example) or positive "dramatization of the self as a focus for the group actuality" (Dr. Jones).  This could also be someone "on the other side" since we have a Scorpio and 8th-field emphasis, the "founding fathers" or Hamilton in his current show hit.  On another side we have "a woman entering a convent" or serving all through a more modest, retiring, almost invisible consecration.  Which of the two does more for humanity?

We have escaped the Via Combusta and the |difficult third of the week| so we might emulate "a clown making grimaces" or be amused by someone resembling one.  What is ridiculous exaggerates foibles instructively.  Laughing at errors says "You're over it, that's a relief,  and you don't have to make that mistake again."  Mercury retrograde teaches us such things, sometimes humorously,  because we gravitate to reviewing our past.  But we do not strike off our roots; they are alive and vital, and we are like a "bulbous plant pushing its way upward from the sod to unfold and show forth its beauties."  What facilitates this is Luna trine Mars because he is in sextile with Venus.  Love-attractions are never far away from us even if subtle or indirect.  

It seems a natural time for bookkeeping, tax-form filling, or accounting procedures.  "A man is seated at a table with a pen, plus pebbles on a sheet of paper."  This would be a smartphone or laptop, these days.  He might be engaged in computation, or some more abstract and studious problems of the intellect.  Though sedentary, this individual is smiled upon by fortune, and through his window he luxuriates in "a peaceful valley, and a lake on which a swan is swimming; at the back a high mountain."  The mind is passive yet thoughtful.  Grace and elegance yield contentment.  All is peace.  

{Wednesday}  ~Tensions Unwind into Vitality plus Peace~

Cosmic Piper

Monday, June 29, 2020

Me sage for Tuesday 30 June 2020

Tuesday 30 June 2020


Moon in Scorpio
> moon remains in the Via Combusta until 5:01p PT | 8:01p ET | 12:01a(W) UT
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week remains until 5:06p PT | 8:06p ET | 12:06a(W) UT

As you can see, things calm down and become a little more normal late in the day.

The light or comic side of things should not be overlooked, if you are in a mood to invoke it or appreciate someone else's humor.

We are warned by one of the symbols not to be idle.  Ordinary work should go more smoothly than on Monday.  "A bear sleeping beneath a tree around which is a swarm of bees" could be awakened rudely and bring trouble on himself.  Fatalism, heedlessness and indolence do not have good results.

"A bulbous plant pushing its way upward to unfold its beauties" shows strong will, and great soul-force.  This fits with moon in Scorpio plus Mars in Aries.  Sun plus Mercury sextile Uranus show inventiveness, a quick and capable mind with a fondness for independence.  Others may not comprehend what one is doing or why yet it is rewarding for oneself. There are expeditious ways of handling money and accounts. 

The "consignment of goods" the universe has given you is yours to work with however you may.  "A large diamond not completely cut" indicates that one's effort involves bringing out latent potentials in the material with which one is working.  By evening it should be clearer how to do this. 

{Tuesday}   ~Polishing~

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Message for Monday 29 June 2020

Monday 29 June 2020

~Major Caution Plus Friendly Drift~

Moon in Libra-->Scorpio
< moon is in the Via Combusta (strange events, reshuffling, confusion) until Tuesday night
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:03a PT | 9:03a ET | 1:03p UT
until it enters Scorpio at 3:49p PT | 6:49p ET | 10:49p UT

There have to be warnings, but this could end up as a "good" day if you heed them.  It's a "quadruple witching" day with Mercury retrograde, moon in the Via Combusta, moon void-of-course more than nine hours, and the |karmically difficult third| of this week.  Keeping one's head may not be easy.

People may be after your money.  That means, in common language, shysters, scammers, dishonest entrepreneurs trying to sell you a bridge, a skin cream,  or "the best investment for the next 20 years."  They are all out there, and they are greedy and want your credit card information.  Second, beware of anything which could get you in trouble with "the law" in any shape or form.  While Mercury is retrograde, people make serious mistakes and you could be accused of something falsely.  Luna in the Via Combusta until late tomorrow has a similar influence, things "out of kilter."  And so "keeping your nose clean" and sticking with tried and true schedules and job or project necessities is very wise.  Third, if others seem to be way off in their judgment and you want to point that out to them, whether in politics, religion or whatnot, do it with respect for them and try to defuse the situation as much as possible.

There are lighter indications, in the symbols, some aspects, and the sextile between Venus and Mars getting closer by the day (it never reaches exactness but is closest in the first half of July).  "A sight-seeing bus" sounds like fun.  There might even be "a comedian entertaining a group."  This is, at least, some release through friendliness and camaraderie.  People let their worries explode in humor, veiling anxiety.  This can be healthy clearance.

There is basic good judgement, with Venus and Mars in good aspect with Saturn, provided one does not get lost in the distractions and (let's face it) mechanical errors or human errors of Mercury-retrograde.  "A tiny nude miss reaching in the water for a fish" is innocent of all the complexities.  She goes for what is immediately available and entrancing.  That's not a complete life-program, but will do sometimes.

{Monday}    ~Major Caution Plus Friendly Drift~

Cosmic Piper

Friday, June 26, 2020

Message for Weekend of June 27-28, 2020, and Month of the Shellfish!

Weekend of June 27-28, 2020, and Month of the Shellfish!

~Strange Times Indeed~

Apologies to you Crab people, or Lunar Ones, or, as I just put it, Shellfish creatures!!  Actually you are not weak, or reclusive, or overly shy, or anything negative your designation would imply.  It's sort of a mystery to me why the astrological tradition has so named you, but "don't change the name, bring glory to it!"  The Crab can hold on, is very tenacious, and not only that, Cancer ruled by the moon is linked with the second-brightest object in our skies and Cancer people are often successful and famous.  They can be popular and very good at winning public approval and shaping public opinion.  A sense of humor is another advantage.  Sometimes it is charmingly self-effacing.  

But I'm attempting to write a forecast-report on this entire month in the year 2020 (June 21 through July 21) for everybody in the world.  I realize that some find it hard to realize that our lives track in parallel so many ways.  But they do.  One's personal being and horoscope make one's reactions to current planetary setups different from anyone else's, yet the total complex shifts with each zodiacal month and it is amazing how much can be discerned through patient observation.  I try to convey some of that.

I chatted with a friend yesterday about beaches in Seattle.  The beach is a sort of Cancer-Crab experience, for sure, and I long to be on one and may do that soon.  Be a shellfish for a day!  The "shell" is protective, the exoskeleton, something like the mask we are supposed to wear, or in lieu of that the social distancing even in the water.  

We started this discussion of the current month last weekend, and you might want to review what was said there.  This time let's focus on three factors:  1.  The challenge for the month.  2.  The promise of the month.  3.  Mercury retrograde, which colors everything.  

1.  Mars square Mercury, long-lasting because Mercury is retrograde and moving slowly.  Mars is also square the sun for most of the month, which has a similar meaning.  It's impatience.  (No wonder, with the pandemic plus the current state of politics.)  C. E. O. Carter admits that this aspect is found often in the charts of "criminals and the insane."   In other words, we find it hard to bear with resentment and feel we have to act on it, or "act out."  This could take horrible form.  However, the mental energies are increased, and these could be used positively.  One could be combative or fault-finding, or encounter others who are so.  "Attacking what one conceives to be abuses" is what has been going on in racial politics, for example.  This could be necessary and have good results.  Or the tongue could refuse to be controlled and there could be "backbiting" and rudeness.  "Politeness is merely hypocrisy" some may feel.  Detecting one's own hypocrisy is not as easy.

Or, when the aspect operates entirely within oneself, it can be "Why did I make this mistake?  How can I do this better?  It seems very hard or impossible."  One is angry at oneself for not living up to expectations, in regard to a skill or project.  Or, one could be angry at a machine, computer, technology, company, whatever does not quickly and easily cooperate with one's plans.  The good side to this is that one becomes hyper-aware of the problems to be solved, and if instead of stewing in anger one is motivated to press on, one will succeed.  That is when this aspect becomes "successful ambition achieved through effort."  

2.  The promises are sweet, involving the sextile between Mars and Venus while both are in good aspect with Saturn.  That can mean love which has a solid basis in reality.  Whether between or within the sexes, this can be fortifying and wonderful.  Since "love" means so many things to so many people, I won't try to elucidate what it might mean for you, but whether a single important relationship or some more diffuse yet very pleasing connections, you should be feeling it, or if you aren't you could be emboldened to make it happen.  As for eroticism, if it is not there, then the deeper sorts of love, "caritas" or caring for the welfare of someone, could take on beautiful form.  Since Saturn is involved, maybe Eros should take a back seat, though it might shoot its Cupid-arrows..  

Another promise involves the close sextile between Jupiter and Neptune.  I would not have made as much of this as Mr. Carter does in his superb book, but gladly defer to him.  He says it shows "hospitality" and "quick sympathy bestowed upon all who are in need."  I tend to believe this because this aspect, in the form of a tight septile (a variation of the sextile) was present in the Taurus chart this year, when the first round of stimulus payments went out.  It was absent by any close orb in the Gemini chart, but is back in this Cancer month and both parties are planning to agree on some new stimulus (though the payments might not reach us until the Leo month).  At any rate, Dr. Carter (I gave him the Ph.D. myself) says that this generosity can be directed toward "the animal world or sometimes the slum-dweller and outcast."  Yes let's have more of that.  

He says it also inclines toward "metaphysical speculation or psychic investigations" and  heaven knows we need more of those, when they are responsible.  We "seek the grandiose and the seeming-impossible."  No harm in that, unless we "drift away from the actual world."  Nevertheless, a "life of fantasy" has advantages.  We drop barriers between the classes, races, sexes, or nationalities.  "The whole range of the senses and the emotions is indefinitely enlarged."  

"It is good for receiving help from others without having directly merited it."  Stimulus payments!  (But not confined to them.)  Or, we may ourselves "minister to others in connection with a charitable organization."  "He may find himself the recipient of kindnesses from friends or strangers without having rendered them any particular services."  "It is always an influence through which spiritual help and strength may come abundantly."  

3.  Mercury retrograde!  (Until July 12)  This has a very bad name, and understandably.  Things go wrong.  Timing is off.  Mechanical things fail at just the wrong time.  And so on.  This happened Wednesday this week when I was planning a long conversation with three others on Zoom.  It started out fairly well, then fizzled.  I restarted the computer three times and my friend whose wifi I share unplugged and replugged the router.  No dice.  Very frustrating, but we will try again next week.  The moon was void-of-course at the same time.  It was a "double-witching" day.  The computer problems were inexplicable but came just in time to ruin the conference.  Demonic?  So it seemed.  Here are some pointers about Mercury Retrograde (sixteen more days):  

A.  Demonic?  It seems so, as in what I just recounted.  It seems that "evil forces" are trying to ruin your plans.  For example, this very week cases of the virus have soared in the U. S. and some states are rolling back "reopening" plans and requiring more masks and distancing.  This was predictable during a MR period.  REtreat, REversal.  And many other RE words pepper our lives.  

B.  Or if not demonic, then "out of pattern."  This could be refreshing.  Or it could be very frustrating.  You get up at a different time than usual, go to sleep at unusual hours, take naps when you usually don't, people call and say they can't meet you or want to meet at a different time, your ordinary schedule is knocked into a cocked hat and sometimes that feels good, for variety, though at other times you feel you have no idea what you are doing.  "Out of pattern" can be bad or good, but we can make it good.  We seem to need relief from over-strict scheduling at these times.

C.  Why are these things happening?  I personally hypothesize that we are in a "different kind of time" during the MR period and even the whole Dark or Convolutive Hermetic Epoch (until July 26).  I named these "Bright versus Dark" epochs in 1999 and have stayed with the designation (other astrologers ignore them).  But experientially the "Dark" Epoch, I am coming to think, might better be called the Convolutive Epoch.  Not Involutionary nor Evolutionary, but Convolutionary!  My dictionary defines Convolution as:  A rolled up or coiled condition.  2. A rolling or coiling together.  3. A turn of anything coiled; whorl; sinuosity.  We are in a Whorl of Time!  Past and present seem to be coiled together.  There is Inter-Dimensionality!  Maybe our past lives are "bleeding through" into the present.  Have not you been having unusual, interesting, perplexing dreams?  I was sure I was with people from my past (no longer incarnate) last night.  

D.  Putting these insights together with what Dr. Carter said about Jupiter sextile Neptune, this month could be an excellent time for exploring psychic, occult, supernormal research.  Of course, one needs to "keep one's feet on the ground" also.  Harvesting the advantages of the "strange" Mercury periods requires retaining enough normality to remain sane, of course!  

E.  Otherwise, the adventure is all yours.

{Weekend of June 27-28, and Month of the Shellfish!}  ~Strange Times Indeed~

Saturday 17 June 2020
Moon in Virgo-->Libra
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:03p PT | 4:03p ET | 8:03p UT
until it enters Libra at 1:18p PT | 4:18p ET | 8:18p UT (just 15 minutes later!)

Sunday 18 June 2020
Moon in Libra 
< moon enters the Via Combusta (2.5 days of reshuffling) at 2:34p PT | 5:34p ET | 9:34p UT

Cosmic Piper

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Message for Friday 26 June 2020

Friday 26 June 2020

\Old Business/

Moon in Virgo

Things feel somewhat better than Thursday.  People nearby, neighbors or relatives, are significant. 

Near 7:30a PT | 10:30a ET (give and take two hours) there is a chance to get some worries settled through patient thinking and acting.  Mercury retrograde forces us to deal with past things which need attention, such as business matters and tasks.  This could be a good time for that.  Communicating could go well, with someone who expects a response from you.  Such a trend could continue into the afternoon.  

Near 9:30p PT | 12:30a(Sa) ET (give and take two hours) there is nebulousness in communication or mutual understanding, people "not on the same page."  Separations are poignant or dismal-feeling.  Reason should govern emotions.  Mystical quest or prayer would help satisfy unfulfilled needs. One can discern what is remote or mysterious.  

Mars sextile Saturn gives a willingness to work, with keen good judgment.  Paperwork or giving someone needed info is important.  "Drilling for oil" does not mean gambling (not good while Mercury is retrograde) but concentrating on what is sure to produce results.  

The physical energy of Mars square the sun needs to be used wisely rather than destructively.  

Helping people is sometimes not possible without understanding them better.  Such understanding comes through gradual interaction and cannot be forced.

{Friday}  /Old Business\

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Message for Thursday 25 June 2020

Thursday 25 June 2020

\The Doable Calls/

Moon in Leo-->Virgo
/moon is void-of-course
until it enters Virgo at 10:06a PT | 1:06p ET | 5:06p UT

There may have been a lot of free-form escapism, or ad lib adventure, while the moon was void-of-course yesterday and early today, but after it goes into Virgo we may be like "a man delving" into manual labor or particular small matters industriously.  This would bear out the words of C. E. O. Carter that Mars sextile Saturn, close to exact, "is excellent for those who have to undergo hardship or danger.   Such people have as a rule small regard for personal comfort or even safety, and may be excellent explorers, rulers of savage tribes, or organizers of men needing firm control.  It tends to hardship, self-abnegation, and a disciplined life."  If we manifest some of that today, we do it justly, "spontaneously detecting falsehood, or an injustice, or any wrong." (Charubel)  Sounds like a prison warden, which is not my choice of career.  Or a school teacher holding a yardstick (oh that can't be done any more).  Well, what have you been postponing which you know has to be done?  After Luna enters Virgo (or maybe before), good time for it.  

We still have "a promiscuous lot of creatures" which I assume includes human beings.  These are entertaining, even if in your workplace.  There could be a burst of interest in unusual or unique types such as LBGTQ (moon square Venus and trine Uranus).  The outre` is arousing.  "A prism" reveals all the colors of the rainbow somewhat scientifically, so we might enjoy categorizing people or bringing colorful order to our self-assigned tasks.  We feel more secure when there is discernible orderliness.

Aside from the stock market, which it seems no one can predict, not even the "market astrologer" Henry Weingarten, things could be good financially.   "A field of ripe corn; the reapers are at work beneath the beams of the sun" crows Charubel.  Independently, Signor Borelli points to "a field of corn standing high and ripe" and says (as Sepharial) that "right thinking" will lead to "a useful and successful life" bringing "competence and peace."  That sounds good to me.  

{Thursday}  /The Doable Calls\

Cosmic Piper

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Message for Wednesday 24 June 2020

Wednesday 24 June 2020

^Free-Form Juggling and Emulation^

/moon goes void-of-course at [Tuesday 10:35p PT] | 1:35a ET | 5:35a UT (until Thursday mid-morning)  This is a very unusually long void-of-course time.  You are not "losing it" no matter how "out of whack" things may seem. 

"A promiscuous lot of creatures" could apply to humans as well as animals.  My dictionary says:  "Promiscuous:  Consisting of parts, elements, or individuals of different kinds brought together without order.  2. Characterized by or involving indiscriminate mingling or association." This could be interesting or intriguing.  How many varied types of human beings there are, no two alike!  Snowflakes in summer.  We might want to adopt a human as a pet.  Speaking of the World-Mother, Sri Aurobindo says:  "She sates, though satisfaction never comes, / Her hungry will to lavish everywhere / Her many-imaged fictions of the Self / And thousand fashions of one Reality."  As for "an oriental-rug dealer," no two of those carpets are alike either.  Some individuals have consignments of various articles they might sell, or perhaps are considering something to buy amid a welter of differing items.  

"A cat arguing with a mouse" is responding to the long-lasting square between Mars and the sun, trying to justify what it wants to do even if that is sheer selfish exploitation.  We prepare ourselves for "entering into experience" by preparatory "arguing" like a lawyer in court.  The defense attorney takes the side of the poor mouse.  While Mercury is retrograde and the moon void-of-course, we not only meet up with "promiscuous" creatures but we react to them in millions of ways, "A man before an audience with all the paraphernalia of a juggler."  We could try anything, never at a loss, or never recognizing a loss!  That ball is caught by the foot tossing it to the head and then the hand. Very strange things happen.

But "a prism" shows just seven not thousands of colors.  That is a relief.  We want some order in our world, such as doing different activities on each of the seven days of the week.  We measure things with accuracy.   Patterning phenomena and actions validates our self-control and our control of our world.  Then we could become eminent, like "a crescent moon joined to a shining star," bathing in the glory of those we admire and emulate.  

{Wednesday}  ^Free-Form Juggling and Emulation^

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  I use the symbols for the degrees of the zodiac because they work!  One sometimes can't see what they mean until the end of the day, or the next day.  In Tuesday's forecast I lipped off against "judge Judy" because one of the symbols was "A woman holding a book in one hand and a pair of scales in the other," a judicial image.  But on Tuesday this took on a much nicer meaning than "judge Judy."  I attended a meeting of the group on Capitol Hill in Seattle that is trying to reform some aspects of city government, including the police.  We were told that the mayor of Seattle, who is a woman, was conferring with leaders of the group and planning to "take back" the area called the "autonomous zone" with a police presence.  That did not happen, however.  But both the mayor and the chief of police, who is a black woman, are trying hard to work with rather than against the demonstrators.  This is "a woman with a book (the laws) and a pair of scales (finding reconciliation between opposing views)" in a very good way.  The symbol was exactly right for what was going on in Seattle.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Message for Tuesday 23 June 2020

Tuesday 23 June 2020

^Judgment Shifting Toward Indomitability?^

|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues until mid-morning Wednesday
Moon in Cancer-->Leo
/moon goes void-of-course at 0:21a PT | 3:21a ET | 7:21a UT
until it enters Leo at 5:34a PT | 8:34a ET | 12:34p UT

We have Judge Judy again.  I cannot begin to say how much that woman irritates me.  I never watch her show but had a friend who watched it when I was visiting.  I had to restrain myself from asking "Why do you watch that horrid creature?"  But we have a "Judge Judy" symbol today, "a woman holding a book in one hand and a pair of scales in the other."  If you want to be that, I pity you.  Let people be, and trust the laws of karma!  They transcend human laws.  And they can be trusted, whereas human laws repeatedly condemn the guiltless---if you don't believe that, please get in touch with The Innocence Project and learn what they have learned, that dozens of U. S. citizens are sent to prison while innocent.  "A shaft descending into the earth, and above it a balloon" is very mysterious.  Strata.  Higher and lower but in the same vertical plane.  What is that to you?  To me it could be astrology.  The "balloon" is my thoughts reaching to the planets and what they indicate, while the strata in the earth are our human lives with their complexities, which we can understand by looking up rather than down.  Also, if we look up rather than down we will not condemn the guiltless.

Mercury is retrograde, so I am quite aware that anything I say could be misunderstood.

"An oriental rug dealer" is what many feel like during this pandemic when ordinary jobs and economic relations are turned topsy-turvy.  The dealer has to go with the flow of commerce, human desire, and whatever persuasion he or she can exert.  I don't like the image because I've never been good at selling.  If I were, you would be paying to read these forecasts!  "Tuesday, $6; Friday, $11; and Saturday, very special month-long report, $89!  Hurry before it's too late."  "A man bundled up in fur leading a shaggy deer" is trying to lead his customer or client into debt that will favor himself.  The deer doesn't know where it is going.  Yet the man is "indomitable," blazing a trail to somewhere (we hope).  

Frankly, I don't believe the final two symbols.  They are too optimistic.  People seem to be going nuts all around me.  But we have "A scepter.  On its crest shines a diamond like a magnificent star."  This is "power, eminence and fame."  Not even Donald Trump or Joe Biden seem to be enjoying that.  Make what you will of it; wave your magical scepter.  Let us know how it works.  Is it really "courage, nobility, energy, and endurance"?  Are you a "superior central figure" in your domain?  Mars toward the end of Pisces, final sign of the zodiac, before he enters his own sign Aries on Sunday, is in "a fertile garden under the full moon."  He has struggled and is an exceptional individual.  The garden signifies "purely conventional accomplishment."  Yet he "salvages all the failures of the far more lonely genius."  There is the ultimacy of "high reward in worldly goods."  

No more cynical comments; but Mercury remains retrograde.  What seems, is not; what is not, seems.  

{Tuesday}  ^Judgment Shifting Toward Indomitability?^

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Message for Monday 22 June 2020

Monday 22 June 2020

~'Bye-'Bye Judges, Critics, and Vain Bubbles~

Moon in Cancer
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is here, until mid-day Wednesday

There may be no more messages sent out by me.

The Mercury retrograde period is very trying, not only for me but for all, and if you don't think so, please stop reading these reports because you are on some other planet.

I am under extreme duress today but shall try to write something meaningful.  If you find it pointless, please let me know and I will stop wasting my time. 

Is "a dog standing over a bare bone" you?  Two others are half starved but the dog doesn't care.  Shame on you.

Are you a juggler with all the paraphernalia of a juggler?  Then get the paraphernalia jumping, and please your audience; they are waiting for you.

You are blowing bubbles which float off into the air.  That is pretty superficial.

"A harvest moon" in June is ridiculous, but you may be getting a benediction from somewhere.  A benediction is something you may not deserve, but there it is anyway.

A "meeting of a literary society" is something you might find utterly boring, but it would give you a chance to criticize world-famous authors and maybe your fellow attendees as well.  People don't want criticism but maybe they need it.

"A woman with a book in one hand and a pair of scales in the other" might be Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  I don't know why anyone would want to be a "judge'" or a "justice" or a "Judge Judy."  The Saviour said "Judge not that ye be not judged."  There go the judges.

{Monday} ~'Bye-'Bye Judges, Critics, and Vain Bubbles~

Comic Piper

P. S.  Mercury retrograde:  Today I spent an hour trying to get my printer to print out the chart for Monday, on which I just commented.  No dice.  The message was "Printer is in an error state."  No kidding.  I restarted the computer twice, unplugged the printer three times.  Nothing.  Finally when I had given up hope and was starting to write this report from the chart on the computer screen instead of the printed chart on which I make many many important notations, the printer started up.  It printed out not one but eight versions of the Monday chart, wasting paper, wasting toner.  "Toner is low" says the screen.  Then why are you wasting it, idiot?  I have fresh toner to put in when needed, but I have been warned that Brother may not accept a different brand of toner so I may be without charts for a while and have to spend more money on toner from Brother and throw out the other unused toner on which I spent too much.  Oh brother.  Don't ever get a Brother printer.  Don't ever get a Hewlett-Packard printer.  Do you really need a printer?  I do because federal tax forms are due July 15 and I do it the old-fashioned way, printing out forms and doing them by hand.  Another reason why maybe I should give up these forecasts.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Report from Seattle's Autonomous Zone!

Report from the Autonomous Zone!

I waited for the sun to go into Cancer, the beginning of Summer, the Summer Solstice, at 2:45 p.m. Pacific Time. Then I waited another hour for the Jupiter rather than Saturn hour to come up, and ventured out four blocks away to the CHAZ, or Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle.

It's a nice day; the sun has come out although it was cloudy and rainy in the morning. The Summer is the Summer!

What is autonomous about the Autonomous Zone? Just the fact that the police are not policing it and the police station at Pike and 12th Avenue has been shut down, with a big painted sign on it "Property of the People of Seattle." Noisy protests which might turn into skirmishes with the police are late at night; sometimes I hear loud voices and shouts in my apartment, but so far as I know they have been peaceful in recent weeks. The Mayor has asked the police to leave the Zone alone for the time being. The city is playing it by ear.

On the large more-than-football-size field covered with artificial grass which has become a spot for people to hang out in small clusters of two to five, I observed and then walked through. About 70 per cent white, or maybe 75, I would say, and I might have been the only one over the age of 40 or 45 I was wearing a brown old-man-looking fedora hat, a red shirt with white flames on it, light blue jeans with white flecks on it which I did not put there, and nice-looking Italian shoes. Anything at all is in fashion in the CHAZ.

I walked to a gas station where I bought a container of one of those energy drinks imitating Red Bull. The label said it had the caffeine of two cups of coffee which did not sound excessive. I took it back to the playing field and sat at a respectful distance from other small groups, near the center. The sun was just right, very comfortable. I opened my back tote bag which says in red and white "Doctors Without Borders" and then shifted,, down my face, to my chin, the white surgical-quality mask which I had just gotten in the mail from China Aid as an unexpected gift (it is a group protecting Christians in China, so far as that is possible, and I had given it a small donation). The gift of four white masks came just in time because the string of the only other mask I had had broken, so I had tied it to my dark glasses. (Did I look mysterious or silly? Nobody told me.)

I opened the tote bag again and took out Sri Aurobindo's Savitri and started reading the portion I had bookmarked for the day (four pages). Meanwhile I was covertly (or obviously?) gazing around at other people on the field. Dogs were having fun and the retriever sort were playing their never-boring game with their owners (oops, caregivers) and sometimes with others who would retrieve and toss a ball to them.

Someone was speaking to another person to my left: "Are you talking like a dictator?" Then: "That's an assumption." Then later: "I know that you're Jewish. That's not racist." Why? "Because you're talking like a f'ing schoolmistress." I don't know why you are talking to me. "Because you look like a leader, an authority." Then the conversation came to an end, the young man firing the questions getting up and leaving the young woman there with her boyfriend. She asked him incredulously, "What was that about?"

My reading and people-watching and eavesdropping proceeded. From another group: "The idea is to be disruptive, so they're staying there longer and longer." I assume he was referring to the small number of demonstrators who keep going late at night.

The two most popular signs are "Black Lives Matter" and "Defund the Police."

A man stood above me and mumbled words I could hardly hear, but I knew he was asking for money. "Need some cash?" I asked and he nodded. I opened the tote bag again, fished for my wallet and took two dollars from it, hiding the rest from his gaze as best I could. He thanked me and said "God bless you." I hope it is not racist to say he was black. Or I could say, rather, "He was portly, wearing a blue shirt and blue jeans." Which bit of information about his appearance is more important?

On the northeast side of the field is a cluster of small tents reminding me of one my dad gave me to camp in in the back yard when I was 9 or so. I assume they were being occupied all night by some, in relative "autonomy."

From another group: "That sun is so hot!" "It is hot." But it felt good to me, on the back of my neck.

Someone was serving hamburgers being grilled over on the west side of the field. A long line had formed. Not sure if the burgers were free for a donation or being sold.

A friendly crowd and a nice day. I took my leave.

'Bye, CHAZ, my interesting neighbor.

H H H / C P

Friday, June 19, 2020

Message for Weekend of June 20-21, and the Month of the Crab!

Weekend of June 20-21, and the Month of the Crab!

We are ending the month of Gemini, the Twins (May 20-June 20) and entering that of Cancer, the Crab (June 21-July 21), as of Saturday the 20th at 2:45p PT | 5:45p ET | 9:45p UT.  

By one way of judging the difficulty or smoothness of a month (with 1.00 equaling an exact balance of hard to easy aspects), Gemini was 1.20 and Cancer shall be 1.80.  It's possible that the Crab month will be a better vacation month, also, than Leo (July 22-August 21) because the rating for the Lion drops back to .86.  Virgo (August 22-September 21) looks good at 2.33, though there are some mitigating factors.  It might be especially good for family-type get-togethers.  (I am not directly predicting anything about the pandemic).

The ill-at-ease-ness of the Gemini month was discussed in last weekend's report, as a symptom of Mars plus Neptune in a square with Venus plus the sun.  It has been a tough period for most, though overcoming challenges could have been a thrill.  The Crab (sweet little creature) month could be a treat by contrast, with Venus in a sextile aspect with Mars as well as Saturn.  Mars continues a wider-range square with the sun and a tight one with Mercury.  Some of the rancor of the ending month could continue because Mercury-square-Mars is known as a cruel aspect at its worst.   People feel irritated and want to attack the cause of the irritation.  We know how this could come out in police and racial matters.  We know how it could come out in presidential politics.  At best, people will feel like attacking genuine abuses.  At worst, they will be combative, fault-finding and sharp-tongued, assuming the worst of their opponents whether justified or not.  This could be "pure cussedness" or "unvarying contrariety" (words of C. E. O.  Carter, superb astrologer).  

But let's not forget Venus sextile Mars.  This will smooth things.  People will find something to like or love in one another, whether strangers or favorites.  So we might have spirited debate accompanied by goodwill toward the opponent.  

Personal love, within or outside relationships, should flourish much more than in the previous month.  There is something reliable and true-blue about those to whom you are drawn.  

I believe presidential politics, which has been in a cocoon, will become more outward and popular, for example that Joe Biden will emerge from his basement and be more eager to share his opinions.  We know that Donald Trump is wanting debates and is having his first rally on the very day (maybe hour) this Crab month begins.  (He has Venus and Saturn in that sign).  I believe that both candidates will feel more alive and interested in the campaign, and so will the public.  

Mars square Mercury, on the bright side, can be a challenge to technical skills and a joy in rising to the occasion, learning new things or improving old skills in order to advance one's standing in a job, project or profession.  Rather than attack a competitor, one boosts one's skill and status to compete better.  This will be happening.  It may seem that there is no end to the process of learning or improving, yet it becomes evident that one's unique skills will do better than anyone else's in their particular niche.  And so it all seems worthwhile. 

Yes, Mercury is retrograde (through July 12) and the Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch lasts throughout this month (until July 26).  That is a recommendation to refrain from getting ahead of oneself.  Old business,  old things that need to be completed, should be at the top of one's list.  Utterly new things could trip one up.  Exploring things in one's mind, researching them a little, can be good, but implementing them too early is a pitfall.  Being cautious and sticking with one's already-chosen forte is wise.  The same could apply to relationships and love-attachments, though in that area anything can happen.  Often old and new contacts mingle in surprising ways. 

There will be hospitality and kindness.  Appreciation of the arts and music will flourish.  Many will be willing to give to the downtrodden or aid them some way.  There may well be a second round of stimulus payments.  Or if not, other expedients will help those seriously in need.  Here is a symbol from Charubel for two planets' positions this month:  "A man struggling in a lake.  A lifebuoy is thrown to him by someone witnessing his position.  Finally he is saved."  This denotes "trouble through debt"  and near-bankruptcy, but "finally by some unlooked-for 'godsend' he or she is delivered."  So may it be.

Personal finances may work out well, one way or another.  People are likely to work at keeping accurate accounts and budgets.  This year income tax forms are due July 15, so we have the symbol "A large office and a man writing in a large book resembling a ledger."  (Turbotax was unknown to Charubel!)    

The planets are working with us this month as long as we use the good judgment with which we have been endowed.

{Weekend of June 20-21}  ~The Month of the Crab~

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 20 June 2020
Moon in Gemini-->Cancer
Sun enters Cancer (the summer solstice or beginning of Summer) at 2:45p PT | 5:45p ET | 9:45p UT  
/moon goes void-of-course at 2:49p PT | 5:49p ET | 9:49p UT
until it enters Cancer at 11:03p PT | 2:03a(Su) ET | 6:03a(Su) UT

Sunday 21 June 2020

Moon in Cancer

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Message for Friday 19 June 2020

Friday 19 June 2020

}Aiming for Good Judgment{

Moon in Gemini

The uncertainties of the Mercury Retrograde period (through July 12) are sometimes exciting, yet the far result is unascertainable.  Therefore it is good to be restrained even while hopeful.  The symbol "a pool of water," suggesting that we are aware of lowered performance in some areas and wanting an easygoing life while staying home, is fine as long as we don't degenerate into dangerous proclivities and associations, such as drugs, gambling, and excessive alcohol, or let those involved in such vices influence us overmuch.  

There is a desire to rise beyond temptation, to find that ourselves and others have been "purged" of sins or wickedness, reflected in the symbol "The purging of the priesthood."  This is important, because unless rectified, such hypocritical wickedness could result in serious damage to our own or others' lives.  The symbol "an execution" is not a prediction but a warning, suggesting that we, the police, and the more angry protesters all observe moderation in trying to correct others.  Let's calm down and look into our own souls first.

There are powers of intellect and good judgment.  They are not curtailed, but may seem "under a veil" because of the Mercury Retrograde tendency to confute too many factors together in our thoughts and activities.  We have to take time for the wisdom of the ages to filter into our consciousness, though we can pursue it aggressively when that seems natural.  Profound philosophy and accurate reasoning are hard to come by, but trying for them is progressive.  Dispassionate judgment can lead to success and prosperity.

{Friday}  {Aiming for Good Judgment}

Cosmic Piper

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Message for Thursday 18 June 2020

Thursday 18 June 2020

}Beyond Contention to Profitable Discovery{

Moon in Taurus-->Gemini
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:03a PT || 8:03a ET | 12:03p UT
until it enters Gemini at 2:01p PT | 5:01p ET | 9:01p UT

Those who are unambitious and love home, easygoing, have their place in this world, and yet there are those who would punish them for lack of assertiveness and endeavor, or for failing to follow the "work ethic."  This could result in a clash, and even in cruelty, for the ones who claim to be in power could try to force their will on the less assertive ones.  They think, of course, that they are on a crusade to improve things.  

The spirit of "fighting for righteousness" could come out in other ways.  Proclivities which seem repugnant, such as taking drugs, gambling, or drinking, are fought by those wanting to reform everyone who doesn't live up to their standards.  They may have a point, especially when those who set a bad example are in positions of authority.  "The purging of the priesthood" is required, or reformation of those who fail to live the ideals they claim to uphold.  (One way this is coming out now is "the purging of the police.")  

Not everything is strife or contention.  There can be discovery of a profitable sort.  Charubel says there is a power of concentration leading to finding some force in nature connected with "optics, electricity or chemistry," or even "the metaphysical or transcendental."  As for practicality, this could be as good as "drilling for oil" or speculating to uncover tangible resources through specialization of effort.  (Likely to be more definite when the moon is not void-of-course.)  

{Thursday}  {Beyond Contention to Profitable Discovery}

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  All of this should be modified by awareness that Mercury has just turned retrograde and we are likely to be stymied, disturbed or delayed by many factors which take time to resolve.  Even, some seemingly exciting prospects might be delusions, but it is good to explore some of them before either giving them up or modifying them.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Message for Wednesday 17 June 2020

Wednesday 17 June 2020

\Evasiveness or Elegance/

Moon in Taurus
Mercury, already stationary, turns retrograde at 10:00p ET | 1:00a(Th) ET | 4:00a(Th) UT, until July 12
We feel it already as deep change, or outward confusion and turmoil, or "too much to handle," so calm and patience are needed.

"A man declared bankrupt" is of course what many are fearing these days, with the economic shifts caused by the pandemic.  Likewise some think the government could go bankrupt in various sectors.  But Dr. Jones gives the keyword Deliverance for this degree, and says it can be "an effective and over-all resourcefulness in even the worst of situations."  In that case, we may escape turning into "a raven or crow standing on a water-pot" designing crafty mischief because of envy of the rich or relatively successful.   

With a Dark Hermetic Epoch nearing its hard core, when Mercury turns retrograde late tonight-tomorrow, it is natural we might feel like "a pool of water," that is, "easy-going, with poor abilities, unstable and fond of home."  Yet within us is "a water sprite" who wants to stir up that pool and get us moving in interesting fresh directions.  Such vectors are highly imaginative, and rich without money. 

"An inhabited island" suggests snobbish exclusiveness, or else the cultivation of a certain prestige along individual lines (with Uranus well-aspected and at a critical degree).  One's "island" is graced by a swan floating nearby, a passive elegance which is content and courteous.  Yes, things are seeming to slow down, and could be mired in evasion (or evasiveness) and confusion, but the swan reminds us to let this be a peaceful hiatus as much as we can rather than a dithering nuisance.  Let's call it the Patient Hermetic Epoch (till July 26 and especially till July 12 when Mercury turns direct).  

{Wednesday}  /Evasiveness or Elegance\

Cosmic Piper

Monday, June 15, 2020

Message for Tuesday 16 June 2020

Tuesday 16 June 2020

\Well-Favored Gypsy/

Moon in Aries-->Taurus
/moon is void-of-course
until it enters Taurus at 2:37a PT | 5:37a ET | 9:37a UT

"A gypsy coming out of the forest" carries the refreshment of the woods with him or her into the "civilized" world.  Luna in Taurus, a Venus-ruled earth sign, is redolent of growing things (folks with that position at birth are often good at gardening, or exploiting what can be found in the woods).  Yet there is "expenditure in the joy of the moment" while a renewed attempt at success is in process.  This has a colorful, breezy, restless quality reminiscent of "a water sprite."

Those who are living as if on "an inhabited island" are keeping their distance, as recommended, and cultivating their privileges.  They might be attracted more to artificial pleasures than the natural ones favored by the gypsy.

We all "make do" as the cycles spin around, and though the Dark Epoch gets darker as Mercury goes slower, most of us have good common sense under the aegis of Venus trine Saturn.  We might even resemble "a well-favored cow grazing in the shade of two trees in a park."  This could be "comfort and happiness disassociated from labor," carrying out the "gypsy" motif.  "A peaceful valley with a lake on which a swan is floating" is a picture of serenity, gracefulness and elegance.  A high mountain beyond the lake is aspirations rising higher than current levels of probable attainment, but they are reassuring.  

{Tuesday}  /Well-Favored Gypsy\

Cosmic Piper

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Message for Monday 15 June 2020

Monday 15 June 2020

^Fury Subsides into Potent Perspective^

Moon in Aries
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us until Wednesday morning
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:51p PT | 8:51p ET | 12:51a(Tu) UT  (until very early Tuesday) 

Things sometimes change slowly, and we are in the thick of the Gemini month in which the "twins" are fighting, one white and one black, one left and one right, one utopian and one conservative.  So we have "A market place in which several young men are in dispute, asserting their respective opinions by the free use of cudgels."  Will it ever end?  Another killing of a black man by a police officer, in Atlanta, which had no excuse whatever (he was unarmed, had done nothing violent, and was fleeing, certain to be caught sometime, somewhere, and further, the police had his vehicle!).  Righteous anger is justified, but I hope not the "cudgels."  Without disparaging serious protest in the least, I do not approve brawling for the sake of brawling, which is the taste of some.  "A house on fire at night-time" is another current symbol and suggests that someone is "rash and warlike, inclined to destruction."  "His domestic life will be full of turmoil."  Such is the warning, not the prediction if we are wise.

If we calm ourselves, with the help of Luna sextile Sol, we might resemble "a pool of water, an easy-going person content with only a little.  Rather unstable; fond of home."  There is, however, restless quest with the moon in Aries, so we might be dreaming of "a wide open seascape on which are distant sailing boats."  We could be calm and thoughtful, "yielding but not reduced, gentle but irresistible."  Our reach exceeds our grasp during a Dark Hermetic Epoch.  (The core of it, the Mercury Retrograde three-week period, begins in three days, Thursday the 18th).  So we make the best of it by dreaming, hoping, watching those distant sailboats with the expectation that sometime, somehow they will bring us our fortune.  That is better than arson or "the free use of cudgels."  Maybe a right attitude is irresistible to good fortune. 

At a deeper level we have Neptune in its own sign heavily aspected, tight with Mars, and this could stir up "spiritist phenomena."  That is sensitivity to what we truly desire, with an emphasis on how those desires are shared by others incarnate or transitioned.  It might be literally a sensitiveness to individuals "gone" but alive in another realm.  Less passive, it is "conscious co-operation with the potentials of an immortal reality" (Dr. Jones).  This is "a double promise" because our sensibilities show how "everything in a given situation may be brought into the fullest co-operation with everything else."  We "see the world and self both inwardly and outwardly."  This is phenomenological and pragmatic philosophy, awakened in I-Thou relations, made real in puissant perspective.

{Monday}  ^Fury Subsides into Potent Perspective^

Cosmic Piper

Friday, June 12, 2020

Message for Weekend of June 13-14, and this Month of the Twins

Weekend of June 13-14, and this Month of The Twins (June 20 through July 20)

}Concluding the Month of the Twins{

My research has compelled me to get back to studying the monthly charts based on the sun's presence in each sign of the zodiac, which is after all the basis of our tropical zodiac.  It is not a sidereal (constellation-based zodiac) but it divides the orbit of the earth into twelve equal sections by astro-geometry.  And it works in experience.  That is the crucial point. (These twelve signs coincided with the twelve constellations so named a couple millennia ago but not longer do; however the meanings of the signs adhere to the earth-orbit-based Tropical zodiac, not to the constellations, as anyone can see through observation, and Western astrologers are at one in that conviction.)

The sign Gemini lasts, this year, from June 20 through July 20 (in the Western Hemisphere; I shall not bother to give the exact minute it begins and ends.)  I have found, through seemingly endless research, that the exact midpoint of each sign (when the sun is at 15 degrees 0 minutes of each sign) is the correct basis for a chart "ruling" the entire month.  The positions and aspects of the planets at that moment seem to be relevant for the first day as well as the last day of that month.  That is the basis of what follows.

Since I am not writing in a vacuum, I will be mentioning current events, basing some of the interpretation of the chart on them.  Astrology does not provide a prediction as to exactly what will happen but provides a framework within which to comprehend what has happened and is happening and might happen.  It's a science--a thoughtful, experimental and phenomenological one.  

First, we are in a Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch until July 26, including the whole Gemini month.  1. Everyone is going crazy.  2.  I feel I might be "losing it."  3.  I feel like giving up, everything seems meaningless.  4.  I could pare down, choose more carefully what is essential.  5.  When possible I can give myself freedom to experiment, but not rashly.  5.  I must restrain myself from "quitting" a job, project, or person.  On the positive side:  1.  I am getting amazing intuitions, insights, visions.  2.  I feel the past, present and future merging in an eternal Now.  3.  I see not only the errors of the past but its good features and I remember the people I have loved.  

Secondly, a sort of "rating" system for the months, balancing the easy or soft, pleasant aspects against the hard or challenging ones, gives (by preliminary calculation) a 1.20 rating for Gemini, 1.80 for Cancer (June-July), .86 for Leo (July-Aug), 2.33 for Virgo (Aug-Sept), 1.13 for Libra (Sept-Oct) and .89 for Scorpio (Oct-Nov).  An exact balance between the hard and soft aspects would be 1.00.  It seems that what is very difficult now might be easier in the Crab month (June 21 through July 21), though the Dark or Slow Epoch (hereafter referred to as the DHE) will continue.  Difficulties, however, are to be met rather than evaded, in most cases, even if the way of "meeting" them be transcendental sometimes.  (Google does not know the "if it be . . ." locution, excellent English, so it puts a wavy line under "be transcendental."  Yes Google, be transcendental!)

What are the major features of the Gemini chart, effective since just before the George Floyd tragedy and continuing another week?  Doubtless the square between a sun-Venus conjunction in Gemini and a Mars-Neptune conjunction in Pisces.  It is very close, in fact the sun-Mars square is less than one degree.  This is anger, upset, and possibly violence.  In common signs, it has to do with people and their differences.  Even, we can say, the two Gemini planets, in the Twin sign, suggest the "twins" of black and white, since Gemini is a "dual" sign.  Those intended to be brothers, the police and young black men, are instead seen as enemies because of this square (or rather what the square represents).  Pisces is a good sign, in fact maybe the best by some spiritual standards, but it has come to represent martyrs, the suffering, the persecuted and the imprisoned.  That is to say, in "mundane" astrology or the astrology of current events.  So we have Mars, representing the police, in Pisces representing the oppressed, and the police feel hemmed in and "persecuted" by the oppressed or the protesters.  Mars however can also represent young males, such as the protesters clashing with the police, and Mars with Neptune suggests often an idealistic anarchy which is just what we have been seeing (especially just four blocks from where I write this in Seattle).  Mars---testosterone, a sense of seeking justice or (sadly) revenge---is seeking a reconciliation with Neptune, kindness and self-sacrifice.  This is happening, I believe, on both sides of the divide.  They are not the enemies they might imagine themselves to be.  

In your own life, this strong double-square could manifest as a search for something complex and hard to grasp.  You read, study, search, converse, reaching for something which seems to evade your grasp.  Yet this very quest may be what is good to do during this month.

I can't help mentioning the presence of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn, sign of the knees.  Protesters "take a knee" and some cops have joined them.  Further, those two planets are in a bi-septile aspect with Uranus in Taurus (by less than two degrees, the maximum orb allowed for this aspect).  The septile, bi-septile and tri-septile are peculiar fatal or karmic aspects, and what they signify is hard to fathom in most cases yet it is profound.  Taurus rules the neck and throat, Capridorn the knees.  How sad that this aspect came out, in one of its forms, as the torture-murder of George Floyd.  It has obviously hit a nerve in the mass consciousness, and appropriately so.

The statement "I can't breathe" has been taken up to condemn police oppression, and think about this:  Gemini rules the lungs and breathing.  Mars in Pisces is square the sign of breathing.  "I cant breathe" means "the police are stopping me from breathing," Mars square the lungs.  

That, at a superficial level, covers more profound implications which you could figure out yourself. The planets' positions and motions conceal meanings I feel unable to pull out from them, unless inspired from above.  At the moment that does not seem to be the case.

Charubel's system of clairvoyantly derived symbols appears to fit this monthly chart perfectly.  "A new moon on a very dark sky" denotes "a very gloomy life, and one likely to die before he passes his prime."  That's the symbol for Uranus in Taurus, sign of the neck and throat, and we can see that it applies to one now-famous individual whom the world mourns.  The result of this crime?  "Two swords crossing each other," "litigations and quarrels."  Indeed.  And what are some of the less-wise, more-arrogant protesters accomplishing?  Climbing "stairs with a landing and handrail at the top, which leads to nowhere."  Says Charubel: "One having lofty aspirations and superior abilities, but he seldom performs anything of real benefit to himself or others, save affording himself a certain amount of self-amusement."  And who is watching all this spectacle?  "A spider in the corner of a room intently watching the giddy dance of silly flies as they heedlessly approach the confines of his dominions."  This is said to be a detective or lawyer.  Donald J. Trump has a birth-planet in that degree.  

But we also have "A field of ripe corn" denoting "A very fortunate person, more especially about middle life, when fortune smiles on him and an abundance is his lot."  Actually the stock market has done quite well.  And the employment figures have gone up somewhat.  Most are getting by at least, and sometimes with unexpected benefits from here or there.  "A man walking in darkness with an old-fashioned lantern" sounds like everyone in a Dark Epoch.  But Charubel says this individual "finds his way out of every difficulty, guided by a divine instinct, having implicit faith in those religious truths as taught by his forefathers."  Old-fashioned indeed; I plead guilty.  Finally, "The trunk of a large tree covered with moss, and hollow."  "A romantic; he will probably be the last of his race."  Could that be I?  A lone astrologer toiling to write a forecast almost no one reads, those who do unknown to him?  Probably, yet I remain

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 13 June 2020
Moon in Pisces-->Aries
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:46a PT | 8:46a ET | 12:46p UT
until it enters Aries at 2:04p PT | 5:04p ET | 9:04p UT

Sunday 14 June 2020
Moon in Aries
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week begins at 8:21p PT | 11:21p ET | 3:21a(M) UT (until Wednesday morning)