Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Message for Wednesday 9 May 2018

Wednesday 9 May 2018

~From Chaos to Cure~

Moon in Pisces

An indescribable scene; chaos, confusion, dissolving views.   Marked defect of intellect; or insanity. Weak intellect or idiocy.   c

A serpent with many heads, all in a circle, with fangs protruding.   A pest and a terror to society, unless overruled by benefics; a curse to relations and acquaintances.  The cursed degree of the so-called cursed sign; yet even this may have its purposes.   c

A crow, or raven, stands upon a water-pot.   A designing and crafty nature, planning mischief even in regard to harmless things. But will eventually injure himself by his own designs.   b

A woman stands in an attitude of dejection and  covers her otherwise naked breast with the hair of her head.   Great sorrow; deserted by friends and left to own resources. Betrayed confidence, bereavement or blighted hopes.   Perilous. 

A large archaic volume.   Background.   s

A large aviary.   Community.   s

A large flag on a flag-staff, fixed on the top of a very high mountain.   Rising from a very low degree to eminence.   c

No doubt the first four symbols seem ominous. Perhaps they are the demons of fear we need to exorcise.  We are not idiots and not insane, yet may think we are at certain moments when things get chaotic. The many-headed serpent is the symbol of Mars in Defense Secretary James Mattis's birth chart, so "it has its uses" indeed; he was called "Mad Dog Mattis" at one time but is, by many accounts, doing a good job at restraining President Trump's war-proneness. That is not the only degree in his chart, of course, but he is not afraid of being a terror to terrorists.  The raven, unless merely a humorist, could cause mischief--is he in you or a friend? Perhaps unconscious tendencies in either. No wonder the woman covering her breast with her hair feels betrayed. 

I try to avoid the too-easy demonization of Trump; there are plenty enough to do that; but they and perhaps you may see the first three symbols as representing him in some of his perilous current choices such as tariffs and the Iran nuclear policy and so on. 

But the final three symbols speak of uplift, first through historic, philosophic or spiritual background, the archaic volume granting insight and inspiration; then through our contemporary community, the "aviary;" and finally through rising to eminence, as a flag on a mountain flagstaff, by overcoming the foregoing obstacles.  Leaders though at first invisible may emerge.

{Wednesday}  ~From Chaos to Cure~

Cosmic Piper

"Evil men will never be changed by emphasizing every evil in them, either by pushing them further out of normal human company or overdramatizing the given evil, but will be reclaimed by definite good will towards them and a dramatization of their better potentials."   --Marc Edmund Jones

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