Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Forecast for Thursday 10 September 2015

Thursday 10 September 2015

^Cheerful Resignation^

Moon in Leo  
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues (until mid-day Saturday)    ** |

I have not said a whole lot about Donald Trump or any of the other Presidential candidates. But we do have a solidly authenticated birth-chart for Trump, and his remarks about Carly Fiorina's appearance, publicized Wednesday, seem way "over the top" to me--you don't insult a woman's appearance, or even a man's, and expect to be taken seriously. Still, Trump gets away with a lot. He has the sun in Gemini and the moon in Sagittarius. Here is some of what Grant Lewi said about this combination (one of 144 possible sun-moon combinations), in the 1930s before Trump was born (in his masterpiece Heaven Knows What):

"You're a romantic. . . . Things at a distance make an appeal to you with the result that you are always on the move . . . [It's O.K. if] your yarn-spinning stays in the realm of the imagination purely, but when you apply that imagination of yours to your friends and start to tell tall tales about them--look out! You love to hold the center of the stage and to appear to know the inside dope on any and all subjects--with the result that what you say is frequently unreliable. Not that you mean to tell untruths, but your imagination is so vivid that you really believe what you say and can make others believe it. . . . A tendency to tell all you know and to invent what you don't know is likely to get you into trouble. There isn't an ounce of malice in your nature, but you can set whole neighborhoods by the ears with a carelessly dropped hint of scandal. . . . You need mental training . . . some definite, set line of study . . . will do much to overcome restlessness. You are popular, lively and gay in company, very expressive, and a pretty good listener. Your facility in speech and movement makes you a good actor while your peculiar brand of tact makes it possible for you to succeed in a business or political career. You are a hard person to pin down and can get around a good many situations that would stump others. But you aren't invulnerable and are likely to meet your match some day . . . "

Let's have a resounding round of applause for astrologer Grant Lewi who wrote this about Trump (and the 1 out of 144 members of the human race with his sun-moon combination) decades ago!  It seems supernaturally accurate. (Of course it is not, and does not pretend to be, a complete run-down on his horoscope.) 

I reported here a few days ago that Trump's popularity now is due partly to the presence of both Venus and Mars in his rising sign Leo and his first house, and that in my view the test for him may come in October, so that if he is still a viable candidate by Halloween he has a chance to be the nominee. This does not seem likely, but we shall see. 

The |difficult third| of this week centers in today and early Friday (Luna's square with Saturn). From Leo to Scorpio, it can be a door shut on inappropriate pleasures. Or it might be melancholic thoughts about how brief or limited many human relationships are, or a sense of separation from someone through distance, as if one of you is imprisoned almost. Writing about that might be good, to loosen your feelings and perceptions and reduce worry. 

Yet Venus has some good aspects, a trine with Uranus, increasing, and a sextile with Mercury. In terms of happy human relations, this will have a chance to manifest better on Saturday and Sunday. But today could be a time to say firmly "I am going to have a good time no matter what"--provided the "good time" is really good in an ethical as well as pleasurable sense. 

Perceptions are sharp and quick, but you may feel that others "just don't get it" and be disappointed in them. People are reconnoitering within themselves and so may seem "off in their own worlds." 

Limitations may seem unaccountable or hard to fathom. A resigned philosophic attitude could help: "This just has to be done because it has to be done." Stoicism. Then when a lot is finished, happier feelings will come, even if you happen to be alone.

{Thursday} ^Cheerful Resignation^

Cosmic Piper

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