Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Forecast for Thursday 23 June 2016

Thursday 23 June 2016

}Re-Hingeing Justice{

Moon in Aquarius   ***

It is a hard time to make predictions. There are a lot of so-called minor aspects which look troublesome. Yet we are in the period from June 22 through July 15 I have pointed out as a happy time. 

The bi-septile of Venus and Saturn is especially hard, as are all aspects between those two planets. It lasts another day. One can find something to mourn about. Something to feel down about. Some suffering or tragedy one can relate to, or memories from the past, or inadequacies in the present. 

There is also a sesqui-square (bi-octile) between Venus and Mars. Love, where hast thou flown? Those who ought to be loving toward each other are instead irritated, it seems. Unless they enjoy some sort of sado-masochism.

Then the Mars-Uranus quincunx we have elaborated upon already. Tonight it took the form of more violence in my mind--because for months I have been intending to watch the Netflix series Making a Murderer, and tonight I felt it inevitable that I watch the first episode. I am very glad I did, but of course it is not pleasant stuff. If you don't know, it's a documentary about a man sent to prison for 18 years for a crime he did not commit, and then much more trouble after that. If you haven't seen it, I certainly recommend at least the first episode, which shows how horribly evil our "criminal injustice system" can be even in as supposedly enlightened a state as Wisconsin. It was only The Innocence Project which finally liberated this man. And that is dear to my heart for I have been a frequent donor to it for quite a few years. It is fascinating that I finally started watching this series under the aegis of the Mars-Uranus quincunx which shows, in a word, cruelty, too often. Police and prosecutors deliberately, falsely, and cruelly put this man behind bars in the prime of his life while he had a beloved wife and five children. They knew what they were doing and had no good motive for it. 

I do not believe that this three-star day is very good for fun or entertainment. I have to be the grinch again. It is good for serious stuff, whatever that may be in your life.

They call him Nowhere Man, not sure of anything but that
The world has done him wrong. Yet he gets inspired
When he does his work forging and shaping metals.
He has an equally masterful touch when countering litigants.

When the volcano erupts, the crowds come down the mountain
To listen to the man they trust. He leads them
As if they were docile deer, yet undeceived by any
Deception he or anyone could perpetrate.

The woman misled by counterfeit love, mere seduction,
Is like a grounded dove attacked by a looming
Hissing snake. Nowhere Man, happening on the scene,
Explodes in indignation. Some volcanoes spew out justice.

The prophet speaking in the plain insists the terror is past.
Whether high or low, the remnant form a nucleus.

{Thursday} {Re-Hingeing Justice}

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  If you pray, please pray for those in prison, especially those falsely accused or unjustly sentenced. There are far too many of them.

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