Friday, May 18, 2018

Message for Saturday 19 May 2018

Saturday 19 May 2018

~Recuperation Through Loyalty~

I begin by reviewing what has happened so far during this week's |difficult or karmically challenging third| of the week. The times for it were given yesterday together with the center of it and the 24 hour span girdling it.

Well, just before those 24 hours began I was out doing errands and things were good. A sunny day. I came home as the difficult period began and did feel some depression and worry. I wondered a little why I was worried about certain things but when I remember that the |difficult third| had begun I felt better. Not that the worries were pointless, but that I could handle them easier knowing they were part of a pattern of things which is trying to make me more aware and more conscious of who I am and what I am doing. The |difficult third| has a beneficent purpose, like bitter medicine.

So I did my regular spiritual reading late in the day before sleep. Then a ruckus began outside my window, where a neighboring building has a parking lot. Loud voices shouting at one another in a foreign language (Muslim immigrants, who make more noise than anyone in this neighborhood). Then a car revving up again and again. Finally I looked out and the man of the family was working on the engine of one car with the headlights of two others turn on him for illumination. After a half hour of noise just when many would be trying to go to sleep (these individuals don't seem to realize they are impacting the lives of a hundred or more neighbors, or don't care), welcome silence again. Well, the |difficult third| hit this man as annoying car trouble, impelling him to shout at his wife and her to shout back for a long time. Par for the course. It hit the neighbors as annoying interruption of their sleep or rest.

The next morning was a dark and dreary one, whereas for several days we had had wonderful sunny weather. I have said countless times here that there is more inclement weather, more cloudy weather and more precipitation during the |difficult third| of each week. I stand by that; it happened again today. It's near noon and still thickly cloudy skies. This has been true no matter where I have lived--New York, Michigan, Florida, Colorado and Seattle. Check it out, meteorologists!  (They won't.) Yet, how can one say that precipitation is bad? It is obviously needed for plants and crops! So again, it's like the "bitter medicine," something needed but not welcomed. 

Then, when I opened my browser to look at the news, I saw the horrible school shooting, this time in Texas. Yes, these insanities happen more often during the |difficult third| periods as I have pointed out over and over here. (9/11/2001 and the day of the assassination of JFK are two notable examples.)  The shooting was at 7:45 a.m. Texas time (Central) and the very center, or technical high point of the |difficult third| was  Friday at 4:33a PT | 7:33a ET | 11:33a UT as reported in Friday's forecast.  That was 6:33 a.m. Texas time, just when the killer was arming himself and getting ready to go to the school to do the unthinkable. The "bad moods" or "doubts" or "depressions" most of us experience at these times can become in the mind of someone very disturbed despair, fear, and rage amounting to homicide or suicide or both.  

Saturday's data (May 19, 2018):
Moon in Cancer-->Leo
|Karmically difficult or challenging third| of this week ends at 8:28a PT | 11:28a ET | 3:28p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 2:15p PT | 5:15p ET | 9:15p UT
until it enters Leo at 4:12p PT | 7:12p ET | 11:12p UT

A powerful man, holding a scourge in his right hand, and driving two slaves in manacles.   A tyrant who takes delight in power. Opinions bigoted and selfish. Bad after-death karma for this tyrant.   Despotism.   b

A crucifix.   Be careful. A life full of strange events, and liable to grievous accidents.   c

An unexpected thunderstorm.   Accident.   s  

A battered hulk lying upon the seashore.   Battered by winds of adversity. Misery and abandonment. Wandering and rudderless drifting upon troubled waters. Fortunes in danger of ruin. A derelict from the great sea of life.   Abandonment.   b

A furled and an unfurled flag displayed from a vessel.   Adaptability.   s 

The trunk of a large tree covered with moss, and hollow.   A romantic degree. One who will outlive the other members of his family; he will probably be the last of his race.   c

A well-fruited vine hanging upon an old wall beneath the sunshine of a summer day.   Tender sympathies and strong attachments; capable of extreme self-devotion to one who is beloved. Fruitful in good acts, happy and contented in disposition. Enough of the good things of life used wisely. Marries well. Abides long in one place with strong associations to country and kin.   Sympathy.   b

The first four symbols are too intense, and need to be taken with a grain of salt. Of course it is possible that for some individuals somewhere on the globe life will be this trying, but not for most of us.  Perhaps the "battered hulk" is the state ultimately forced upon the cruel tyrant by the laws of karma. The "accidents," then, are not really such from the viewpoint of Final Cause (ultimate purpose). Even the "battered hulk" is resting on the seashore, done with its ordeal, and perhaps the "furled and unfurled flag" can be displayed from it,  a signal that it can be renovated. Being adaptable in the presence of difficult karma allows us to rise beyond it.

The final two symbols are heartening and connect with Venus's entrance into Cancer today, a sign of family and traditions.  Some of the harshness of the other symbols might have to do with Venus's also beginning her opposition with Saturn, which will increase until the 26th, and then decrease until ending on June 3. It is always a test of love and faith. It is often related to family because it is a "loyalty" aspect, that is, one gravitates to those who have already stood the test of loyalty, family or solid friends who feel like family. And so despite the discomfort connected with it it has its advantages. We need to go deeper to find how to keep loving those who are connected with us despite their disturbing or seemingly incompatible aspects. One way to look at this is, "I could not do better, anyway, this is destined, so must be content with these individuals and love them as they are." Then one is living the final symbol of the day as beautifully elucidated by Sepharial. 

{Saturday}  ~Recuperation through Loyalty~

Cosmic Piper

b: Signor Borelli, 19th century clairvoyant; interpreted by Sepharial who was Walter Gorn Old
c: Charubel, 19th century clairvoyant who was John Thomas
s: Sabian symbols which came through psychic Elsie Wheeler, interpreted by Marc Edmund Jones

The symbols and their interpretation are intended to apply basically during the hours from dawn to midnight. Often a planet will move from one degree to another during the day, so I use a time near mid-afternoon for all of them, so that they shall be exactly right during most, often all, of the daylight hours. The period from midnight to dawn could partake of the nature of either day or both. 

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