Monday, June 13, 2016

Forecast for Tuesday 14 June 2016

Tuesday 14 June 2016

}Opening Toward Advantage{

Moon in Libra
< Moon in the Via Combusta (uncertainty, need for reassurance, dicey situations) 

Things may get better through the day and into the evening, because Luna will be forming a trine with both the sun and Venus. However, on the way to that is her opposition with Uranus, a little dicey because it can be short tempers, people insisting on their own way when that seems questionable. We need to appreciate the fact that everyone is different and that our own differences do not make us automatically superior to everyone else. Of course, neither do theirs make them superior, which they may forget. 

But the trines should ease that tension. There should be an amorous mood. There is good judgment in purchases of enjoyable items, or clothes and beautiful objects. There is much easy drift into social or semi-social situations, joking with strangers or feeling akin to them, letting things happen in an atmosphere where all feel equally appreciated. 

The T square focused on Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius continues an undercurrent of serious struggle with one's purpose in life and the people, agencies, groups or teachings which help one to manifest that purpose. One can see that each problem is an opening into an advantage once one has learned to deal with it appropriately. There could be a feeling that one has a career or mission to aid people sympathetically, telepathically, spiritually, magically (because of interesting aspects to Neptune the planet, often, of the shaman). 

Business matters could be reaching fulfillment, with Jupiter's trine to Pluto increasing by the day. The two quincunxes focused on Mars retrograde in Scorpio (making a Yod configuration called "the finger of G*d" by the old astrologers) suggest that something concerning finances is being worked out or settled decisively. Money is one thing which makes people feel free. Those lacking it need to find their freedom in some other way, which requires ingenuity and spiritual resourcefulness. 

The luck of Venus and the sun nonagen Jupiter chooses the lucky one willy-nilly. It could be you.

The orangutan does not like the X ray machine
And sends it crashing to the floor. Natural remedies
Are what he prefers. He reads a picture book
By the light of a lamp in his cave-study.

The young man sitting on a barren rock by the sea
Weeps through his loneliness and the absence of the one
Love of his life. He wanted to be her support
Forever, a pillar of strength (reduced to philosophy). 

A promenade of folks decked out in snazzy clothes
Passes by and the weeper eyes it with contempt. 
It lacks the one thing needful. What love in such display? 
The orangutan leaves his cave to dance with the crowd.

The weeper forces his mind to his love and grief.
The orangutan welcomes the festive parade and joins in. 

{Tuesday}  {Opening Toward Advantage}

Cosmic Piper

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