Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Message for Thursday 31 May 2018

Thursday 31 May 2018

\Human Becomes Humane/

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn
/moon is void-of-course
until it enters Capricorn at 2:28a PT | 5:28a ET | 9:28a UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week is with us until early Saturday morning
The center of that period is today at 5:52p PT | 8:52p ET | 12:52a(F) UT
and so the most difficult 24 hours of the week from this perspective would be from 12 hours before until 12 hours after that minute.

A dais on which is set a throne, on the cushion of which a dog is lying asleep.   Idle habits. Work and care are foreign and distasteful. Will, whether by watchfulness force or strategy, attain to a good position and hold offices for which he is not qualified. Often a mere charlatan. Hides under a passive and indifferent exterior a vicious and spiteful nature.   Usurpation.   b

Two bulls fighting.  Disagreeable, unsociable, a fault-finder. Doesn't talk without argument and doesn't' argue without losing temper; hypercritical.   c

A triangle, whose base-line is three-fourths the length of one of its sides, having a small circular figure at the extremity of each of the angles.   An extraordinary character, not easily understood. He appears destitute of that force one would suppose he possessed. Some defect in the outward organism which impedes development on the outer plane. Of this he is conscious. Therefore a little deceptive. An eminent financier. Shrewdness, the leading trait in a man of the world. Lacking in the moral or religious principle.   c

A performer of a mystery play.   Subtlety.   s

A group of vagrants or gypsies, seated around a cauldron in which food is preparing.   A person of alien type, whose fortunes will be fickle and whose happiness will be centered in his family. Sensuousness; excess in the satisfaction of the appetites. Will leave native land and wander over the world, never satisfied with things as they are. Ever seeking, will leave many golden opportunities behind.   Excess.   b

A group of people who have overeaten and enjoyed it.  Satiety.   s

A cup or goblet from which rays of ruddy light are emitted.   Kind and benevolent. Generous and humane disposition. Eager to befriend and comfort those in distress. The grandeur and spiritual loftiness of this soul attracts many friends. The work of charity and benevolence increases till it enfolds all mankind.   Humaneness.   b

This most difficult day of the week, from some viewpoints, has appropriate symbols. You may be sure you are not a "mere charlatan" but you might wonder sometimes if you are hypocritical; or you will see this in someone important to you. (I knew someone who had the "dog on a throne" symbol prominent in his birthchart and he indeed carried out the interpretation of that symbol to a T. Still, he was a friend.) 

The peculiar character who is shrewd but "lacking in the moral or religious principle" is similar; and his worldly success would fit with the moon plus Saturn in Capricorn, sometimes a signal of worldly but soul-less success. Yet all participate in the "mystery play" that is our world. The vagrants around a cauldron are the opposite of the businessman, leaving golden opportunities behind for a momentary taste of sensuousness. That is reflected also by the more respectable group of people who might look down on the vagrants but have also enjoyed overeating. When people get irritated by one another's contrary life-styles they might fight like the two bulls, turning hypocritical into hypercritical. 

The final symbol suggests a transcendence of the preceding. The shrewd businessman becomes a philanthropist. The gypsies or vagrants may receive largess from a generous humanity, yet they too are human and can be kind and generous in turn. Thinking of it all as "a mystery play" might help us meet challenges with poise and nobility.

{Thursday} /Human Becomes Humane\

Cosmic Piper

b: Signor Borelli, 19th century clairvoyant; interpreted by Sepharial who was Walter Gorn Old
c: Charubel, 19th century clairvoyant who was John Thomas
s: Sabian symbols which came through psychic Elsie Wheeler, interpreted by Marc Edmund Jones

The symbols and their interpretation are intended to apply basically during the hours from dawn to midnight. Often a planet will move from one degree to another during the day, so I use a time near mid-afternoon for all of them, so that they shall be exactly right during most, often all, of the daylight hours. The period from midnight to dawn could partake of the nature of either day or both.

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