Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Forecast for Wednesday 2 September 2015

Wednesday 2 September 2015

\Holding to Harmonious Ideals/

Moon in Taurus   ***
(moon enters Taurus at 2:03a PT | 5:03a ET | 9:03a UT; void-of-course before that)

The stock market, as I write, after a horrid 3 per cent drop Tuesday, is poised, according to the Futures report in the WSJ, to shoot up tomorrow (Wednesday). This is a harrowing time for the investor who does not feel comfortable about his long-term strategy. If the Market in fact billows upward tomorrow it would fit with the day's aspects: Luna in Taurus, a money sign, trine Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter and the sun in Virgo (all earth signs). While today (Tuesday) the Market took a devastating plunge while the moon was void-of-course in Aries. This of course does not always happen, so that, as I have said repeatedly, I do not claim to predict the Market, although sometimes one can see these patterns. 

Individuals may feel prosperous today or enjoy spending on their homes, for food and satisfactions of varying sorts. The sun's trine with Pluto helps in business. 

Tuesday's void-of-course period, most of the day, duly reported in the forecast for Tuesday posted Monday evening, was a case study in void-of-course, for me. I struggled to get things done, and did get them done, but I felt as if I was in some kind of limbo or peculiar shifting dream-life. For a while my refrigerator stopped working, which was very strange, but then a couple of hours later started working again. That is one of the odd mechanical flip-flops we expect during Mercury Retrograde periods, but they happen with almost equal frequency in the whole Dark Hermetic Epoch (until October 24) of which the Mercury Retrograde cycle is the core but not the entirety.

I noted a strange silence, as if no one wanted to dare to communicate during that v-of-c period (all afternoon and evening Tuesday in North America). That could have been wise, for often people say things which have no applicability during those times. That silence was fortified by the oppositions of the sun and Jupiter with Neptune, a planet of sleep--of course that is only one of its personas, its Morpheus quality. People wonder what indeed they are doing or if it makes any sense or if it might be just as well to sleep and dream. Oddly enough, the TV show I watched (I need a little entertainment it seems, like everyone) showed people taking LSD. Right on target with the Neptune aspects--it can be recreational drugs or therapeutic ones or badly used or misused ones or poisons such as too much alcohol. I felt a strong urge to go out and buy some alcoholic drink in late afternoon, but fought off the urge. So there, Neptune! (People can do stupid things while the moon is void-of-course.) Of course we cannot blame the planet or the god for the bad use we make of its or his energies. At best it is a planet or he is a god of bliss of the highest spiritual sort. 

The "religious problems" I mentioned in the September 1-15 report are with us; I was feeling them today; but by remaining loyal to the teachers and teachings who and which have served me for decades I survived the period of doubt or questioning. Usually we do not need to change our spiritual guides but to go deeper into their teachings and find the pearls of great price we have been unable to detect before. 

A reader pointed out that the discussion of "religious problems" and the difficulties of religious or spiritual dialogue, in the September 1-15 report issued yesterday, fits very well with the Pope's planned journey and agenda later this month. Yes indeed, and I was not at all thinking of that when I wrote the report, merely commenting on what the planetary set-up ought to mean. Another small indication of the validity of astrology. 

A focus on travel is likely for many. Others will think of far-off places while working within their own homes to get them in happier condition. 

The bi-septiles between Venus and Saturn, and Mars and Saturn, bring out a fatality in regard to love. That is, love is fated, destined, in some ways, yet seems to be denied (Saturn). Mars and Venus separating in Leo while forming that peculiar aspect with Saturn might suggest we need to let go of our clinging to love-objects or treat them more spiritually, loving them more deeply with the love which can let them have their own best interests at heart rather than ours. Of course, there does not have to be a conflict between the two but there might appear to be temporarily.

What is the real and what is the ideal, we ask ourselves? We can make the ideal real, which might be defined as the purpose of human life, if we are spiritual seekers and are patient with ourselves and others and life as a whole while yet we insist on the higher way.

If we avoid the pitfalls pointed out, there could be a lot of welcome peace and harmony today.

{Wednesday} /Holding To Harmonious Ideals\

Cosmic Piper

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