Friday, September 11, 2015

Forecast for Friday 11 September 2015

Friday 11 September 2015

\Tolerance of Others and Self/

Moon in Leo-->Virgo
/void-of-course for a little more than an hour * / |  before it
enters Virgo at 6:57a PT | 9:57a ET | 1:57p UT   * |

A one-star day but there is no need for despair. There are a lot of readjustments. People's illnesses, disabilities or other problems may weigh on you. That's an opportunity to care about them or pray for or with them, or keep hoping for something better for them and yourself. 

The last days of an Old Moon (the New will be very late Saturday or early Sunday depending on time zone) are sometimes lackluster, or can be used for extra rest and for treating oneself gently. We do not have to conquer the world at these times. 

I have found that I tend to slack off in my exercise program in these last few days of the lunar cycle, but since I detected that I am keeping myself on the program definitively. My body seems to need the exercise every day. It's possible during the Old Moon, of course, but still you may need to rest more at other moments of the day. "Power naps" are often a good idea. 

Some people may turn up who are friendly even if their problems also turn up with them. We can start out with tolerance of one another and then try to move ahead to deeper understanding---caritas or love. The sun, moon, and Jupiter in Virgo emphasize caring for one another. At worst that can be meddling or being officious. What people need and what you think they need could be two different things. But we can try to "get it." 

People are looking for principles to hold on to. Where they choose to find them is important, of course. I do not find that people are very smart at that. They choose some superficial popular self-help author instead of the Scriptures, for example. Instead they could choose Sri Aurobindo who is even better than most Scriptures unless those Scriptures are understood from a deep spiritual level few are able to attain. I study a chapter of the Gospels and a Psalm every day. I have also studied a chapter of the Bhagavad Gita daily at times. All this is more important than astrology.

You may want to use your intelligence to figure out where you are right now in relation to your career. That is important because on Thursday the 17th Mercury turns retrograde and we may be having too many doubts about ourselves and our programs, agendas, or ambitions. Today Mercury is in a strong position and you could arrive at useful conclusions about how you intend to proceed for the next six weeks of the Dark Hermetic Epoch (until October 24). This cannot be hewn in stone but it can be good temporary solace for any confusion you have been feeling. 

{Friday} /Tolerance of Others and Self\

Cosmic Piper

P. S. I agree with Max Heindel that "An undevout astrologer is mad." So I have to announce my spiritual orientation here frequently. "I have preached righteousness in the great congregation: lo, I have not refrained my lips, O Lord, thou knowest. I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation: I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth from the great congregation."  --Psalm 40: 9,10  I say this even though yesterday I read, in The New Yorker online, an opinion piece by a "scientist" insisting that all scientists ought to be militant atheists. Yes, that is what he said. Never mind the Christian and other scientists who believe there is abundant evidence of intelligent design in the universe! And so by quoting that Psalm I separate myself totally from that "scientistic militant atheism" which is becoming more and more prevalent in the so-called intellectual media such as The New Yorker. I dropped my subscription to it years ago. Anti-spirituality is wicked, but perhaps worse, it is utterly boorish and boring!

C. P.

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